Documents for obtaining social housing. Social (municipal) housing: what is it and how to get it, who is eligible

When our country’s economy was not a market economy, but a planned one, all those in need had the right to receive social housing. How to get it today and is there a real opportunity for this? Oddly enough, the answer to this question is positive. But for this you will have to wait for it for years, or rather even decades. And it is worth noting that these opportunities are not available to every citizen.

Definition of social housing

First, you need to take into account that social housing is provided to the Russian Federation on a rental basis. It may be legally owned by the state or municipality. This practice was in effect until privatization was allowed in our country; it was after it that all municipal housing passed into private hands.

Unfortunately, the construction of social housing is practically not carried out, and those objects that were built in the last century are either occupied or are in disrepair. Nevertheless, a certain category of the population of our country can apply for accommodation under a rental agreement. But to do this, of course, you need to sign up for a queue, then wait until she arrives, and the living space will be vacated only in the event of the eviction of the debtor or someone who systematically violates the established rules of residence.

Who is eligible to apply for social housing?

Not everyone can count on social housing. How to get it is a secondary question. First you need to determine who can apply for it. Firstly, these are those families that have received the status of low-income people. To do this, you need to provide evidence that the family has a division for each member below the subsistence level. Then you should contact the city or district administration and prove that the family either does not own housing at all, or its size is not enough for living (more on this below).

In addition, there is a preferential queue, that is, the provision of social housing is carried out first of all:

  1. Orphanage graduates, orphans without parents.
  2. Residents of houses that are unsuitable for living and are recognized as unsafe.
  3. For people with chronic diseases (oncology, tuberculosis, epilepsy, mentally ill).

By the way, if a neighbor with chronic diseases lives in an apartment with a low-income family, then she also has the right to social housing. Just keep in mind that first you need to collect a lot of documents and wait many years or decades.

Standard in square meters per person

So, it often happens that a family owns housing, but its size does not correspond to the number of people living in it. There is, of course, no material possibility of improving housing conditions. In such cases, the question arises of how to obtain social housing.

According to the 50th, the minimum size of living space is determined by the local municipality. That is, in each region these limits may differ significantly from each other. For example, in the Nizhny Novgorod region, if there are more than three people in a family, each of them must have at least 18 square meters. m, if there are children of different sexes, then each of them should have an isolated room. If the conditions are not met, then he can apply for square meters for social rent.

But in order for a low-income family to receive housing, the living space in which it currently lives must be less than 10 square meters. m. per person, this is the minimum throughout the country. 6 sq. m per person are received by families with whom the social rental contract was terminated, evicted for non-payment of utilities, that is, they can count on a room in a hostel.

Who can be considered a low-income family?

To begin with, it is necessary to indicate that a family is considered to be a circle of people related by family ties, while living in the same area and leading a joint household. They also jointly manage funds. The composition of the family can be different - these are spouses with or without children, single parents, guardians and trustees. The bottom line is that this family does not have the opportunity to provide housing on its own, including taking out and repaying a housing loan.

So, to determine the family’s income, you need to calculate the income for the last three months, this includes wages, benefits, and pensions. Benefits, additional payments to pensions and revenue from the sale of products grown on one’s own plot are not taken into account. All payments for three months should be added up and divided first by three, then by the number of people living in the family.

If in the end the amount turns out to be below the subsistence level, then you should apply to the social protection department.


How to get social rented housing? In addition to iron patience, you will need a number of documents. To get on the waiting list for social housing, you must bring:

  • statement;
  • identity documents for all family members;
  • documents confirming income;
  • certificates of chronic illness;
  • extracts from the Unified State Register for the whole family;
  • conclusion of the commission on recognizing the housing as unsafe.

This is not a definitive list of documents. The administration, that is, the housing commission, to which all certificates should be submitted, may require you to present some more papers.

What is the difference between commercial hiring and social hiring?

Today, those families who, due to some circumstances, cannot buy their own home or take out a housing loan, prefer commercial rental as an alternative. That is, rent an apartment for a certain fee to its owner. But the Social Housing program differs significantly in its characteristics.

