How much interest is a car loan at Sberbank? Sberbank car loan: conditions, interest and bank programs

A car, as you know, is not a luxury, but a necessary means of transportation. However, in our country, not everyone can afford to buy a new car for cash. So Russians have to look for alternative ways to purchase transport.

One of these affordable ways is to buy a car through a car loan program. This service, in particular, is provided by the largest bank in the country - Sberbank. We’ll talk about how an individual, including a pensioner, can get a car loan from this bank on favorable terms and at an acceptable interest rate in this article.

Sberbank issues car loans to individuals under what conditions?

Before an individual applies for a car loan in Sberbank, you should carefully read the conditions that this financial structure offers its clients.

This year, the bank is offering its consumers loans at a fairly favorable interest rate of only 10.9%. In addition, the client has the opportunity to take advantage of services through affiliate programs that are developed jointly with vehicle manufacturers.

In this case, the maximum loan period is five years, and the amount available for borrowing should not exceed 85% of the price of the vehicle. This means that the user must pay the remaining 15 percent himself.

Conditions and interest rates for a car loan at Sberbank

Car loan Sberbank issued to individuals under the following conditions:

  • loan term – from 1 year to 5 years
  • loan currency – rubles, dollars or euros
  • client's initial contribution – at least 15%
  • interest rate – from 11.5% to 16%

In order to correctly and accurately calculate a vehicle loan for individuals (including pensioners) from Sberbank, a special online calculator has been created on the official website of this financial organization, which can be used for free at any time.

Using this tool is quite simple - you need to enter the following information in the fields provided:

  • the cost of the car being purchased
  • down payment amount
  • loan currency
  • credit term
  • annual interest rate
  • loan type
  • payment start date

Thus, the interest on a car loan is Sberbank in 2018, an online calculator will help you calculate (accurately and quickly).

Car loan from Sberbank without down payment

Get a loan to buy a car without a down payment Sberbank will not work, since one of the requirements for the borrower is that he pays at least 15 percent of the cost of the vehicle himself.

However, an individual can contact another Russian bank on this issue.

For example, large financial companies such as:

  • Raiffeisenbank (at 18.4 percent per annum)
  • Rusfinancebank (at 15.5% per annum)
  • Zapsibkombank (16.5%) and other organizations.

Refinancing a car loan at Sberbank - refinancing conditions

Car loan refinancing Sberbank for individuals – this is a refinancing service, which is provided under the following conditions:

  • available loan amount – up to 1,000,000 rubles
  • loan term – from 3 months to 5 years
  • refinancing currency – only domestic rubles
  • interest rate – 17% per annum

For all clients of the company who have decided to use this service, the financial institution will provide it without providing a document on work experience and a certificate of income.

Car loan for pensioners at Sberbank - conditions and interest rate

If the borrower is a pensioner, then for him the terms of lending are practically no different from providing a loan to ordinary citizens. The only restriction is the maximum age limit.

A pensioner who decides to borrow money from a financial institution to purchase a car must be no older than 65 years old at the time of concluding the contract.

All other conditions for it are standard:

  • When concluding a contract, you must provide two documents - a passport and a pension certificate
  • if the pensioner himself can pay a contribution of 30% of the cost of the car, then the bank will not require guarantors
  • the smallest down payment - 15% of the vehicle price
  • service provision period – maximum 5 years
  • interest rate for pensioners – from only 13%

The official car loan calculator at Sberbank will calculate the amount of monthly payments in 2019. Find out the loan terms and interest rates from the official website! Nowadays, personal vehicles have ceased to be a luxury and have become a necessary tool for life. It is simply irreplaceable in a big city, where speed of movement sometimes decides many issues. In addition, often a vehicle can become the main source of income.

Most often today a car is bought on credit. There is not always enough money on hand for such a serious purchase. Do you want to know if you can afford a loan to buy a car? Don’t want to wait in line at a bank branch once again to find out the information you are interested in? Then you need a car loan calculator. This convenient and easy-to-use online tool will provide you with a detailed loan calculation for the selected terms in a matter of seconds.

Who is the Sberbank car loan calculator suitable for? Anyone who is planning to purchase a vehicle on credit. In addition, the banking institution offers special conditions to the following categories of potential borrowers:

    holders of Sberbank salary cards,

    persons who have reached retirement age,

    legal entities.

