Apartment from the developer. Contacts JSC FSK leader

FSK "Leader" is an actively growing company, one of the top 10 developers in Russia. Today, the company's project portfolio in Moscow, Moscow region, Southern Federal District and other regions includes about 4 million sq. m. m of housing, in 2015 it commissioned more than half a million sq. m. m of real estate. In September 2016, the developer FSK Leader gained control of DSK-1, a large Moscow developer with a production capacity of 1.2 million square meters. housing per year.

In Moscow and the Moscow region, FSK "Leader" operates primarily in the "comfort" segment and offers customers the concept of UP-quarters: these are large microdistricts of monolithic housing in good locations, with modern author's architecture, non-linear arrangement of houses in an area rich in infrastructure, including underground parking . The developer cooperates with well-known design bureaus and uses modern materials and engineering solutions. However, in many of the company's projects there was a delay in the commissioning of houses.

Key projects

The most famous new buildings of FSK "Leader" in the capital region are the UP-quarters comfort-plus "New Tushino", "Skolkovsky", "Rimsky", "Scandinavian", being built in the Near Moscow region, near the Moscow Ring Road. In Moscow, the developer is implementing several infill development projects. In the coming years, the company is expected to launch new residential projects on the lands of DSK-1 on Begovaya and in the Khoroshevsky district.

Alarming news: one of the largest developers in the country, FSK Leader, may be on the verge of bankruptcy. New information has appeared.

The company denies the conclusions of the journalistic investigation, but cannot give comprehensive answers to a number of questions. Instead, a message is being circulated about the start of a new “mega-project”, the shareholders of which, as one can assume, will ensure the completion of old houses. Among other things, a fact was revealed: the audit of the holding is carried out by the company “Professional Assessment Group”, which is headed by Anna Isaeva, the wife of one of the main operators of the proposed scheme for withdrawing funds from the holding.

A number of media outlets recently reported on the internal problems of FSK Leader. Journalists tried to understand what circumstances lay behind the delay in the delivery of houses in two housing complexes (Domodedovo Park and First Andreevsky) and came across a whole tangle of suspicious connections and financial obligations that may be leading the Leader company to collapse. According to published information, the developer’s assets are being transferred through dummies and affiliated companies, and the developer’s management has already prepared to emigrate to Malta.

FSK Leader is not an ordinary construction company, but one of the largest construction companies in Russia. It is led by Vladimir Voronin and his sister Irina Voronina, the children of entrepreneur and former official Alexander Voronin, who created his own business with the support of the Luzhkov administration.

Vladimir Voronin

Currently, as a number of media reports, the assets of FSK Leader are pledged; it has no property or money: Vladimir Voronin’s share is pledged to the SoyuzAgro company, and Irina Voronina’s assets are to Balashikha-City LLC. Both transactions were formalized by a certain notary Kirill Sidorov, and in both there are people working (6 people in total) who “part-time” work in “Leader” itself. In turn, “Balashikha-City” and “SoyuzAgro” belong to an individual (more about him below) and offshore companies. It turns out that the assets of FSK Leader are no longer in Russia. By the way, the developers’ employees are also among the owners of these offshore companies.

To “SoyuzAgro” and “Balashikha-City” are added almost two dozen more offices, Russian and foreign, affiliated and connected by opaque ties with FSK “Leader”. According to the developer himself, in the capital and the Moscow region, Leader is currently building 14 multi-apartment residential complexes for several tens of thousands of people. Another eight residential complexes are being built in other cities of the country, three of which are in St. Petersburg.

One of the reasons to suspect the management of FSK was the RBC report about the acquisition by the Voronin family of foreign passports under the “Malta citizenship by investment” program. The structure of the Voronins’ business is even more suspicious and represents a network of affiliated companies with a “live wallet” in the person of a certain Yuri Isaev (mentioned above as a co-owner of FSK assets in partnership with offshore companies), who worked with the Voronins on a number of projects, and is now the founder, according to various sources, about 15 companies and directors of 8. Isaev himself, apparently, is deprived of any real business independence. Despite his official income of 8.5 million rubles, he does not even have his own bank account.