The benefit of social rent is that the tenant pays only utilities and does not pay additional rent. And it is worth noting that a low-income family, due to lack of financial capacity, cannot bear the cost of paying rent for residential premises.

But the area of ​​social rented housing cannot be larger than what is allocated to each person individually. In addition, the service life of social housing is not limited if residents comply with a number of conditions.

In general, the “Social Housing for Low-Income Citizens” program compares favorably with commercial rentals in financial terms. There’s just one significant drawback: you’ll have to wait a long time.

What are the requirements for housing?

What should social housing be like? How to get decent living conditions, and what general requirements a living space must comply with:

  • the residential premises must comply with BTI standards and the requirements of the sanitary service;
  • the room must be residential, that is, it is an isolated room, and not a loggia, bathroom, corridor or kitchen;
  • housing area should not exceed the norm for each family member;
  • If housing is provided to a person with disabilities, then it is permissible for him to exceed the standard area.

Operating rules

You need to know not only how to get social housing, but also how to use it.

There are a number of rules:

  • Utilities are paid by residents;
  • all family members have equal rights to use the residential premises;
  • the tenant has the right to increase the size of the family, after agreement with the landlord, for example, to bring a relative on a temporary basis;
  • if the employer is temporarily absent, this is not grounds for termination of the contract;
  • the tenant has the right to demand the provision of utilities in accordance with the contract;
  • The tenant must use the property for residential purposes only.

Terms of the contract

The last question is how long can social housing be used, and how to get it for lifelong residence. But it is immediately worth noting that if there are no grounds for terminating the contract between the landlord and the tenant, then the period is not limited. That is, you can live in municipal housing for life.

But only if the employer complies with the operating rules. That is, it regularly pays utilities, because if the debt is more than 6 months, residents can be evicted.

In addition, the grounds for eviction may be violation of public order, use of the premises for commercial or other purposes not provided for by the terms of the contract. including communal ones, also become the reason for termination of the tenancy agreement.

Now it’s clear why you can wait for many years for social housing to be provided, because practically no municipal houses are being built, and there are not many grounds for eviction.

Obtaining social housing today still remains relevant for many families, in particular newly formed ones, who do not have the financial ability to independently purchase an apartment or build a residential building. Unfortunately, most Russians face difficulties in finding housing precisely because of the lack of funds and help from relatives. It is not always possible to obtain a mortgage, since, as is known, it requires a significant down payment and significant monthly payments, not to mention interest.

According to the law, not every citizen has the right to social housing, which is fully justified by the already huge influx of applicants, as well as by the fact that the state simply does not have enough residential real estate to quickly provide it to all those in need. Thus, we have to determine who really needs it. There are not so many requirements to get on the waiting list for a social apartment, but this allows you to weed out those who can solve their problems on their own. All grounds giving a person the right to receive government assistance must be documented and subject to careful verification.

Who is it intended for?

First of all, it is necessary to determine who has the right to receive social housing in accordance with current Russian legislation. This question does not tolerate vague formulations, so there are a number of fixed categories, which include:

In addition to them, families recognized as low-income and single mothers have the right to submit an appropriate application for municipal housing. At the same time, you should not hesitate to apply, since the queue in any locality is large and moves slowly. Accordingly, the sooner they put you on the queue, the less you will have to wait. Especially considering the fact that it will take more than one day to collect the required documents, and one person can move along the list for a year or more.

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Obtaining low-income status

The difference by locality usually concerns the income of citizens, that is, their maximum level. Do not forget that calculations will be made not for one person who submitted an application, but for his entire family officially living with him. Not only wages and other payments will be taken into account, but also real estate and other property that is subject to tax. Thus, many people wishing to obtain social housing space end up being refused.

The status of a low-income family or low-income citizen gives the right to be put on the waiting list. How long you will have to wait is unknown, since the state does not set any time frame. However, while waiting, a person may be removed from the queue without being provided with an apartment if his life circumstances change and he no longer meets the status of a beneficiary.

Who has the advantage?

