The best ways to save for an apartment. How to quickly save up for an apartment: ways to effectively earn money and save

To find out how long it will take you to save for an apartment, let’s look at a simple example. Suppose the cost of the apartment you are saving for is 2,000,000 rubles. Your salary is 40,000, you can save half every month and deposit money into a bank account at 8% per annum. Suppose you have already saved up 100,000 rubles. Let's take into account the current inflation rate - 2.5% per year. We enter the data into the calculator: to save for housing, you will need 7 years, and the cost of housing at the time of purchase will already be 2,400,000 rubles.

Obviously, in order to save for an apartment faster, you need to save more money every month. For example, if you start depositing 25,000 rubles monthly, you will accumulate money in 5.8 years. There are two ways to increase savings:

  1. Save on current expenses;
  2. Earn more.

How to save up for an apartment faster

You may not notice that you are spending more money than you should. Usually people save on important purchases and do not pay attention to small expenses, but they are the ones that prevent them from increasing the amount of savings. Let's assume your salary is 40,000 rubles. If you rent a house for 12,000 rubles, then you have 28,000 rubles left. per month or 903 rubles. On one day. Thus, buying a gift for 1000 rubles. for a friend's birthday exceeds your daily budget, although it would seem that it is only 1/40 of your salary. Small expenses, such as take-out coffee, a taxi home, buying a magazine, are serious obstacles to savings.

Calculate your budget. Take into account mandatory expenses (housing rent, utility bills, deposit payment, travel money, etc.), subtract them from your salary. Subtract 10% from the amount received - this will be savings. Divide the remainder by the number of days in the month. This is your daily budget: if you exceed it, then spend less in the following days until you get into profit.

I am glad to welcome you, dear readers of my blog. Today I met a friend who complained that for the umpteenth time he had to move out of his rented apartment and look for new housing.

In response to my reasonable question whether he had tried to save up for his own living space, my friend began to passionately assure that in modern conditions this was unrealistic.

Let's try to figure out in this article whether an ordinary person with an average income can hope for a chance to purchase their own home, and how to save money for an apartment.

Those who dream of their own “fortress” have several alternatives.

  1. Purchase an apartment on the secondary market entirely with personal funds. This is perhaps the best option from the point of view of further financial responsibility. The only question is where to get these funds.
  2. Take advantage of a bank mortgage. By choosing this method, you have the opportunity to immediately use the housing for its intended purpose, but you receive at least double overpayments on the loan. Banks also require high official income, which is not suitable for everyone.
  3. Buy an apartment on the primary market. Theoretically, this will save money, since existing housing is much cheaper than ready-made housing. In addition, many developers offer the option of installment payments. However, do not flatter yourself, the interest on it is already included in the price of the property. In our country, this method is considered dangerous due to the possible risks of bankruptcy of the developer.
  4. Get a loan from the housing cooperative (housing and savings cooperative). This method is suitable for those who have at least 50% of the cost of housing. Here you will not be required to confirm official income. However, there is always a risk that the agreed loan amount will not be enough in the event of a strong rise in housing prices. There is also a high probability of falling into the clutches of scammers who love such schemes.

As you can see, there are not very many options and for any of them you will need a certain amount of money, which is what we have to do.

Setting realistic goals is the first step to success

Before you begin the accumulation process, you need to decide on a specific goal.

What kind of apartment do you want: number of rooms and square meters, presence or absence of renovation, area of ​​residence, surrounding infrastructure, etc.

Here it is important to be honest with yourself and “stretch your legs over your clothes.” If, working as a simple economist in Tver, you persistently dream of a three-room apartment in the center of Moscow, not wanting to consider other options, it is unlikely that your plans will come true.

Of course, dreaming is not harmful, and reasonably inflated goals are designed to stimulate us to new achievements.

However, obviously utopian dreams will bring you nothing but complexes and depression.

Therefore, focus on real offers, even if it is not your dream area for now. Who said that in the process of accumulation you cannot push the boundaries of what was planned?

Determine the approximate price range for the offers you are interested in and estimate the inflation percentage for the next 2-3 years. It is during this period that we will try to accumulate the necessary one.

Choose the method of purchasing real estate that suits you. This will allow you to roughly calculate the total amount, as well as the amount of the down payment or required monthly payments.

Having received a certain, albeit approximate figure, we begin to accumulate funds. For convenience, we calculate the monthly amount of required savings based on the total planned period of time.

Budget optimization is an unpleasant but necessary measure

Unfortunately, in the process of accumulating significant sums, you cannot do without cutting back on your requests. However, this is only one of the necessary measures in the process of optimizing our budget, which will require:

  • correctly distribute income, depending on priority goals;
  • establish strict control over expenses;
  • start forming a savings fund;
  • find additional source via .