Millionaire Yuri Isaev

Journalists compared business schemes in Leader with the state of affairs in the recently collapsed construction giant Urban Group. It turned out to be very similar: on the eve of its fall, Urban Group’s finances leaked through subsidiaries and affiliates. The Urban company is a long-time partner of the Leader company, and, as Vladimir Voronin recently stated, it even owes Leader about 40 million rubles. A completely legitimate question: was the network of affiliated companies of the Voronins used to withdraw funds from Urban Group?

Finally, “Leader” found two strange pledges. The first is in Sberbank for 302 objects in the form of apartments and parking spaces. Journalists are perplexed: did “Leader” illegally mortgage already sold real estate in those same problematic residential complexes “Domodedovo Park” and “First Andreevsky”? The second is 34 promissory notes of a certain Malab-Invest LLC worth about 3 billion rubles in VTB. The Malab company is also managed by an employee of FSK Leader, and the shadow partner is the offshore Malab Enterprises limited, associated with the assets of the late businessman Dmitry Bliznyuk, who died in the summer of 2013 under suspicious circumstances. Most of Bliznyuk’s money “sailed away” through dummies, and his numerous heirs, partners and creditors are still in litigation to this day. How such a dubious asset got to the Voronins is another mystery.

Reports about the dubious quality of FSK's work appear insignificant against the backdrop of this news.

After the publication of the investigation, the developer posted a refutation answer on its official website, which states that FSK Leader is constructing projects primarily with its own funds and funds of participants in shared construction, and the only loan in the amount of 2.7 billion rubles was taken for the implementation of the Moscow project premium class houses "Breath". This house has already been built and commissioned. At the same time, Leader’s PR service kept silent about the recent purchase of DSK-1, on which a loan of 12 billion rubles hung, and the Mari shopping center in Moscow (loan of 6 billion rubles).

As Regnum news agency notes, the company’s response does not say anything regarding information about the possible withdrawal of Urban Group funds through FSK structures. RBC's information about the Voronins' Maltese passports also remained without clarification. The FLB publication also adds that the developer’s refutation was also unable to answer the question of why the property, assets and shares of the shareholders of FGC Leader are pledged to third-party companies, while these companies themselves belong to offshore companies.

In general, Vladimir Voronin’s quotes in the “refutation” and comments for Vedomosti make one wonder: how immersed is he in the financial processes within his company? For example, on the holding’s website it is directly stated that the assessment of objects is carried out by a certain LLC “Professional Assessment Group”. The managing partner of this organization is Anna Isaeva, the wife of the already mentioned Yuri Isaev, whom the media considers the “sic chairman” and holder of FSK assets that have not yet been withdrawn from Russia. How is this possible? Would it be strange to assume that one of the largest construction companies is engaged in fraud so much without regard for the possibility of even the most superficial check? But, as the media report, law enforcement agencies have already become interested in the developer’s activities. Or - what's even stranger - is management simply not aware of what's going on?

Information about the problems of FSK did not go unnoticed in the expert community. For example, the telegram channel of the Ministry of Pravda, specializing in exposing fakes, writes that “the media activities of FSK Leader are alarming in themselves and without “refutations,” and today the media reported with reference to FSK that the company begins construction of a large residential complex "Danish Quarter" in Mytishchi. “Against the backdrop of unfinished construction in the residential complexes “First Andreevsky”, “Domodedovo Park” and “Emerald Valley”, the start of a new project

looks like an attempt to raise funds for the completion of old facilities,” writes the Ministry of Truth. Information about the desire of FSK Leader to complete the construction of Urban Group facilities against the backdrop of rumors about the joint machinations of these companies also looks strange. The scandal will probably develop further.

Some documents from the investigation materials:

Schemes within FSK Leader with the participation of Yuri Isaev and other alleged “front men”:

Ownership structure of firms - pledge holders of FGC Leader:

Details about offshore owners in the FGC Leader scheme:

GC FSK (formerly FSK Leader) is a diversified development company, one of the leading players in the real estate market. GC FSK specializes in the implementation of projects in the field of residential real estate: from complex development of areas to the construction of residential buildings according to individual projects. In 2016, DSK-1 entered its structure. The total volume of real estate delivered to FSK in 2018 is 817 thousand sq.m. Taking into account the indicators of DSK-1, the corporation commissioned 1.3 million sq.m.