The issuance of social housing, be it an apartment or a separate room in it, is always confirmed by a rental agreement. Until this moment, citizens are in limbo and are forced to independently decide the issue of accommodation. But even after receiving municipal housing, a person cannot completely relax, since this entails a whole list of responsibilities. They represent timely payment of utilities and compliance with the rules of living in an apartment building. Failure to comply with them can result in you losing your home and remaining on the street.

However, before you worry about signing the contract, there is one more thing you need to know. There are categories of persons who can be promoted up the queue, even if they were registered later than others. These include:

What is also important is that only persons with Russian citizenship have the right to apply for social housing.

On what terms

In addition to the fact that a person entitled to receive social housing must belong to one of the categories listed above, there are other conditions. These include:

If all the requirements and conditions are met, you can submit an application for municipal housing along with the documents prepared in advance. You should submit your application to the local government authority, where it is wise to go in advance to clarify the full list of papers in your particular case. Circumstances are different and everyone has nuances.

If you neglect even one condition or do not submit a complete package of documents, the person will invariably receive a refusal and will not be able to quickly resume submitting the application.

For federal cities

The rules for obtaining social housing and getting on the waiting list are not the same in all cases, and we are talking here not only about regional regulations. Even they have their differences, which include the division of settlements into federal and non-federal.

For the former, more stringent requirements for selecting those in need of housing apply, since there are many more of them here. One of these requirements is the mandatory residence of a citizen in a city of federal significance for the last ten years or more.

Standard list of documents for obtaining social housing:

  • Written application from a low-income citizen;
  • Identification number and personal passport of the applicant;
  • Certificate confirming the status of a low-income person;
  • Birth certificate of the child or court decision on his adoption;
  • Certificate of marriage or divorce;
  • A certificate stating that the applicant does not own any other residential property;
  • Papers confirming that the applicant belongs to a preferential category of the population.

General design

When we are not talking about populated areas of federal significance, the mandatory period of continuous residence is five years, not ten, which makes the task much easier for many citizens. Of course, the fact of residence must be documented. It is impossible to resolve the issue if a person lives in a populated area for less time due to the large flow of people wishing to do so and the insufficient amount of housing.

Before receiving social housing, you will need to submit documents and an application written on behalf of one person or on behalf of the family that will live with him and will be included in the rental agreement. This is an important nuance, since persons registered initially will have more rights in the future, and there will be no difficulties with registration after receiving housing.

The submitted request is considered within a month. After which a written official decision will be made - the applicant was put on the waiting list or refused, with an explanation of the reasons. In addition to non-compliance with preferential categories and non-compliance with requirements, the reason for refusal may be the provision of false information in the documents that were submitted with the application.

Signing the contract

When the queue for social housing comes up, the local municipality must sign a rental agreement with the citizen, since it is he who issues the housing available on its balance sheet. Each agreement is drawn up according to a standard form, but the content may vary slightly depending on the circumstances. This document must contain paragraphs with information about:

Responsibilities of the municipalityTenant's responsibilities
  • Transfer of an apartment or room within the specified period and no later than it;
  • Serviceability of communication systems at the time of transfer of the property;
  • Carrying out major repairs in the house;
  • Timely notification of tariff increases;
  • Monitoring the serviceability of all communication systems and their repair
  • Signing acceptance certificates and checking the information specified in it;
  • Maintaining housing in proper condition, suitable for living;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • Carrying out redevelopment only with the permission of government authorities;
  • Vacancy of residential premises within the specified period upon expiration of the contract

Due to certain circumstances, many citizens are faced with social rental housing. However, few people know what this concept means and what nuances such use of real estate has. In the article we will understand what it is - social housing rental and what legal features such legal relations entail.

In accordance with Art. 675 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, social housing is housing that is located in the state housing stock. Rights and obligations, as well as the procedure for registering social rent, are regulated by civil and housing legislation.

Under social rent, the owner (municipal or state bodies) transfers residential premises to the tenant (a citizen of a special social category) for use and residence. In essence, social rent is a legal transaction between the state and a citizen, according to which the latter is provided with housing on preferential terms.