Target income distribution

In the traditional scheme of distributing available income, money is first allocated for mandatory and current expenses, and from the rest they try to save something into a savings fund.

The problem is that many obligatory expenses are not such, such as purchasing a new pair of shoes just because you think the old ones are no longer fashionable.

Therefore, we begin to think differently. Our main goal is to buy an apartment. This is why we dance. Having added up all the sources of possible income, the first step is to allocate the entire necessary planned amount to the housing savings fund.

And from the rest we form our monthly budget, including expenses for food, clothing and entertainment.

In this way, you kill “two birds with one stone”: you ensure regular and stable accumulation of funds, and also learn to save or look for new ways of additional income in case of lack of money for living.

Cost control

To effectively implement this point, you will have to significantly change your usual way of life and look at the world more broadly.

You will be surprised, but you can exercise not only in an elite fitness club, but also at home and while running in the park. Giving up a daily pack of cigarettes will allow you to collect a considerable amount in a year, simultaneously saving on the treatment of chronic diseases of the ENT organs.

And what brand of jeans you are most concerned about is yourself, not those around you. Detailed practical tips on saving can be read in my article “”.

The next point regarding investing is one I would like to consider in more detail. After all, it is with its help that it is possible to significantly speed up the time frame for collecting money to buy your own apartment.

Competent investment is a catalyst for the process

Here I will not discuss ways to invest money in or independently trade on. Let's talk about options available to any average person without much experience or investment skills.

The main mistake many people make when they refuse to admit that they have the ability to make their money work is the belief that an investor can be a person with a “tidy” bank account.

This is wrong.

Of course, small amounts will not provide you with financial independence. However, in any case, they will provide stable passive income, which will significantly speed up the accumulation process.

So, I suggest considering the following alternatives.

  1. - This is more an option for protecting savings from inflation than a way to increase them. The advantages include the possibility of receiving a fixed income and early repayment of funds, albeit with a loss of interest. In addition, if you have accumulated a sufficient amount, you can take out a loan against a deposit, the interest on which will partially offset the costs of loan payments. The only downside is low profitability.
  2. - This is perhaps the only way to quickly increase your capital. The best options are to invest in reliable or PAMM accounts managed by experienced Forex traders. To minimize risks, divide your capital between several funds and traders, having first studied the history of their work.
  3. . If you manage to collect some not very large amount, consider purchasing a room or an inexpensive apartment, perhaps even in another city with more affordable prices. By renting it out, you will provide yourself with constant passive income.

As you can see, there is nothing particularly complicated. The main thing is to set yourself a goal and go towards it in small steps.

I hope that my article has at least a little inspired those who have not yet decided to start saving for the purchase of their own home.

Don’t be afraid to try and, perhaps, soon you will have to pack your bags to move to a small, but your own apartment.

With this I say goodbye and look forward to seeing you among my subscribers.

Subscribe also to the Telegram channel - See you again!

P.S. For loan refinancing other banks please pay attention to the offer Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development (UBRD) for an amount up to RUB 1,000,000. at 13% per annum.

The bank also provides the opportunity to register online applications for consumer loans with a rate of 11% for amounts up to 200,000 rubles. only with a passport (with a certificate of income up to 1,500,000 rubles).

The idea of ​​saving money for an apartment seems useless and unrealizable to most Russians, however, as they say, nothing is impossible, and with the right attitude, even such a “crazy” project can be brought to life. Especially for the International Day of Savings, which is celebrated on October 31, the RIA Real Estate website decided to collect real stories of people who saved for housing and learn from them the details and mechanisms of this difficult event.

It’s interesting that the experts interviewed by RIA Real Estate are skeptical about the idea of ​​saving money for an apartment and are constantly turning their attention to a mortgage loan. So, according to the asset manager of Veles Management, Yuri Timoschenko, if it makes sense for a family to start saving money, then only for the initial mortgage payment. If one of the spouses loses their job, mortgage plans are simply postponed “for later”, and the accumulated amount of funds is spent on current needs until a new job or other source of income is found. “It is obvious that the situation in the Russian economy recently has not been stable and is not conducive to long-term planning,” the expert believes.

However, the example of people who managed to save up for housing without taking out a mortgage confirms that this form of savings is quite feasible even during periods of crisis.

Subtleties of motivation

Oddly enough, the most important thing in the matter of saving money is not calculating the correct amount for monthly deductions and scrupulously maintaining home accounting, but proper motivation.