In March 2019, FSK Leader announced restructuring and rebranding and the creation of the FSK group of companies. The new structure will unite about 50 organizations in focus areas: production, development, project management.

By 2025, the company plans to sell about 3.5 million square meters of housing.

Legal entities: LLC "Specialized Developer"
"KinoDevelopment" OGRN 5167746261997,
JSC "Rental repair and construction enterprise of the Frunzensky district" OGRN 1027739924794,
LLC "Kaluga-Leader" OGRN 1124028003604

News from the construction company GC FSK:

May 2010: FSK Leader takes on the long-term construction of the Solntsegrad residential complex, which was started in 2004 and was not completed on time. This is positive news for defrauded investors.

May 2015: At the Leader Real Estate Agency The Department for the sale of secondary real estate was created. From now on, the Leader will sell not only its own new buildings, but also apartments on the secondary market. Thus, AN Leader will be able to offer its customers Trade-in service, which is gaining popularity in the real estate market: when purchasing an apartment in one of the new buildings of SK Leader, the client will be able to take advantage of offsetting real estate residential property. The only condition is that it must be located in the capital and no further than 10 km from the Moscow Ring Road. The head of the secondary real estate department of FSK Leader is Anton Klimov.

October 2015: sales volume increased by 33% compared to the summer period, and sales increased by more than one and a half times. At the same time, the percentage of investment transactions decreased. In percentage terms, they fell from 20% (2012-2013) to 3-5%.

August 2017: FSK Leader takes over the long-term construction of the Gagarinsky residential complex and the Ramensky residential complex from the developer Garantia-Stroy. The houses will be completed in 2018 and 2019. Thus, defrauded investors can hope that they will still receive the keys to their apartments.

December 2018: Leader Corporation entered the top 3 construction companies for housing commissioning in 2018. The rating was compiled by the portal “Unified Register of Developers” (URZ). The company's revenue for 2018 amounted to 111.58 billion rubles, an increase of 16% compared to the same period last year. The volume of commissioning of FSK Leader in 2018 amounted to 817 thousand sq.m., which is 53% more than last year. In total, the corporation, taking into account the indicators of DSK-1, commissioned 1.3 million sq.m. At the end of 2018, the developer was awarded the status of “Platinum Partner” of Sberbank. In December 2018, the 10th building of the UP-quarter Skolkovsky residential complex and the 1st building of the UP-quarter Komendantsky, as well as the 3rd and 4th buildings of the UP-quarter Skandinavsky residential complex were put into operation. In addition, in December, defrauded shareholders received the keys to apartments in the Ramensky residential complex (Novy Ramensky residential complex), which the company was completing construction after the previous developer went bankrupt. The UP-quarter Skolkovsky became a prize-winner at the Urban Awards 2018. The projects of the financial and construction corporation FGC Leader became winners of the international European Property Awards. The company is currently building 7 residential complexes, work is progressing according to schedule.

March 2019: FSK Leader announced restructuring and rebranding. The new identity of GC FSK is based on the company’s key competence: the construction of high-quality residential real estate at a competitive price, with an improved set of characteristics, including infrastructure and services.

July 2019: GC FSK announced the completion of the former long-term construction of the Garantia-Stroy company, the Gagarinsky residential complex. FSK is also completing the completion of the buildings of the Novy Ramensky residential complex for the Garantia-Stroy group of companies. In 2018, building No. 9 of the complex was put into operation. Nine more are at a high stage of construction readiness. By 2020 the project will be fully implemented. Thus, FSK will fulfill its social obligations to deliver facilities for 4,092 apartments.

October 2019: GC FSK began work on the completion of the business class residential complex “House on Voskresensky”, located in the historical center of Kaluga. Initially, the construction of the complex was carried out by the New Address Joint Stock Company, which was unable to fulfill its obligations, having managed to sell 36 apartments. Currently the complex is at a high stage of construction ready