This transaction is formalized through the conclusion of an agreement. One person appears in the text of this document, but all members of his family have the right to use the apartment provided. They will not be deprived of this right even in the event of the death of the main employer (Article 672 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

The difference between commercial and social hiring

You might think that social hiring is a type of rental relationship. To some extent this is true.

Let us list the main differences between commercial and social hiring:

  1. The lessor is always the state or municipality. Citizens register an apartment for rent from the state.
  2. Living space is provided to the tenant on an indefinite basis.
  3. Strictly tariffed and fixed fees for the use of residential premises.

In addition to the above differences, housing provided with social rent must meet established requirements.

Housing under a social rental agreement

Not all housing can be provided under a social tenancy agreement. There are a number of requirements that it must meet, enshrined in Article 62 of the RF Housing Code:

  • complete isolation;
  • the premises should not be non-residential;
  • the premises provided should not be part of the common property.

In addition, housing must be geographically located at the location of the tenant. Special requirements have also been established in relation to the area that is allocated to each resident in municipal housing. These standards are set depending on the region and other criteria. On average, the indicators are as follows:

  • 33 m2 for one tenant;
  • 42 m2 for two residents;
  • 18 m2 per person, if there are three or more people living.

If the housing stock does not have housing with the required area, the specified norm can be reduced to 10%.

According to Art. 62 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the subject of social rent can be any isolated residential premises - a house, apartment, part of a house or apartment, as well as a room.

Who is provided with social employment?

Persons who can receive housing for social rent are listed in Art. 49 and art. 51 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Such citizens include:

  1. Persons officially recognized as low-income people who need housing.
  2. Orphans or minor citizens left without parental care.
  3. Persons living in emergency premises that cannot be repaired.
  4. People suffering from chronic severe forms of diseases with which family members cannot live (the list of diseases is given in Article 51 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation).

A citizen will be considered low-income if he does not have a social rental agreement with the state or if such housing was provided, but its area does not correspond to the standards per person established in the region. This can happen if during the period of residence a new family member appears, who is also entitled to meters.

In addition, applicants for social housing are:

  • WWII veterans;
  • people who lost their homes as a result of a natural disaster;
  • military personnel injured while on duty;
  • people involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident and who became disabled for this reason;
  • disabled people of groups I and II.

Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can be an employer. Family members of the employer are co-tenants. This could be a spouse, children or parents. Other relatives or dependents can be co-tenants if they participate in running the household on an equal basis.

Other citizens are recognized as co-tenants in court if there is a good reason.

Legal status of the employer under a social tenancy agreement

Living in state-provided premises is the basis for the emergence of rights and obligations of the parties. A tenant has the right to live in social housing if:

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  • makes timely full payments for the use of real estate and housing and communal services;
  • maintains public order and does not create inconvenience to neighbors;
  • uses housing only for its intended purpose;
  • Keeps the premises in good condition and makes repairs when necessary.

These obligations are provided for in Art. 67 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The social tenancy agreement may also provide for other living conditions. The tenant is obliged to notify the landlord if he has any changes that may become the basis for changing the terms of the contract.

In addition to responsibilities, the employer also has a number of rights. In accordance with Art. 67 Housing Code of the Russian Federation, he can:

  • sublease premises to third parties;
  • move other people into housing;
  • demand that the landlord fulfill his obligations (for example, carrying out major repairs);
  • allow temporary residence of other persons;
  • exchange living space for another.

If the landlord does not fulfill the terms of the contract, the tenant has the right to demand a reduction in the amount of rent or compensation for damage.

Rights and obligations of the landlord

The legal status of the landlord is regulated by Art. 65 Housing Code of the Russian Federation. According to this regulatory act, the owner of social housing, when providing it for rent, is obliged to:

  • transfer to the tenant residential premises, the rights to which other persons do not have;
  • ensure the provision of quality public services;
  • carry out major repairs when required;
  • take part in actions aimed at ensuring the proper condition of the property.

The landlord has the right to receive payment from the tenant for residential premises, as well as to demand payment for housing and communal services.

If the tenant causes damage to the property, the landlord may seek compensation for damages and, in some cases, termination of the relationship.