“If you woke up one morning and suddenly decided to save money for an apartment, because “the sun was shining cheerfully through the window,” then you can call it a day. This is a definite failure! You need to approach the idea of ​​saving money for housing slowly and carefully, and the main thing is to find the correct answer to the question: why is this needed at all?” says Yegor Kuznetsov, the happy owner of a separate home, for which he and his wife still managed to save money.

Of course, each person has his own motivation, but there are things that, according to Yegor, can concentrate a person as much as possible on his goal.

“For my wife and I, this impulse came from living in our parents’ three-room apartment with a bunch of relatives - seven people, three generations. Despite the fact that our family is friendly, life according to the “sausage in a jar” principle still cannot go smoothly. Tension is growing , the thirst for my own personal space is becoming stronger. I didn’t want to get into mortgage bondage, so after much thought and consultation, my wife and I firmly decided to save,” says Egor.

But for the spouses Maxim and Olga Sorokin, the incentive for “emergency” savings was the terrible situation with rented housing. “We rented apartments for a long time, changing them about once every year and a half. And we were happy with everything, until one night a bunch of drunken men burst into our place, started a real pogrom, and threatened to beat us. It turned out that one of these rowdies was the brother of the owner of the apartment, and he had his own key. After that, we realized that we were living in someone else’s house and desperately wanted our own little fortress,” the Sorokins recall.

Thus, the incentive must be so powerful that its impulse is sufficient for the entire period of savings. As a rule, these incentives are not associated with the most pleasant situations, but they are incredibly effective.

Team game

In the situation of saving money for housing, there is one important nuance, without which the idea is doomed to failure - teamwork. In other words, two or three people need to raise funds, because then the financial burden falls evenly on the shoulders of the partners, and income and expenses can be distributed more efficiently.

But this is not only about the economic component. “Tell me honestly, how many people can independently engage in sports three or four times a week at home, and regularly, from month to month? Just a few. It’s not for nothing that pair or group exercises were invented for sports, since training in a team disciplines and psychologically spurs those who are lazy The same applies to monetary savings - one partner stimulates the other if he has given up. Therefore, this is an almost impossible undertaking for a single person,” explains Sorokin.

Time threshold

All the heroes interviewed by RIA Real Estate, who tried to save money for housing, unanimously argue that such an event should have a strict time frame and a clear indication of the amount that needs to be collected at all costs.

“Simply saving abstract money for nothing is a waste of time. You definitely need to decide what specific amount and in what time frame you are saving,” Kuznetsov insists.

At the same time, the amount must be adequate to the financial capabilities of people. Accordingly, before installing it, you should analyze your income and expenses and decide whether it makes sense to take on such a business at all?

“It is impossible to stretch out the accumulation of money for more than four or five years. This is the very maximum period for which we can limit ourselves to demands and deprive ourselves of the usual pleasures. A longer period will psychologically exhaust people. They will hate this whole undertaking and one fine day they will definitely fail , spending money on just about anything,” says economist Elena Gracheva, who has successfully saved up money for an apartment.

Starting base

In most cases, partners saving money for housing have some starting amount of money or other material base, which is also an excellent incentive.

Starting from scratch is possible for people with above-average income, as they can maintain the level and pace of savings.

Well, people with average incomes are better off relying on some kind of material foundation, moreover, one that is their property. In the best case scenario, this could be a share in an inherited apartment or a car that can be sold, or existing savings.

Basics of home accounting

From the moment the process of saving money begins, people will have to accustom themselves to doing home accounting. To do this, you can keep a special notebook or create a file on your computer. Income (salaries) will be entered there, a preliminary spending plan for the month will be made, and then absolutely all expenses will be entered, including the purchase of bread, with receipts attached.

“This is necessary in order to ultimately see where you are outside the planned budget, to what extent such expenses are justified, and whether you will have to save more next month,” explains Kuznetsov.

"I want" and "need"

All expenses made during the savings period must be marked “want” or “need”. According to Gracheva, this will help protect people from unauthorized and wasteful spending.

“If in the store your hand reaches out to some thing, ask yourself: do I really need this or just want it? Our cunning mind, of course, can find benefit even in the most worthless things, so to be on the safe side, add: can I live without this? A simple example: there is soap and shower gel, which of these is absolutely necessary, and which is an item of pleasure that you can do without? Of course, soap wins in terms of usefulness and, by the way, it costs less than gel,” notes. agency interlocutor.

Mechanisms of "abstinence"

The money put aside for housing should be inviolable. And the most important task is not to spend it ahead of time on other needs. The only exceptions are serious health problems that require expensive treatment, or some emergency situations. “The lack of a fashionable fur coat for the winter is not an emergency,” Gracheva says ironically.