For individuals who do not fall into any of the above categories, loan terms will be standard.

Features of a car loan 2019

For which vehicle can the borrower apply for a loan:

    new car, from the showroom,

    used car (a vehicle that already has a certain mileage and has been owned).

Naturally, everyone wants to choose a loan program with the most comfortable conditions for themselves. This is where car loan calculators help. The tool on our website is based on the most current banking data (for 2019). Our online calculator will allow you to very accurately calculate the consumer loan option that will suit you best in terms of interest rate, debt repayment period, and the amount of monthly loan payments. Thanks to this, you will be able to calculate all possible risks in advance and determine your financial capabilities.

Using the calculator, you can also determine the possibility of repaying the loan with early repayment. Of course, every borrower wants to pay off their debt as soon as possible. But it should be understood that this payment regime has its own characteristics that must be taken into account. That is why online payment will allow you to understand, even before contacting the bank, how payments will go and how much less the overpayment will be.

The interest rate is one of the main parameters of any loan. It is determined based on various data. This indicator is influenced by the age of the borrower, the amount he wants to borrow and the terms of repayment, the presence or absence of guarantors in the transaction, the presence or absence of a down payment on the loan.

Conditions for obtaining a car loan from Sberbank:

    having citizenship of the Russian Federation,

    work experience at the current place of employment for at least six months,

    The age of the loan applicant is from 21 to 75 years.

The package of documents required during registration includes a passport, an application for a loan, confirmation of permanent registration (or temporary), a certificate of income from the place of work, documents for the purchased car. You can get a loan without a certificate from your place of work, but in this case the amount of the down payment will be increased.

Why do you need an online car loan calculator?

The main purpose of the online calculator is to help you decide on the most optimal car loan program in all respects. In addition, every user can use it for free. And the ease of working with the tool does not require any specific knowledge or skills.

Taking out a car loan today is very easy. But it is always better to prepare in advance for such a serious transaction so as not to make rash decisions. Calculate the debt repayment schedule, determine for yourself whether the payments are feasible. And only after that, with a cool head, contact the bank about getting a car loan.

In addition to the lowest interest rate for car loans, Sberbank of Russia provides:

  • the ability to take into account family income when making a positive decision on issuing a car loan;
  • no commissions for issuing a loan;
  • opportunity to choose (change selection) car model within 6 months.


Sberbank Small business


Sberbank business online:

If you want to purchase a car at a MAS Motors showroom, you can borrow funds from one of more than thirty partner banks, including Sberbank.

Sberbank is one of the largest and oldest banks in Russia. It was founded back in 1841 (more than a century and a half ago) and currently has a client base of over 110 million people (in Russia only).

Credit products

A distinctive feature of Sberbank loans is their versatility. You do not have to specify the purchased car in the contract as collateral (collateral). They will simply transfer you the required amount, which you can use at your discretion.

Funds can be obtained through one of the lending programs indicated below:

  • Loan without collateral
  • Under the guarantee of individuals
  • Secured by real estate
  • Refinancing

Depending on the client’s age, income and other nuances, loan parameters may have the following values:

The advantages of Sberbank loan products can be outlined as follows:

  1. You can receive money directly at your place of residence or at any other bank branch (that is, in almost any locality, regardless of place of registration);
  2. No down payment required;
  3. If you do not have enough to purchase a certain amount, the amount of borrowed funds can be exactly adjusted to the missing amount (provided that your earnings allow it);
  4. No car deposit is required;
  5. Car insurance is not required (if desired, the amount of CASCO or similar insurance can be included in the loan amount, and the insurance contract can be concluded with a third-party company later without any recommendations or obligations to Sberbank).

With the help of refinancing, for example, you can remove the encumbrance from a car purchased from another bank (that is, buy it out completely), reduce the payment, and even get an additional amount for your own needs.

Not only owned apartments or private houses, but also car garages, dachas, and land plots can be considered real estate.

Third party guarantees increase the potential loan amount (since the bank takes less risk).

The interest rate depends on the loan term, loan amount, as well as the category of clients (salary card holders and corporate clients are offered more favorable conditions).

The processing time for an application depends on the loan amount and its type. So, for a loan without collateral, the decision may take only a few hours, but for a loan with real estate collateral, the process can take 8 days. However, clients connected to the SberbankOnline service can submit an application through their personal account or take advantage of a personal offer (the bank periodically sends out pre-approved offers, calculated on the basis of monthly receipts to the salary account).


