Loan for individual entrepreneurs for the development of small businesses. VTB Bank is an active participant in government support programs for small and medium-sized businesses

To open your own business, very often, additional funds are required. For help, you can contact financial organizations that provide loans for starting a business from scratch.

Experts note that such a loan pays off within one year. Therefore, many banks cooperate with budding businessmen. After the economic crisis, the conditions for providing large loans were tightened, but with a competent approach, you can increase the chances of approval of the application.

To increase the chances of obtaining a loan for an individual entrepreneur, it is recommended to competently draw up a business plan, find guarantors or provide liquid collateral in the form of real estate. Having a positive credit history is also an important indicator of a potential borrower.

Where to get a loan for an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) to open a business from scratch (for a small business)

Many banking organizations are developing special programs for private entrepreneurs who want to start from scratch. In this case, the lender takes into account only the plans and ideas of the borrower. Thus, financial institutions bear large risks, so the size of the loan for starting is small and the interest rate is high.

Before contacting a bank, you need to develop a business plan, which should include items with the following information:

  • The required amount of funds to be raised.
  • Purpose of using money.
  • Estimated profit from business activities.
  • What amount can be withdrawn from circulation in order to make mandatory loan payments.
  • Alternative business development solutions.

This document will allow the lender to assess the feasibility of providing a loan. In addition, when making a decision, the presence of a business plan is taken into account.

Banking organizations offer businessmen the following products:

  • Express loan. Designed for individual entrepreneurs who urgently need additional funds. The decision is made within one hour. The borrower needs to provide a minimum of documentation. It is important to note that such a loan is issued at high interest rates.
  • Consumer loan for individual entrepreneurs. In this case, you need to collect the necessary package of documents. Security in the form of collateral or surety may also be required.
  • Cash loan for businessmen. Some financial institutions offer credit lines to budding entrepreneurs.

It is important to note that not all banks cooperate with start-up businessmen. Therefore, you need to carefully study the conditions. Experts recommend applying for a loan from a financial institution where you can open a current account.

The best loan offers for businessmen in 2017

Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank of Russia offers a profitable loan for a starting individual entrepreneur. The product “Trust” allows you to realize your idea. Business loan terms:

  • The loan is provided for any purpose, without providing liquid collateral.
  • With collateral, the loan is issued at a reduced interest rate.
  • The base rate is only 16.5%.
  • The lending limit is 3,000,000 rubles.
  • The maximum loan period is 3 years.

Bank of Moscow

The financial organization has developed a universal loan for opening and developing business activities.

  • The loan size is 150,000 – 150,000,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 1-60 months.
  • The interest rate is determined on an individual basis.
  • Collateral is required.
  • The decision on the application is made no more than 5 days.

OTP bank

The main advantage of OTP Bank is that you can fill out an application on the website and find out about the decision within a few minutes.

  • The loan size is 15,000 – 750,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 12-48 months.
  • The rate is 14.9%.
  • No collateral required.

Renaissance Credit

The financial organization specializes in providing consumer loans not only to the population, but also to individual entrepreneurs.

  • The loan size is 30,000 – 500,000 rubles.
  • The interest rate is determined individually and can be 15.9-29.1%.
  • Loan period: 24-60 months.
  • No collateral required.
  • To apply, it is enough to present a valid Russian passport and an additional document.


Lending terms:

  • The maximum loan size can be 400,000 rubles.
  • The base rate is 12%.
  • The application is filled out online, and the loan is issued at the representative office of the financial institution.
  • The maximum loan period is 5 years.
  • The decision is made within one hour.

Thus, a novice businessman can choose an offer on favorable terms.

Loan conditions for individual entrepreneurs at Sberbank. Calculator for 2017

Sberbank of Russia offers various products for individual entrepreneurs. One of these programs is “Business Project,” which allows you not only to open a new business, but also to modernize and expand it.

The main advantages of such a long-term loan are:

  • Significant amounts of lending.
  • A long period.
  • If necessary, you can get a deferment.
  • Consultation with specialists.

Conditions for providing a loan for individual entrepreneurs:

  • The loan period is 3-120 months.
  • The minimum interest rate is 11.8%.
  • The loan is provided only in Russian rubles.
  • Minimum availability of own money: 10%.
  • Payment of the principal debt can be deferred for one year.
  • Loan size: 2,500,000 – 200,000,000 rubles.
  • Security in the form of liquid collateral or surety is required.
  • There are no additional fees.
  • When providing collateral, the property must be insured.

To receive a loan to start a business, you need to fill out an electronic application form on the Sberbank website. To eliminate the risk of refusal, all information must be reliable.