“My wife and I convinced ourselves so much that money was sacrosanct that sometimes we forgot that it existed. Even during the 2008 crisis, when I lost my job, we did not touch our savings. Yes, we had to live on my wife’s salary for about a year, borrow and get by with piece work. But after, when I again found a stable job with a good income, we gradually returned to the previous savings regime,” Kuznetsov shares his experience.

However, there are several ways that, purely technically, will limit access to the stash, the agency’s interlocutor notes. Firstly, the money needs to be kept in a bank in a savings book. Under no circumstances should you make a bank card with which you can easily withdraw them. Secondly, you need to save a set amount immediately after receiving your salary, preferably on the same day. Otherwise, the temptation to spend money may take over.

Alternative pleasures

Another subtle nuance that, oddly enough, will protect savings partners from waste. “Be sure to include pleasures in the list of vital things. Of course, during the period of savings they will have to be reconsidered. Traveling abroad may perhaps replace picnics with barbecues in the fresh air, relaxation at the parent’s dacha, or just walking in the parks. Cute inexpensive purchases are also periodically needed allow themselves. They are especially pleasing if they are presented to each other as a gift,” says Sorokina.

However, the best option is to find yourself a hobby or activity that does not require serious expenses, but will excite and bring joy throughout the entire period of savings. According to Kuznetsov, sports and creativity are best suited for this, since here you can constantly set goals and focus on achieving them. “For example, set a goal to get six-pack abs within a year or learn how to hand-quilt bedspreads,” he advises.

However, with all possible methods, the key to successfully saving money for an apartment is, no matter how trite, self-discipline, willpower and a passionate desire to find your own home.

Investment greetings, friends! Today we’ll talk about how to solve the housing problem. It is urgent for most young families, but for me, fortunately, it has already been resolved. And I will share with you the secrets of how to save up for an apartment as quickly and efficiently as possible.

First, you need to choose what you will save money for. There are two options here:

  • buying an apartment for cash (the way of the samurai);
  • purchasing a home with a mortgage, and you only need to save for a down payment (15-20% of the apartment price).

Both options are real, it all depends on your wallet size and patience. It is clear that with a small salary it is almost impossible to save for an apartment without a mortgage. Especially if we are talking about a couple of million. But if you need to save literally 300-400 thousand rubles, this is a more realistic task.

First, determine what will be more profitable for you: taking out a mortgage or renting and saving at the same time. Most often the first option is more profitable:

  • the cost of rent may increase, but the mortgage price will not;
  • you will be able to repay your mortgage early and reduce your debt;
  • inflation will work in your favor;
  • Psychologically, living in your own apartment is easier than renting.

But mortgages also have their disadvantages. So, your apartment will be pledged to the bank and if you fail to pay the debt, it can be taken away, and besides, it cannot be sold, donated or rented out to tenants.

But, be that as it may, choose. Mortgage or cash.

Determine the required amount

After that, start figuring out how much you need.

It's clear. that you need less money for a mortgage from scratch than for a whole apartment. But if you are exchanging an old one-room apartment for a new two-room or three-room apartment, it’s easier to save up than to take out a loan.

Many people ask whether it is possible to save up for an apartment with our salary. The answer is yes, if you know where you are going and you have a plan. Determining the required amount is the first step towards this.

Determine the average cost of an apartment in your region and figure out whether it’s realistic to save up for an apartment or still take out a loan.

In principle, the methods of accumulating funds in both cases will be approximately the same, the only difference will be the timing and amounts - and the set of tools is absolutely identical.

Adjust for inflation

When calculating how to quickly save up for an apartment, be prepared for the fact that you will have to race against inflation. Every year it will reduce the purchasing power of money and at the same time move the price of real estate up.

It may be objected that in 2014-2018 housing prices fell due to the crisis. Yes it is. Real estate can either rise in price in 10 years or skyrocket in price. But if you're planning to actually save for an apartment, you need to be prepared for the most likely scenario. And it is such that housing goes up in price by an average of 4% per year.

Consequently, your apartment for 1.5 million rubles in 20 years will cost about 3.2 million rubles (including compound interest). So if you plan to save for an apartment for 20 years, you will need the final goal not of 1.5 million rubles - but at least 3. That is. The size of monthly investments should be doubled already at the initial stage.

Make a financial plan

The next stage is drawing up a specific plan for exactly how you are going to save for an apartment. It will depend on the amount and period of savings. Be realistic: you can’t save up for real estate worth 5 million rubles in a year with a small salary.

First, determine exactly how much money you can save. If this is 50 thousand rubles, then it is unlikely that you will be able to save up for an apartment in a year - you need at least 150-200 thousand rubles. Try it like with a mortgage - calculate for 10 years and with a payment of 50% of your income. Most likely, the resulting figures will be closer to reality.