Loans are issued to all citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 21, living in any locality. For workers with temporary registration, the loan period may be limited to the period of registration. In some cases, a loan can be issued to persons aged 18 to 20 years, subject to the obligatory guarantee of another solvent client (for example, one of the parents).

The maximum age of the recipient is 65 years (calculated at the time of loan repayment). For working pensioners and those who can document their income, the bar can be raised to 75 years.

The borrower must have worked at the last place of work for at least 6 months, and over the last 5 years the work experience cannot be less than 1 year.

Users of salary projects are subject to reduced requirements (for example, proof of work experience is not required, at least 3 salary receipts are sufficient).


As with any other bank, to obtain a loan you need:

  1. Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation,
  2. Documents confirming income
  3. A copy of the work book.

Clients who are salary card holders can only take their passport with them to apply.

Guarantors provide the same set of documents as the recipient.

Car loans are a type of targeted loan, that is, they can only be used to purchase a car. Such contracts are usually concluded with special conditions that relate to the subject of purchase. The most famous credit institution in Russia, Sberbank, is no exception in this case. The loan is issued only subject to the conclusion of a CASCO car insurance agreement.

However, this condition cannot be considered an unambiguous disadvantage; in addition, in other indicators, Sberbank outperforms numerous competitors, and it is not for nothing that the majority of Russians strive to conclude an agreement with this bank. Consumer reviews indicate that it is gaining popularity among the population.

General conditions and requirements

There are only three types of loan programs offered:

  • classic car loan;
  • affiliate program;
  • loan for the purchase of a car under the government support program.

The loan is provided for both new and used cars of Russian and foreign companies. A loan can also be provided for used Russian-made cars, the main thing is that the car is no more than 5 years old. It is worth noting that few banks issue loans for used vehicles, and only Sberbank for domestic cars.

The maximum amount provided by the bank for the purchase of a vehicle is 5,000,000 rubles. A car loan is provided only if you make a down payment; it must be at least 15%. You can’t do without it completely, but if you have the funds, you can spend the premium on CASCO insurance. The contract term is maximum 5 years.

The rates here are the most favorable. They depend on the duration of the contract:

  • up to 1 year - 14.5% per annum;
  • for a contract period of 1 to 3 years, the rate increases slightly - to 15.50%;
  • if the term is from 3 to 5 years, the interest rate will be 16%.

The bank provides an additional discount of 1% to the following categories of consumers:

  • employees receiving salaries on a Sberbank card or account;
  • pensioners, if the pension is transferred to a social card or account;
  • individuals who have deposits in the bank.

A car loan from Sberbank can be issued for the purchase of a car to citizens of the Russian Federation who are no younger than 21 years old and no older than 75 years old. The upper age limit must not be exceeded before the end of the loan term. Registration at the place of residence in the Russian Federation is mandatory. If the registration is temporary, credit is provided only for the duration of its validity.

Required documents

Positive reviews and recommendations about Sberbank are completely justified.

Here you can get a car loan using identity documents, without proof of employment or income.

True, this can only be done if you contribute 30% of the purchased vehicle from your own funds. The remaining terms of the contract do not change, the rate remains the same.

In other credit institutions with similar offers, rates immediately increase by 1.5-2%.

To obtain a loan, you will need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and any other document identifying the borrower.

For example, an insurance pension certificate or TIN certificate, a military ID, as well as a driver’s license or identity card are suitable.

In order to confirm the fact of employment, you need copies of all pages of the work book, certified by the employer. A prerequisite is the presence of continuous work experience at the last place of work for 6 months and a total work experience of one calendar year over the last five years. But if the borrower is a client of Sberbank, he has a card or a deposit here, the period of required experience is halved.

To confirm wages, a 2-NDFL certificate of the established form is usually required. But Sberbank meets its clients halfway and allows the provision of any certificate from the employer if it contains the necessary information and details.

Individual entrepreneurs attach to the package of documents a copy of the mandatory tax reporting for the previous period with a tax office mark on receipt.

Special programs at Sberbank

You can get it if you go to a car dealership with which Sberbank has a partnership agreement, you can get a significant discount. But it’s worth understanding the conditions of the car dealership; it is possible that similar bonuses are provided when purchasing at your own expense. The bank's partners include many well-known enterprises. There is a choice.