Provision of residential premises for social rent

You can get housing from the social fund using the following algorithm:

  1. Contact the housing department of the municipality.
  2. Providing a package of documents and writing an application for housing.
  3. Wait for the consideration of the application (no more than a month). The answer will come in writing.

The response may contain a refusal to provide real estate for use or a decision to place it on a waiting list. If there is a priority right to move in, the applicant will definitely have a place in a separate queue.

The list of required papers usually includes:

  • general passports of the Russian Federation and birth certificates (up to age 14) of each member of the applicant’s family;
  • income certificates;
  • a certificate of the value of property, if any, owned by the family;
  • certificate of permanent registration for the last 10 years.

Other documents will also be required, the list of which is determined individually depending on the situation and social status of the applicant. The list should be clarified with the municipality.

What is included in the payment for a social rented apartment?

Considered as a whole, payment for housing includes the following components:

  1. Payment of rent according to the agreement.
  2. Payment for housing and communal services.
  3. Payment.

Citizens classified as low-income are exempt from paying rent. However, utility bills and maintenance of the premises remain their responsibility.

Social housing is a good alternative for people who do not have the opportunity to purchase property and live in unfavorable conditions. With this type of relationship, the only financial obligation remains to pay for housing and communal services and repairs to the premises.

Service housing for social rent

Some citizens are provided with official housing. For example, contract military personnel or government employees.

When the contract expires, the residential premises must be returned to the owner, i.e. to the state. However, if the tenant’s family has children under age, he will receive financial compensation of up to 40% of the cost of housing.

If a family is recognized as low-income, then service housing can be transferred to the municipal category. Then it is possible to arrange further residence under social rent.

If any disputes or questions arise regarding municipal housing, please consult a lawyer. You can get free legal assistance on our website.

Now you know what social housing rental is, who is provided with such living space and what legal consequences such legal relations entail.

How to get social housing? Most Russian citizens are trying to understand this issue. After all, it is difficult for a young family to acquire their own apartment in the country. Therefore, you need to consider the option of assistance from the state. There are several scenarios for the development of events: either directly receiving an apartment from the government, or issuing you a certain amount of money to pay for the purchase and sale of a home. Nothing difficult. But how can you bring your idea to life? What will it take?

Social housing is...

First, let's find out: what is social housing? What can the population count on? Social housing usually refers to a free apartment from the state. According to the laws, all citizens of the Russian Federation have the opportunity to receive such support. You just have to deal with paperwork. But a social benefit for purchasing an apartment means participation in a special program. It's called "Young Family". Not everyone has the right to it. But most young families are indeed able to get their own “corner” with the help of the state. How exactly? What do you need to get a social apartment?

Who is eligible?

Is it possible to get social housing from the state? In fact yes. But only for this you will have to collect a huge list of documents. And comply with the requirements prescribed in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. Usually only some citizens are able to count on the implementation of the idea:

  • the poor;
  • large families (3 or more children);
  • military;
  • living in unusable housing in need of major repairs;
  • veterans;
  • migrants;
  • patients with contagious diseases (dangerous to the environment);
  • who left the Far North.

They are the ones who have the right to receive social housing. Only when collecting certain documents. But the “Young Family” project is not available to everyone. Only couples (mainly with children) under 35 years of age are entitled to it. Important: recognition of those in need of improved housing conditions is mandatory.


Getting housing for social rent is not as easy as it seems. Yes, every citizen has such an opportunity under certain conditions. But bringing the idea to life is extremely difficult. After all, there are certain requirements for candidates. If they are followed, the main problem will be collecting documents. And no more. But when the requirements are not met, it is impossible to receive social benefits (housing). To begin with, a person must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. Perhaps the most important point. The applicant is also preliminarily recognized as low-income. But more on that a little later.

Please note: a citizen must have been registered at the place of residence for at least 10 years. In particular, where he wants to get an apartment. Sometimes people turn a blind eye to this factor. And they simply allow you to have a permanent residence permit for a specified period of time. How to get social housing? To do this, sometimes you have to prove that you have not artificially worsened your living conditions. Only in this case can you get in line.

Lack of squares...