For example, if you can save 50 thousand rubles for 10 years and at the same time invest them in financial instruments with a yield of 10% per annum, then after this period you will have accumulated about 11.5 million rubles. An impressive amount.

If you double the payments, the amount of savings will be 23.3 million rubles. There’s already enough for a one-room apartment, and a three-ruble ruble, and a mid-range mansion.

Important: you need to take inflation into account, so in reality the purchasing power of this money may be lower.

It is clear that saving for an apartment with a small salary is more difficult, and it is more realistic to save 10-20 thousand rubles (and it’s good if you manage to save such amounts). We count. By the end of the 10-year period, you will have accumulated as much as 2.3 million rubles. Even taking into account inflation, this is enough for a modest one-room apartment somewhere in the province.

Define Tools

So, our most important task is not even to save money for an apartment, but to invest it wisely so that its purchasing power does not decrease. For example, if real estate prices rise by 4-5% per year, and your income is 10-12%, then you will benefit.

The second point is the absence of risks. It's tempting to invest 10% a month in a forex shop or binary options, but you'll likely end up with your pants down. You will be deceived.

Take risks by investing in structured products, futures or the stock market, i.e. Tools you don't understand shouldn't be used either. You will not be deceived - you yourself will lose money due to inexperience and ignorance.

In general, choose only proven risk-free instruments with returns above the market. And there are many of them.


Using only a deposit, it is very difficult to save up for an apartment with a salary of 20,000 rubles, since you can save 5-6 thousand rubles maximum. 10 years, of course, will be enough to collect 1 million rubles. But where will you find decent housing for that kind of money in a decade?

Of course, if you’re saving up for a mortgage, that’s it.

Deposits up to 1.4 million rubles are insured by the DIA, so you can safely invest in those banks that have membership in this agency.

Federal loan bonds

OFZs have a yield that is much higher than the deposit. If on average banks offer 5-6% per annum in rubles and 2-3% in foreign currency, then for OFZ the average yield is at the level of 7-8%. OFZs are issued by the Ministry of Finance and are protected by the state. There are no risks at all.

If you are thinking about how to save money for an apartment, you can use. Its essence is as follows:

  • you open a brokerage account, for example, with a Tinkoff broker (conveniently, there is no monthly service fee, you only pay a commission of 0.3%);
  • buy 10 thousand monthly OFZ;
  • per year you acquire about 120 thousand rubles worth of OFZs - depending on the issue, you will have 120-140 bonds in your hands;
  • you receive a coupon income of 70 rubles for each bond;
  • at the end of the year, apply a tax deduction - 13% of the funds invested in the IIS account (in this case, it is 13% of 120 thousand rubles, i.e. 15,600 rubles).

As a result, profit for the year: 70*120 + 15600 = 24000 rubles. This is 20% per annum. Calculate for yourself how many years it will take you to save your first million.

And here's an added bonus. Due to sanctions, foreign investors cannot hold Russian securities, so they dump them on the market. What happens to an asset when it is sold? That's right, it's getting more expensive. Now OFZ issues can be bought for 950, 900 and even 880 rubles.

Once their maturity date comes to an end, the government will buy them back at par. Imagine that you bought 1000 10-year bonds for 950 rubles, received a coupon income of 75 rubles per one per year on them, and then sold them back to the Ministry of Finance for 1000 rubles, earning 50 rubles on top. I leave the calculations to you.

In general, save money for an apartment. I think this is the surest option.

ETFs and mutual funds

This is a passive way to save and increase funds, which will allow you to save for an apartment with a small salary. Funds invest in various market instruments, i.e. adhere to the principle of the widest possible diversification of funds. Due to this, they make a profit even in a falling market - if some stocks fall, others continue to rise.

There is one way to make money on mutual funds and ETFs. You buy a unit of a mutual fund or an ETF share and wait for it to rise in price. And then you sell it. If you buy such an asset for 10 years, it will rise in price in any case. Your task is to choose those funds that definitely will not fall in price.

I offer a balanced portfolio:

  • 3 bond funds;
  • 1 mixed investment fund;
  • 1 industry fund;
  • 3 equity funds.

You will receive both conservative and speculative instruments in one package.

The advantage of funds is the minimum entry threshold. Mutual fund shares cost an average of 1,000 rubles, investments start from 5,000 rubles, depending on the management company. , the average price of an exchange-traded fund share in 2018 is 2000-2500 rubles.

If you are thinking about how to save up for an apartment with a salary of 30,000 rubles, then funds are your choice.