Sberbank, along with other credit institutions, participates in the state support program for car loans. The program is that the state will compensate the consumer for 2/3 of the refinancing rate. Since this rate is constantly changing, the indicator is taken at the time the subsidy is provided.

It must be admitted that Sberbank’s conditions are more favorable than those of other market participants. In addition, reviews of the work of bank specialists are mostly positive. The deadlines for consideration of applications are not violated. For bank clients, they are no more than 2 hours, for other consumers - no more than 2 days, there are no additional fees for urgency. The terms of the agreement are simple and understandable to every borrower; upon conclusion of the transaction, the client is given a credit card with a limit of up to 200,000 rubles.

At the current time - 2018, loans from Sberbank are very popular among citizens not only throughout Russia, but also in neighboring countries. Indeed, by this year, the bank has managed to achieve stability and trust of many clients and depositors. This institution provides an excellent opportunity for individuals to purchase a car without having the required amount.

More information about the conditions under which a car loan is issued from Sberbank in 2018, a debt calculator, and other relevant information can be found in the article on.

Sberbank car loans to individuals in 2018

Initially, only selected clients could receive a loan. Those who had high wages, good and stable employment, a mortgage on other valuable property, etc. Today, almost everyone can get a loan.

Before deciding to lend, you need to carefully study the conditions that a given financial structure of a given time provides to potential clients. For example, about the maximum loan period, about the permissible amount that can be borrowed, about the down payment, as well as what percentage of the total the financial company provides to its borrower.

Young families may have a question: is it possible to repay the loan with maternity capital in 2018? The answer can be found.

You can get it for a car from a showroom or from a private owner.

Buying a vehicle from a dealership will not only be cheaper, but also more profitable. After all, along with the loan, the borrower receives insurance for car servicing.

Conditions and interest rates for a car loan at Sberbank 2018

Sberbank car loans in 2018 can be obtained by individuals who meet the following conditions:

  • the shortest permissible loan term is 1 year, the longest term is 5;
  • monetary standard of the loan - euros, dollars, rubles;
  • the first deposit must be at least 15 percent;
  • The interest rate ranges from 11.5 - 16 percent.

The interest rate of the current financial corporation depends on the monetary standard that the client has chosen to accept the desired money. If the contract is concluded for a period of less than 1 year, the client is provided with a minimum rate, and if for 5, then the maximum.

  • identification certificate of the borrower;
  • documents that confirm that the income corresponds to the established standard.

Interest calculator

A car loan at Sberbank in 2018, an online calculation calculator, which can be found on the official website, allows you to calculate a vehicle for individuals. You just need to go to the official website of the representative and choose the best conditions for a car loan. After which the corresponding numbers will be displayed in the table, the calculator will quickly and accurately calculate the monthly payment along with interest.

The most convenient function of this program is that the online calculator will display not only the amount of the payment, but also how long it will take to repay it. This is a convenient way to calculate all possible lending options that are acceptable to the client. You can choose a suitable option taking into account his salary, without compromising the needs of the borrower’s family.

Can I get a car loan from Sberbank without a down payment in 2018?

Types of loans can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Credit calculator;
  2. Car loan without down payment;
  3. Loan thanks to two documents;
  4. Loan for pensioners.

Taking out a loan to purchase a car without a down payment is not feasible. One of the main conditions for obtaining a loan is that the borrower pays 15% of the cost of the car from his own funds.

Refinancing a car loan at Sberbank for individuals

The function that provides on-lending loans to individuals is called refinancing. The main feature of this service is that the financial institution will issue it without a certificate of work experience and documentation of income.

Refinancing of a car loan at Sberbank is carried out on the following terms:

  • available payment for signing the contract - 1,000,000 rubles;
  • time periods - from 3 months to 5 years;
  • acceptable currency - domestic ruble;
  • interest rate - 17 per annum.

Car loan for pensioners at Sberbank - conditions and interest rate

Most pensioners expect to receive more favorable conditions for obtaining a loan. However, when the borrower is a pensioner, the conditions are standard, as for citizens of other age categories. Moreover, for these people there is a maximum age limit. During the period of registration of the contract, the age of the pensioner must be no more than 65 years.