When solving this problem, the area of ​​your current home plays a huge role. As already mentioned, a citizen has the right to receive an apartment from the state when he has too little space. How can you determine this? According to established standards. They may be different. For example, on average in Russia the standard is 12 meters per person. If there is less for each person registered in an apartment, the family can count on improved living conditions. But don’t rush to draw conclusions – the number may increase. Depending on the region. Each city in the country sets its own required meters per person. Only the indicator cannot be less than 12.

Property accounting

A huge role is played by the ownership of the family that decides to join the queue. Are you wondering how to get housing under a social tenancy agreement? Then remember what property you have. This is especially true for apartments. The fact is that when you are considered in need of housing improvements, everything you have will be taken into account. All apartments are added up by area - the total is a certain number. If it is less than the established norm, everything is fine. More - the opportunity to get housing for social rent disappears. Therefore, take this fact into account.

Meters don't matter

Sometimes you can think about the topic of getting a free apartment when your housing norm per person has been violated. But such cases are becoming less and less common. We are talking directly about living in an unsuitable, dangerous premises. According to established laws, certain safety standards must be observed in each apartment. It is necessary that it contains minimal amenities.

Each apartment must have: electricity, water supply (cold and hot), gas, heating. This is the minimum package. A prerequisite is the presence of a bathroom directly in the house (not on the street). You also cannot live in an apartment that is located in a dilapidated building. In such situations, it is worth collecting documents in order to get in line for a social apartment. Everything is easy and simple. But that's just how it seems. Once you start sorting through the paperwork, you will understand how difficult it is to get help from the state in Russia. Especially in the housing issue.

For military personnel

What if you are a military man and want to receive support from the state in terms of housing? In addition to the above points, you will have to take into account some more. As a rule, no special problems arise in this area. After all, all military personnel have the right to an apartment. Both those still working and those who have been laid off. In any case, the service life must be at least 10 years. Or dismissed employees from special forces (Ministry of Emergency Situations, Ministry of Internal Affairs, etc.) can get support. Families of military personnel who died in the line of duty are the next applicants for social housing.

By the way, if a military man has not yet received the apartment allotted to him, no dismissal can occur. Only if a person independently decides to leave his position. No one has the right to be forced to retire until the housing issue is resolved.

Collection of documents

Do you want to know how to get social rental housing? After meeting all the above conditions, you will have to collect a certain list of documents. They are fundamental to the entire process. By the way, papers should be submitted to local authorities. Before visiting there, prepare:

  • Application for queuing.
  • Passport. If we are talking about a family, then documents of all participants are required.
  • Papers showing your income (and everyone living with you as a family).
  • Extract from the BTI.
  • Documents with rights to your current home.
  • Technical passport of the apartment where you live.
  • Certificates of marriages/divorces.

With this package of documents, go to the local government authorities, and then get in line to receive an apartment from the state. Sometimes you have to wait for years, or even decades, for housing space.

For the young

It is also possible for a young family to receive social housing. Or rather, a payment from the state. It will cover 30% of the cost of the apartment purchased with a mortgage. In order to get this opportunity, you need to be a family where there are no people over 35 years old. It is advisable to have children.

How to get social housing? To do this, you will have to additionally attach birth certificates of minors to the above list of documents. Please note: participation in the Young Family program is only possible if you are identified as needy. To do this you need to have a small income. This minimum will depend directly on the number of family members. For two people this is 21,621 rubles, and for three – 32,510. If your earnings are higher, you will not be able to get an apartment.

By the way, if you have children of different sexes for whom there are no separate rooms, this may help to get in line. Not everything is as difficult as it seems, if you don't take into account the paperwork. Now it’s clear how to get social housing in Russia!

The article will discuss obtaining social housing. How to get it and under what conditions, what documentation is needed - further.

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One of the priority goals of the state is to provide citizens with housing. What categories can count on an apartment, and how to get preferential social housing?

What you need to know

Not all citizens of the Russian Federation are aware of the labor mobility program. That is, in one of the regions you can get a job under the program and live in an apartment for free.

Before the new Housing Code was adopted in 2005, all citizens whose living space did not meet the standards were able to receive free housing from the state.