I personally recommend preferring ETFs, since the commission for the purchase and redemption of shares is 1-2% + annual fee of 1%. ETFs are enough to buy and hold - there are only two commissions - for buying and selling, and they are exchange-traded (0.005-0.3%). And in general, index investing turns out to be more profitable than active management.

Endowment insurance

Another option on how to quickly save up for an apartment is to take out a savings insurance policy. You can buy it at VTB, Alfa-Bank, Rosgosstrakh or Tinkoff. The essence of the NSJ:

  • you determine the amount you want to save;
  • select a program that will allow you to do this;
  • You receive a payment schedule that you pay.

Almost like a loan, but the money accumulates in your account. The profitability of the insurance policy is quite low - usually 4-5% per annum, but you receive insurance protection for the entire term of the policy. For example, for 10 years. And if something happens to you, you will immediately receive the full amount. And yes, you can buy an apartment.


So, in front of you is a ready-made algorithm on how to save up for an apartment, with all the layouts and reviews. First, calculate the amount you need, then figure out how much you can save, then make a plan and choose one of the tools I mentioned. To obtain a predictable income, I recommend OFZ with deduction from IIS. If you want to make crazy profits, try ETFs. For example, shares of the FinEx MSCI USA UCITS ETF have grown by 65.7% since 2012, and this is taking into account the 2014 oil crisis. The main thing is don’t fall for scammers, don’t risk your “apartment” money in vain. Good luck, and may the square meters be with you!

Read more, it's interesting!

Hello, dear readers and subscribers of the business magazine website. Your own apartment is a guarantee of independence and space for many activities. In Russia, the housing problem is quite acute; many people, even after 18, continue to live with their parents for a long time.

In the article we will look at how to save up and earn money for an apartment in 1-3 years, what should be followed and what to avoid.

From the article you can learn real ways to save up and earn money for an apartment and where to start + examples.

How to save up and earn money for an apartment in 3 years and a year: expert advice

To achieve any results faster, you must first familiarize yourself with the experience and advice of previous people. This section contains tips that will help speed up the accumulation process.

No. 1.

Get organized Saving up for an apartment is not difficult. The main thing is to learn to organize yourself: work efficiently and save correctly

. These 2 most important components allow you to achieve any goals in 3 years, not just buy real estate.

  • Self-organization includes:
  • Improving work efficiency;
  • Cost control;
  • Financial literacy;
  • Time management;

Smart investment of funds.

This minimum set of skills allows you to quickly save up for an apartment and generally improve your financial condition.

No. 2. Change your thinking. In this section we will describe the habits that you need to get rid of and that you need to acquire.

Get rid of:

  • Bad habits. Smoking and drinking takes up a significant portion of your finances. This also includes clubs, cafes, bars, etc.
  • Pessimism.
  • Entrepreneurship is a risky business and it is impossible to do without mistakes. In the end, only prudent optimists who do not give up after the first failure win.


  • If you want to achieve results, first plan everything, then act decisively and without stopping. This is the only way to achieve success. Learn to:
  • Analyze your behavior and spending.
  • Any mistakes can be avoided if you learn to evaluate the actions performed from the outside. Planning. Any successful businessman will confirm that it all starts with simply making a to-do list for the day. Just listing tasks increases productivity by 25% in 5 minutes.
  • Regular sports.

Daily physical exercise increases brain productivity and reduces stress levels, which allows you to make all decisions more rationally. Just running 30 minutes a day is enough.

Reading books. Any work has a useful thought and message. Just 10 minutes a day every day will leave a significant residue for the future.

Overall, if you learn these 4 skills, you will notice that you become much more productive. And financial enrichment first of all begins with expanding knowledge. No. 3. Create strict rules and don't break them Every family experiences difficult moments and behavior during this period affects financial stability. One of the simplest methods:

  • make rules for yourself and strictly follow them
  • . For example:
  • Don't go to the store without a list;
  • Always keep records;
  • Plan costs;
  • Do not take money from the business budget;

Do not spend money on unnecessary purchases;

Always save 10%.

Everyone should make a list of restrictions on their own and. This not only disciplines, but also helps to significantly reduce costs.

No. 4.

Take action, stop sitting idle

Many of the readers, after reading, will get excited about the idea, plan something and forget. Such people never achieve success; if there is no action, then there is no result either. All the methods you’ve read will only really work if you follow them.

At the end of the article, a way to achieve the goal is described. In the end, it all comes down to devoting 1-2 hours a day to additional activities. If you waste time on unnecessary activities, then there is no point in talking about any additional income.

No. 7.

Save, but don't forget to look for new income

Saving is a useful skill and it helps you save up to 50% of your costs. But if you want to achieve the best results, learn how to save and increase your income at the same time.

