How to turn off notifications on a Sberbank card. How to disable Sberbank SMS alerts

“Dear” gentlemen from Sberbank, I already knew that in terms of causing problems to your clients, you do not suffer from a lack of creativity, but, seriously, maybe that’s enough? Maybe you can try to work like a human being? Well, what the hell is it, what if you like it?

I can write odes about double debits, jammed cards, double commissions and other entertainment events arranged for me over the past two months by your client-oriented office! And so I thought that I could breathe out. Yeah, right now!

The leadership of our wonderful country decided that all govt. offices simply desperately need a “world” card, which your no less wonderful bank opened for me as part of salary project. In this regard, the issue of combining cards for mobile banking has become urgent. I addressed this question to your employee at the branch on Seleznevskaya. By clearly saying that I want to combine cards and ask that the fee be charged for " Mobile bank"once per visa.

The girl poked at the buttons and declared that she had done everything. Already on the subway, I receive a message:

11/14/2017 "Dear client, Mobile Bank (full package) is connected to your MIR-6561 card. Connected cards: MIR6561, VISA9152, VISA0639 (seized by an ATM, as a result of a technical failure so beloved by this bank and blocked), VISA6457, MAES6651 ( closed and blocked in the summer of 2017)"

WONDERFUL! “Maxim didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.” Well, God bless you if your employees are rather deaf. If you provide employment for the deaf and hard of hearing, kudos to you. Peace, so peace. How, however, cards that have been missing for a long time ended up on this list is a great mystery.

12/09/2017 "Payment for mobile bank MIR6561"

I called and asked what was going on? I, like in Russian, asked to combine the cards a month ago. The “competent” girl on the phone starts bleating something about a “confusing situation.” After a long conversation, the girl says that she has disabled all inactive cards. Under dictation, we check all my cards with her (salary world, debit visa, credit visa) Once again, just in case, I clarify whether the mobile bank will be debited ONE TIME from the VISA CARD?

I get an affirmative answer.

Today, January 10, 2018, I receive the message: “Due to non-payment of the mobile bank, the alert service has been stopped, to resume, top up your MIR6561 card account.”

I'm going to the department to say everything I think on this subject. Along the way, I go to the ATM to withdraw money. I'm filming. Another SMS arrives:

"The alert service has been resumed. The commission will be debited from the VISA6561 card in the near future"

“Dear” gentlemen from Sberbank, I won’t upset you too much if I say that I DO NOT have a VISA6561 card and NEVER HAD!

I go to the operator no longer even with a demand, with a plea to stop this nonsense! Another girl offers another brilliant idea: turn everything off for a day, and then come and do everything as needed, so to speak, “from scratch.”

Oh, yes of course! I have nowhere to spend my free time, really! It’s not at all difficult for me to walk three times to the branch and hang on the phone for an hour and a half to combine cards.

Just think about it: the twenty-first century, I don’t need a metal account, not a complex conversion, not a transfer to countries near and far abroad. I ask to COMBINE CARDS FOR MOBILE BANKING! FOR THE THIRD MONTH IN A ROW!

When registering a card, each Sberbank client has the opportunity to immediately activate the SMS notification service. You can customize it for yourself or refuse notifications altogether. But first, it’s worth understanding in detail what benefits SMS informing gives the user.

Cost and rules of Sberbank SMS alerts

Sberbank has provided 2 service options for its clients:

  • "Full package;
  • "Economical".

The complete package allows you to keep your finger on the pulse of your current account at all times. But his service is paid. Thus, for Instant card holders, the subscription fee is 30 rubles per month. Owners of “Classic” cards pay 60 rubles per month. And only clients with a “Gold Card” use SMS information for free.

The “Economy” package does not provide for a subscription fee for service, but also has a much more modest list functionality. With it you can block the card, view credit limit and request an account or card statement. Such requests are paid: information on the account balance - 5 rubles, a detailed statement of the last 10 transactions - 15 rubles.

Changing the tariff to free “Economy”

For those Sberbank clients who actively use their cards, the “Full” tariff is more profitable. But for students or retirees, even 60 rubles a month may seem like a significant amount. Created especially for them free package"Economical".

For the convenience of its clients, the credit institution has developed several options for disabling alerts. This feature is available to all users, it is free and hassle-free.

There are several ways to disable Sberbank SMS notifications:

  • Visit to the bank.
  • Through the Sberbank Online service.
  • Disconnection by call or request.
  • Selecting a different mobile banking tariff.

The simplest and most obvious option is to visit a representative office credit organization. Have your passport, card and phone number with you. An employee will explain the process of canceling the service and show you how to take the necessary actions. According to the statement, he will perform the operation himself. The shutdown process will take some time, after which the client will receive a notification on his mobile phone. The service is provided free of charge.

Through Sberbank Online

If you don’t have the time or energy to stand in line at a credit institution, you can disable the option in the following ways:

  • Via computer or phone.
  • Using electronic and mechanical devices.