At the moment, there are 3 categories of citizens who need improved conditions by receiving social housing:

  • registered for improvement of living conditions;
  • who were recognized as low-income or in need of an apartment;
  • those who need assistance in purchasing real estate.

A free apartment is provided out of turn:

  • people who live in a dilapidated house that cannot be repaired or
  • restore;
  • orphans;
  • citizens who are sick with a serious chronic disease;
  • persons undergoing rehabilitation;
  • judges;
  • disabled people of group 1;
  • elderly people who live in a social service institution;
  • parents of young children with HIV.

The remaining persons who are registered are issued social housing on a first-come, first-served basis.

They can be deregistered (or pushed back in the queue) for the following reasons:

  • changed place of residence;
  • received non-social housing;
  • family composition changed;
  • the family is no longer poor;
  • received a government subsidy for the purchase of real estate.

Also, a citizen will be moved to the end of the queue if he has refused the offered housing three times.

After submitting documents, the commission reviews them within 30 days, after which it makes a decision. The applicant is placed in a queue and assigned a number.

You can find out about the current number at the city administration by writing a statement there. After receiving municipal housing, the owner has the rights to:

  • legal residence in real estate;
  • obtaining amenities and provisions required by law;
  • in the apartment of his relatives.

Responsibilities also arise - paying for utilities and maintaining the cleanliness of all rooms in the apartment.


Advantages and disadvantages

After concluding a social tenancy agreement, the owner of social housing opens up a lot of opportunities.

In public housing, the tenant has the right to install water meters free of charge, at the expense of the state.

There are also negative aspects. The main disadvantage is that you will have to wait a long time to receive social housing.

Ownership rights to such housing appear only after. And this procedure entails a lot of responsibilities for the owner.

In addition to the costs of cleaning the apartment and paying property taxes, the owner will have to replace communications, repair the house and territory at his own expense. Municipal housing cannot be sold or bequeathed.

Regulatory regulation

How can I get social housing?

To get social housing, you first need to get on the waiting list. To do this, an application and documents are submitted to the regional office. To receive an apartment free of charge, you must meet legal requirements.

In what case can it be issued (conditions)

You can get an apartment from the government for free or on a commercial basis. The applicant must meet the following conditions specified by law:

  • to have in hand;
  • be recognized as low-income;
  • have citizenship of the Russian Federation.

If the conditions are met, you can submit an application. To be recognized as needing housing on a free basis, you must:

  • have privatized housing or an apartment under a social lease agreement. In this case, the total area for each family member should be less than the norm;
  • live in emergency housing;
  • live together with a patient with a chronic disease.

The presence of 1 of these conditions is the basis for receiving social housing. Low-income status must be proven.

The family must have a joint income, which, when divided by each family member, will be lower than the subsistence level.

What documents will you need?

To obtain social housing, you must provide a certain package of documentation to the administration. It includes:

  • a statement signed by all family members;
  • passport and minor children;
  • certificates confirming relationship with the persons who signed the application;
  • papers on the amount of income for the last 2 years;
  • information about property.

Sometimes they additionally require you to provide:

  • papers on the ownership rights of family members to residential premises suitable for habitation (even for foreign housing) for 5 years;
  • certificates of possible rights to receive real estate without a queue;
  • , confirming the citizen’s residence in the state.

If a positive decision is made, the applicant is notified. In order for a family to be recognized as low-income, the following certificates must be provided:

  • an application filled out according to the established template;
  • passport of the applicant and all members of his family, for minors - birth certificate;
  • assignment notification;
  • confirmation of ownership of property;
  • o - on the ground, garage, car;
  • from the BTI on the cost of the dacha and land plot;
  • a report on the value of the property of each family member (the assessment must be independent).

After studying the documentation, the Housing Policy Department makes a decision whether to assign the family low-income status or not.

Application procedure

First, you need to obtain a certificate of need for living space. It is issued by local authorities.

To obtain it, certain documents are provided. When the application is approved, the citizen is placed in a queue and assigned a number.