To calculate the approximate overpayment on the loan and the amount of monthly payments, you need to go to: Fill in all fields and click on the “Calculate” button.

It is important to note that the calculator allows you to find out approximate numbers. More accurate information should be clarified with the bank manager.

Loan without collateral or guarantors from Sberbank. Is it possible to register and how to do it?

Sberbank of Russia provides an opportunity for aspiring entrepreneurs to obtain a loan without providing liquid collateral in the form of real estate or vehicles.

To receive a loan, go to the “Small Business” section on the financial institution’s website, then select “Loans and guarantees”, where you click on the “Business Trust” tariff.

The loan is issued for a period of up to 4 years. The minimum interest rate is 18.5%. The loan amount can reach 3,000,000 rubles, without charging additional fees.

To obtain a long-term loan, you must complete several steps:

  • Fill out an application at a representative office of a banking organization or on the official website.

  • Provide a list of required documents (constituent, financial, documentation of business activities).
  • Wait for the creditor's decision.
  • If the application is approved, the manager will call the potential borrower to clarify all the nuances of obtaining a loan.

It is important to note that such a program has some restrictions and is therefore not available in all cities of Russia.

If the future client cannot find guarantors and provide collateral, then there is another option for obtaining a loan for the development of individual entrepreneurs. To do this, you need to submit an application for a consumer loan.

Lending terms:

  • The loan is non-targeted.
  • The maximum loan size can be 1,500,000 rubles.
  • Loan period 3-60 months.
  • There are no hidden fees.
  • No collateral required.
  • The interest rate is determined individually and can be 14.9-22.9%.

Thus, a novice businessman can take advantage of several offers from a financial institution.

Loan for individual entrepreneurs with zero reporting

An individual entrepreneur must submit special reports, even if he does not carry out his main activities. Such reporting is considered zero. Is it possible to get approval for a loan in such a situation?

Any financial organization, before making a decision on an application from an individual entrepreneur, first of all takes into account the financial statements. Therefore, they try not to cooperate with businessmen whose reporting is zero. To increase your chances of approval, you must provide liquid collateral or find solvent guarantors.

Primary requirements:

  • If an entrepreneur has a zero declaration, then the main condition for lending is to carry out activities for more than 1 year, after completing the registration procedure. If the borrower can document his income, then collateral may not be required.
  • Submission of documents: certificate of financial condition, registration certificate, zero reporting and others.

However, you need to understand that in this case, banks try to minimize their risks, so they provide a small amount at high interest rates, compared to loans issued to companies with existing income.

To start any business project, start-up capital is required. It takes time to accumulate it on your own. And this will take not 2-3 months, but at least 5-6 years. If you do not intend to wait, you will have to turn to private investors for help or try to get a loan from a bank. Fortunately, this is not as difficult as it seems. Today, many financial organizations are ready to issue loans to small businesses from scratch. All thanks to targeted government support and the federal program for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Borrowed funds can be an excellent launching pad for a young entrepreneur. But business lending has its own nuances that need to be taken into account. Firstly, a loan is usually issued for specific purposes. This could be business development, starting a new business, purchasing equipment, repaying tax payments, replenishing working capital, etc. You will not be able to use the money in any other way. Otherwise, conflict with bank representatives and supervisory authorities cannot be avoided.

Secondly, to get a loan to start a small business from scratch, you need to provide a business plan. As well as an official certificate confirming your status as an individual entrepreneur, and the right establishing documents for the commercial real estate and commercial equipment you own (if any). In addition, to obtain a large loan, you may need a third party guarantee or other guarantees of your solvency (collateral, intermediation of the SME Corporation, etc.).

Requirements for the borrower

To take out a loan for a business plan, you need to meet the requirements established by the management of the banking organization. Each bank has its own internal standards, which only company employees know about. But, nevertheless, there are general criteria that are more or less the same for all financial institutions in the Russian Federation. These include:

  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • age - from 23 to 65 years;
  • business period is from 12 months.

Moreover, the last point does not mean that you will not be given a loan to develop a small business from scratch. It is quite possible to get it, you just need to use one of the government support programs.

Governmental support

The Russian government has long realized the importance of small and medium-sized businesses. To stimulate the entrepreneurial activity of the population, various financial and information support tools are being developed. Moreover, not only federal authorities, but also regional administrations take part in their preparation.

Stimulating SME lending

The small business lending incentive program is one of the largest projects of the SME Corporation. Together with the Ministry of Economic Development and the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, the organization has developed a fundamentally new instrument for financing young businessmen. The corporation managed to fix the interest rate on loans from 5 million to 1 billion rubles. at the level of 10.6% (9.6% for medium-sized enterprises). You can get a loan for a small business from scratch on these terms in 45 Russian commercial banks, including Sberbank, Vozrozhdenie, Alfa-Bank, Raiffeisenbank, etc.