Through your personal account on the website from a computer or phone

To deactivate notifications from a computer, the user must go to the official website of the credit institution. Log in to the Sberbank Online resource through your personal account. The page has a “Settings” menu (a standard small gear), by selecting “Security and Access”, the client enters the account transaction control system. In the “Confirmation of login to Sberbank Online” item, uncheck the box. A deactivation code is sent to your phone number, which must be entered to confirm the operation.

An alternative to notifications is to enable the “Password from receipt” option. Its essence lies in maintaining a password, which is printed on a receipt when logging into the system through a terminal or ATM.

Deactivating automatic notifications from your phone occurs in a similar way using the same resource and turning off the mobile bank.

Via electronic-mechanical devices

Refuse the service through an ATM or terminal that supports this option, you can do it quickly and easily. To do this, you will need to enter the card into the device, after entering the PIN code, you need to go to the service, for this you need a password and identifier. In the “Mobile Bank” menu you can block this option.

Confirmation comes via a notification from the bank to your phone.

Disconnection by call or request to number 900

You can disable notification by sending an SMS to number 900 with the following content: “service blocking (without space), space, last 4 digits of the card account.” The commands BLOKIROVKAUSLUG and BLOCKSERVICE operate similarly.

After disconnection, the bank notifies the client about this.

You can carry out this operation by calling the hotline 8-800-555-55-50, the operator will redirect the client to the contact center. The bank employee will need the following information: account number, CVC, details of its owner, card expiration date and code word.

Choosing a different mobile banking tariff

If the client does not need the service, he can disconnect his phone number from the mobile bank. This is done using any of the methods listed above.

It may also be beneficial for him to connect to another service package that does not have an information function. In the “Economy” tariff, account transactions are provided to the user only upon his request (a paid service).

Tariff changes are carried out through terminals and ATMs, in personal account, upon request via SMS message to number 900 text: economical (space) last digits of the account.

Notifications from financial company allow you to control the maintenance of a card account, so the need to refuse the service is justified only when changing telephone number. You can connect another number only at a company branch.

After refusing notifications, the user can always connect the mobile bank back, performing the same actions.

Turning off Sberbank SMS alerts using the Sberbank Online service is not difficult. In this case, the user loses the opportunity to timely control any transactions on the account, which can lead to a negative result.

In Russia, the most famous, large and stable bank is Sberbank. It serves thousands of clients every day. Features of this financial organization almost limitless. The corporation's services include sending reminders, alerts and working with the "Mobile Bank" option. All this makes life much easier. But sometimes you have to think about how to turn off SMS notifications. Sberbank offers several options for refusing such a service. Each of them will be discussed below.

Ways to refuse the service

Today, you can activate SMS alerts and cancel them in just a few minutes. The most popular ways to activate/deactivate an option are the following methods:

  • using an ATM/payment terminal from Sberbank;
  • via telephone;
  • via SMS request;
  • independent submission of an application to any branch of the mentioned organization;
  • through the Sberbank Online service.

The client can choose how to disable SMS notifications. Sberbank will suspend the provision of the mentioned service under any method.

ATMs and terminals

The most popular scenario is the use of payment terminals and ATMs. With their help, clients themselves are able to disable the alert system from Sberbank.

What will you have to do? Necessary:

  1. Find any working terminal or ATM. Paste into it plastic card, tied to a mobile phone. Start working with the device.
  2. In the main menu of the device, select "Mobile Bank".
  3. Go to the "Disable" section.
  4. Confirm your actions.

After some time the man mobile phone You will receive a message indicating that Mobile Bank has been successfully disabled. Fast, simple, convenient.

The Internet has come to the rescue

How to disable the "SMS notification" service? Sberbank allows you to use the Internet to realize your idea. You must first register on the Sberbank Online service.

To refuse any notifications from Sberbank, you must:

  1. Login to the service " Sberbank Online" under your profile.
  2. Go to the client's "Personal Account".
  3. Find “Mobile Banking” at the bottom of the page. Click on the appropriate line.
  4. Select "Disable" and confirm the operation.
  5. In the "Personal Account" set the status of other reminders (for example, the need to pay for housing and communal services) in the "Off" position.

The proposed algorithm allows you to refuse, as already mentioned, all notifications: both those issued by the client independently and those sent through the “Mobile Bank” option.

Personal appeal

The next way to solve the problem is to personally contact the Sberbank office to implement the idea. To do this you need to have with you:

  • passport;
  • bank card;
  • mobile phone.

Usually this is enough. How to disable SMS notification? Sberbank accepts written requests from the public to implement this task as follows:

  1. You need to apply with the previously collected package of documents to any branch of Sberbank.
  2. Inform employees of your intentions to opt out of the notification system.
  3. Fill out the application form in the prescribed form.
  4. Submit a written request to employees of the financial institution for further processing.

From now on, it is clear how to disable paid SMS notifications from Sberbank. This technique is not in demand. It requires a certain amount of time.

Phone and SMS

Or you can use the phone to refuse " Mobile banking". For example, call a special number and disable the option. Or send a USSD request as a message.