6 working ways to earn money to buy an apartment for young people.

How to earn money for an apartment: TOP-6 modern ways

There are various ways to buy without a mortgage. Each of them will lead to the final result, you just need to not give up.

No. 1.


  • Video hosting has long moved from the category of entertainment to a large platform for the production of media content. According to statistics, after just 1 year of hard work, a blogger reaches 15-50 thousand rubles per month.
  • The main task in this business is to guess the direction and interest the audience. There will be viewers - advertising will appear. For effective channel development:
  • Think over a content plan;
  • Release videos regularly;
  • Regularly improve the quality of the material;


Look for sponsors.

Find your niche that will be of interest to viewers. How to run a business on YouTube is a separate topic in the article, but in general it all comes down to attracting the attention of the public and retaining views. No. 2. Instagram

A media personality develops simultaneously in many sources. Instagram bloggers earn no less than others, already with

10-50 thousand subscribers

you can earn money from commercial posts. As a rule, Instagram is promoted simultaneously with another source of income.

  • According to statistics, advertisers consider $1.5-2 per 1000 subscribers to be the norm. Based on calculations with 20 thousand subscribers for one post, we get $40, which is approximately 2000 rubles. 4 orders in a month and 8-10 thousand in my wallet. The main thing is to learn how to choose advertisers correctly and communicate competently with the audience.
  • No. 3. Freelancing
  • Voluntary labor is quite profitable and stable. The most popular on the Internet are:
  • Designers;
  • Programmers;

SEO optimizers;


Site administrators. It is enough to devote 1-2 months to learning any specific task and you can enter the stock exchange. Master website administration or backend development skills and you can significantly increase your income.. But the problem is that to start, you must first accumulate finances.

No. 5.

Resale of Chinese goods Simple and effective method: you buy goods abroad and sell them at a higher price

. The question is that you need to learn how to sell and negotiate with suppliers correctly.

No. 6.


The 21st century is a time of active development of technology; there are not enough programmers and there is a great demand for them. To become a specialist, you need to graduate from a university, but for a freelance exchange, a month’s course is enough, and then it’s a matter of practice. The main thing is to be able to find customers and do the job well.

In the field of programming there is a simple rule. The more skills, the higher the pay. They don’t look at education; practical skills and experience are more important.

No. 7.

SMM, SEO and online marketing

The Internet has become an indispensable part of modernity. Sales are carried out through a global network and, according to statistics, they bring excellent income. But competition in the market does not allow anyone to enter the field. Therefore, companies need specialists who will bring their products to search results, promote accounts and increase sales.

How to save for an apartment: TOP 7 working ways to earn money for housing

The methods described above are related to modern methods; they appeared relatively recently and are not suitable for everyone by nature and area of ​​interest. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with time-tested methods.

No. 1: Mortgage - easy, but long to pay

If you need to quickly move into real estate (there is nowhere to live and work), then a mortgage is an indispensable item.

If so, look for additional income. Regardless of whether you can cope with the payments or not, you will still need finance to pay off the debt.

No. 2: We rent out someone else’s home

The method is similar to reselling goods. We find someone else's housing and enter into an agreement with the owners. If the condition of the premises is good, then we immediately engage in resale. In another case, we first repair, create favorable conditions and rent out the property. No. 3: Developing our business within the city The Internet occupies one of the leading positions, but people need to eat, repair equipment, etc. Start developing your business within the city of residence, and the Internet will be an excellent addition to attract attention.

If there is no money to start at all (

The information business is completely dependent on advertising; you can earn $1000 monthly from one blog. But such income is possible after hard and regular work: choosing topics and filling it with content. The process is not complicated, but the blog will begin to generate stable income in 6-12 months.

No. 5: IIS

Many people are interested in how to earn money for an apartment without having their own. If you don’t have your own property, then you need to save for it. As you know, banks offer deposits at 6-7% per year. Taking into account inflation, this interest is not enough to cover expenses.

The government is accommodating to citizens; they offer to register and receive a tax deduction after 3 years. This was written in more detail in previous articles. Unlike a bank, you invest in company shares and receive dividends from it; a return of 10-15% per year is considered the norm.

#6: Trading

Professional stock trading allows you to get rich in a short time. But to do this, you need to learn how to analyze stock exchange charts and predict rate movements. Unlike other investments, the trader works with small amounts, but for short periods: days, weeks.

According to statistics, 90% of traders lose their initial capital within 3 months. This occurs due to haste and reluctance to analyze risks in detail. If you want to become a trader, spend 2-3 months studying techniques and methods before entering the stock exchange.