St. Petersburg (SPb)

Citizens who have difficulty purchasing real estate on their own have the right to settle in a new apartment at the expense of public funds. Such persons are low-income citizens, orphans, displaced persons and patients with chronic diseases.

Residential premises from the state under a social rental agreement are provided to persons who need an apartment and who are registered. Housing services include 3 parts:

  • registration of persons;
  • decision-making;
  • conclusion of a social rental agreement.

The goal of the targeted program for the resettlement of communal housing in St. Petersburg is to improve the living conditions of citizens.

Individuals and legal entities are eligible to participate in the “Resettlement…” program. Purpose of the program:

  • provide premises for living under a social rental agreement;
  • issue funds for the purchase of housing - first of all;
  • provide housing in .

To apply for a social loan, you must be registered with the housing branch of the district administration, submit documents and wait for your turn. At the moment, the situation in St. Petersburg is such that the waiting list can be expected for 20 years.


The norms of the Housing Code are the same for everyone. But to obtain social housing in Moscow there are a number of additions. You must have Russian citizenship and reside in Moscow for at least 10 years legally.

Over the past 5 years, the applicant for housing should not carry out such actions that would worsen their living conditions. For example, selling an apartment, exchanging, etc.

Muscovites have also established the following rule: in order for a family to be recognized as low-income, it must prove that even if it saves money for 20 years to buy a home, it will still not be able to purchase real estate.

You will have to confirm your low property status with documents for 2 years in a row. Other families that are not recognized as low-income are also registered if they live in a dilapidated building or if there is a seriously ill person in the family; orphans.

You will be able to get an apartment if the family lives in a house that lacks at least 1 benefit of civilization.

Acceptance of documents is refused in such cases - the number of applications has been exceeded (there are more of them than available apartments), the applicant is not registered, the applicant is not a citizen entitled to free housing.

It will not be possible to obtain housing if the applicant has deliberately worsened living conditions. It will be possible to get on the waiting list only after 5 years.

  • a young family (whether complete or not) that is low-income;
  • persons liable for military service;
  • citizens who have privatized a room in a communal apartment - at the time of receiving housing they
  • must be low-income;
  • Chernobyl family;

A young family that belongs to a different category will not be able to get free housing.
Is it possible and how can non-residents get social housing in Moscow? The main thing is to have registration in Moscow and get on the waiting list.

Emerging nuances

Not all citizens can receive living space from the state, but only those who really need it. It is also necessary to meet legal requirements.

The difficult situation must be documented. Accommodation is provided on a first-come, first-served basis. She moves slowly.

For invalids

Housing is provided to disabled people, taking into account their state of health. The main criterion for putting them on the waiting list is the need for housing.

The law establishes the following grounds:

  • whether the citizen lives in a house that has been declared unsafe;
  • whether several families live in adjacent rooms, but they are not relatives.

Both a disabled person and a family raising a disabled child can receive social housing.
When a disabled person is registered, their right to additional living space is taken into account.

Video: social housing for disabled people

A disabled person can be provided with an apartment under a social tenancy agreement, the area of ​​which exceeds the norm (but not more than twice). But under one condition - the person must have a serious chronic illness.

This is:

  • tuberculosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • skin lesions;
  • kidney damage and others.

The living space that is given to a disabled person is equipped with special devices necessary for their life.

Also, federal legislation establishes an additional benefit for this category of citizens - a 50% discount on payment.

For young families

In addition to the resettlement program to the Far East, the family has the right to receive municipal housing from the state.

For this purpose, certificates are collected confirming the impossibility of obtaining housing in another way. They are required for queuing.

Other ways for a young family to get an apartment:

Obtaining a plot to build a house If in the region in which a family lives, they cannot be allocated living space for certain reasons, in return the regional government issues a plot of land after applying to the city or village administration
Receipt from the state But only if absolutely necessary. The subsidy amount is 35% of the total cost of the purchased apartment. For large families, its size is 40% and above
Federal Any family, single mother or father has the right to apply for it. In 2020, the size of the MK is 453 thousand rubles. These funds are used to buy residential real estate - in the city or in the village
Regional maternity capital ranging from 50 to 453 thousand rubles It is paid for the first child and subsequent children