In the first case, the algorithm of actions will be as follows:

  1. Call 24/7 hotline Sberbank.
  2. Wait a little and when the operator responds, inform about your intentions to disable the option.
  3. State the requested data: Full name of the card owner, plastic number, telephone number to which messages are received and a coded secret word.

If you want to send an SMS request, you can do it like this:

  1. Type a message with the text “blocking services XXXX”, where XXXX is the last 4 digits of the card linked to the mobile phone.
  2. Send a letter to number 900.
  3. Wait for a message about successful cancellation of the option.

Now it’s clear how to turn off SMS notifications. Sberbank does not charge a fee for canceling the service.

When applying for a card of any credit institution, including Sberbank, managers automatically connect Mobile Banking, with which the client can track account movements online. SMS notifications are not always needed by the client. You can refuse SMS banking via telephone and terminal, as well as by contacting the bank in person. Let's consider all the possibilities of how to disable Sberbank SMS alerts.

The reasons for the shutdown may vary. The first is that there is no need to use the service if the card holder does not make any transactions other than withdrawing cash once or twice a month. The second is the cost. Not every owner considers it necessary to spend money on receiving SMS. For some, for example, for people with low incomes or pensioners, this amount turns out to be burdensome.

An urgent need to disable SMS banking also occurs when the client has changed his number or lost the phone whose number was linked to him. In the latter case, you should block SMS notifications as quickly as possible to avoid theft of money from your account. There are several options for disabling the service:

  • Service blocking.
  • Complete disabling of the service with the exclusion of the cardholder’s phone number from the database.

How to turn off notifications through Sberbank online

You can track your transactions absolutely free through online account. But is it possible to disable Sberbank alerts through Sberbank online? Unfortunately no. Here you can only see which phone the information service is “linked” to and whether it is active. To do this you need:

  • Log in to the online banking website.
  • Enter your account information (login). Get a temporary password and enter it.
  • In the “Settings” section or on your profile page, select the appropriate subsection.

You can disable Sberbank SMS notifications when changing your phone number only by visiting the bank in person.

How to block notifications via phone

The call center often receives questions about how to disable SMS notifications from Sberbank via telephone and is this method possible? Yes, SMS notifications can be paused using your phone. Since Sberbank has single number To carry out transactions via telephone (900), you need to send messages to it.

To refuse SMS notifications, you should send the code BLOCKING SERVICES or in Latin BLOKIROVKAUSLUG to number 900. SMS banking will be blocked.

Pausing the receipt of SMS does not mean disabling the service. Although messages will not be received, commissions equal to the monthly service will still be charged from the user’s account: for a regular card (free) - 30 rubles, for a custom card (paid) - 60 rubles.

You can block SMS notifications not only via SMS, but also by calling the bank’s contact center. With this method, you should prepare your card and passport in advance.

The online operator will check the exact details of the caller, specify the card number and its CVV code, ask for a security word and turn off SMS notifications. The manager will inform you when the service will be disconnected. Subsequently, accrual of amounts for using SMS alerts will stop.

To completely refuse to be informed about transactions, you must come with your ID and card to a Sberbank branch. There you should write a statement about refusal of the service. After filling out the information, the form is handed over to Sberbank employees. An outage notification comes to your cell phone. As a rule, a complete shutdown of the service takes at least a week. You can check whether the service is disabled in your personal account - Sberbank online.

Blocking SMS via terminal

Another way to disable notifications from Sberbank, which we did not mention, is the terminal. Due to different installed software The terminals also have different options for using the service. Brief instructions on how to disable alerts from Sberbank via an ATM or terminal:

  • Insert the card into the ATM and enter the four-digit password.
  • Go to the “Mobile Bank” section in the terminal menu.
  • Select one of the shutdown options available depending on the program.

If you completely cancel the Mobile Bank package, the subscriber’s phone number is “unlinked” from the card. It will no longer receive messages about crediting funds, about debits when paying in a store, and it will become impossible to receive one-time messages when purchasing in various online stores.

If there is a need to reconnect SMS banking, you can also complete the procedure through the terminal.

Switching to the "Economy" tariff

In addition to radically abandoning SMS notifications, there is a more “loyal” way to “get rid” of the Bank’s SMS messages and payment for the service. The point is not to completely abandon the service, but to switch to a more economical tariff.

You can complete the transaction either by directly contacting the bank or by the methods indicated above. To switch from the full tariff, just send the word “economical” to the Sberbank number indicated above. When you change the tariff, sending messages stops, but services for the balance and movement of money in the account, if necessary, become paid.


Thus, you can refuse SMS notifications:

  • Via the phone by sending a message.
  • By calling the Sberbank contact center.
  • In person, by contacting the nearest branch.
  • Via terminal.

You cannot disable the service online through Sberbank.

Before choosing a way to completely disable SMS notifications from Sberbank, you should think about the advisability of such an action. By refusing the service, the client is completely deprived of the ability to control the online movement of funds in the account, which can be irreparable if an attacker takes possession of the card.