No. 7: Seasonal and situational business

Within the city, the entire service market can be occupied on a permanent basis. Instead of competing with giants, it’s easier to make a leap in a seasonal direction. In June - an entertainment agency, in September - office sales, etc.

Is it possible to save up and earn money for your own apartment if you have no housing and no mortgage?

The above methods are known to many. But the question is how to use the knowledge gained. For a preliminary calculation, let's take the amount of 3 million rubles; with this money you can buy normal apartments.

Option No. 1: Term for 1 year

There are 365 days or 12 months, which is approximately 52 weeks. Therefore, you need to save 250,000 per month. For most Russians, this is an unaffordable amount and it is difficult to reach such money in 1 year. And after 1 year, any business just begins to achieve stable profits and recoup costs.

Option #2: Accumulate in 3 years

It is extremely difficult to save up in 1 year, especially without preliminary savings. If we increase the period by 3 times, we get 36 months and 83,340 rubles/month. . This is already close to reality, but it is still extremely difficult.

Option #3: 10 years

This is quite a long period of time and you need to be patient in order to be able to save for a long time on your own. But now monthly costs are only 25,000, which is already close to reality.

You can save up, but is it necessary?

If there is no highly profitable business, then it will be difficult and time-consuming to save on your own. At best, with an average salary you will have to save 25,000 monthly.

If you don’t have your own home, then it is more advisable to take out a mortgage for a long term. But if real estate is purchased simply in addition to the main one, then it is enough to simply postpone and not violate the deadlines.

Real examples of saving money to buy your own home.

How to save for an apartment with a salary of 20,000, 30,000, 40,000 rubles per month + examples

Unfortunately, the housing issue in Russia is quite acute. Many people want to live in comfortable apartments, but due to working conditions they cannot afford it. After all the tips described above, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the savings plan for a period of 5-10 years. During this time, it is quite possible to create your own business and grow it to the required volume.

Follow the advice from the first paragraph of the article. To accumulate, you must first change your thinking and perception.

Start with planning

You cannot put things off until tomorrow, for a week or a month. If you act, then only immediately and without stopping. In the coming week, choose the direction in which you will develop:

  • media (Internet, YouTube, social networks);
  • investments (IIS, );
  • career/additional skills (programming, SEO, freelancing, marketing).

No one forbids trying in all areas, but the greatest success is achieved by a person with a narrow specialization of his activity.

After determining the general vector of development, clarify your specialization and ways to generate additional income: what channel will you develop or what stocks will you invest in.

1 year - we start and get used to the pace

To make sure of the idea, let’s carry out planning with a salary of 20,000. The experiment involves a family without a child; both spouses work 40 hours a week and can afford no more than 2 hours a day for their business (in the evening after work) + weekends.

The total income is 40,000 rubles and 30 of them goes on food, clothing, payment for services, etc. Only 10,000 are free per month. These are the minimum starting conditions that must be provided. Let’s say you have to move in with relatives and give up all paid services.

In addition to his main job, my husband decides to run a YouTube channel + Instagram + blog. The first month he studies the field, gains knowledge and plans content. He sets aside 5,000 monthly for development (advertising, copywriters, equipment).

The wife decides to start freelancing. The first 3 months he studies long and hard, but does not pay off his efforts. Subsequently, she recruited her customers and is now recouping her costs.

By the end of the year, the family had become accustomed to this pace of life. As a result, the husband brings an additional +30 thousand, and the wife too (in a year you can reach such figures).

Year 2 - expanding

If the start was successful, now we need to expand the scope of our activities. The excess 20,000 is invested monthly in IIS and shares of the company are purchased with a forecast of 12% stable per year.

  • 20 thousand monthly = 240,000 per year
  • 12% dividends = 28,800

Additional income has now become the main area of ​​activity (this happens often). And now the family can afford higher-paying jobs or continue to develop as entrepreneurs.

Freelancers with extensive experience are often invited to young companies for a good salary. They can agree or continue their hobby.

3-5 year

After 3 years, you can receive a tax deduction on your IIS. There has already accumulated approximately 1 million + tax exemption. You can buy a one-room apartment or continue saving.

Margins of error

In the above calculations, we took an example with a minimum salary of 20,000. If spouses receive a total of >100 thousand, then the time frame is different and they will achieve their goals faster.

But this does not change the essence of the plan. In the first year, spend time and money on expanding your basic income so that you have something to save from.


How to save up and earn money for an apartment - this question will be relevant for a long time. The methods described above explain everything that is necessary to achieve the result. But in the end, it doesn’t matter what additional business you take up—you’ll get income everywhere. The main thing is to learn to save, manage your time and finish what you start.