Among the financed industries:

  • Agriculture;
  • production and supply of electricity, gas and water supply;
  • food production;
  • construction;
  • connection;
  • freight and passenger transportation.

A loan for the development of small businesses from scratch from the state is issued as part of preferential lending. The guarantor in this case is JSC Federal Corporation for SMEs.

Free loan

You can also receive money for business development free of charge. If an entrepreneur complies with the requirements of Russian legislation and has no outstanding tax debts, he is entitled to targeted subsidies. Moreover, both federal and regional.

To apply for a subsidy, you must first choose a direction. This can be done, for example, on the website of the Innovation Promotion Fund. To start a business from scratch, the organization issues free loans of up to 15 million rubles. Separately, you can get up to 300 thousand rubles. from the regional Ministry of Economic Development as part of a regional competition.

Non-profit foundations

You can take out a loan for a small business, from scratch, without collateral or guarantors, not only from the state, but also from non-governmental organizations. For example, the International Business Leaders Forum (IBLF). Under the “Youth Business of Russia” program, which is supervised by the Youth Business International (YBI) Foundation, you can get a loan of up to 300 thousand rubles for a period of 1 to 3 years. The interest rate is 12%, the debt can be deferred for 6 months.

All you need to apply for a loan is a ready-made business plan. The promotion is designed to support young businessmen, so the age of the potential borrower should be no more than 35 years.

TOP 5 business loans

Most loan offers that are not included in the program prepared by the SME Committee are issued to entrepreneurs whose business has been in existence for at least 1 year. Discussion of individual conditions is possible if there is security or guarantee from persons enjoying the confidence of the management of the banking organization.

5th PLACE: loans from Alfa-Bank JSC

Alfa-Bank is one of the most customer-oriented Russian banks. He actively cooperates with the SME Corporation and provides loans for small businesses from scratch on preferential terms. He also develops his own financial instruments for young entrepreneurs:

  • "Partner". Loan for business development at 16.5% - 17.5% per annum. You can borrow from 300 thousand to 6 million rubles, no deposit is required. A prerequisite is to have a current account with Alfa-Bank JSC. Repayment period - from 13 months to 3 years;
  • "Overdraft". Money for current needs, a kind of “spare account” for the company. Issued for 12 months. The loan size varies from 500 thousand to 6 million rubles. Interest rate from 13.5% to 18%. No collateral is required, but a surety from an individual is required. A one-time fee of 1% is charged for opening an overdraft limit.

If you have just started a business from scratch, then the likelihood of approval is very small

4th PLACE: business loans from JSC Rosselkhozbank

Rosselkhozbank specializes in financing enterprises one way or another related to agriculture and the food industry. Therefore, the company has many targeted lending programs. Entrepreneurs involved in small businesses may be interested in the following loans:

  • "Optimal". Non-targeted loan from 100 thousand to 7 million rubles. Repayment period - 5 years. Issued on the security of real estate, commercial equipment, transport or special equipment. Deferments for debt payment are not provided;
  • "Fast decision". Loan in the amount of 100 thousand to 1 million rubles. The loan term is short, only 12 months. Can be used to pay lease payments or update the material and technical base of the enterprise. Collateral is not required.

Interest rates of Rosselkhozbank depend on the size of the loan and its repayment period. And they are calculated by credit managers individually.

3rd PLACE: targeted loan from PJSC Russian Capital

Russian Capital has a large number of corporate lending programs. But for small businesses, the target package “Business Development” is of greatest interest.

Under this program, entrepreneurs can receive a loan from 1 to 150 million rubles. at 11% per annum. The loan repayment period is up to 10 years. The money can be used to purchase equipment, renovate real estate or replenish working capital. Funds are issued both in the format of a one-time loan and in the form of a non-revolving credit line with a maximum disbursement limit.

To obtain a loan, you must provide collateral and enlist the support of guarantors. The minimum period of business existence is 9 months. Borrowers can be individual entrepreneurs and legal entities that are tax residents of the Russian Federation.

2nd PLACE: non-targeted business loans of Sberbank PJSC

Sberbank has been successfully lending to small businesses for a long time. You can get a loan for enterprise development here using one of three special programs:

  • “Trust” Basic loan for up to 3 years at 16.5% - 18.5% per annum. The client can count on an amount of up to 3 million rubles, no guarantee or collateral is required;
  • “Express overdraft” This loan also does not require collateral. The loan term has been reduced to 12 months, the interest rate is 15.5%, and the maximum amount is 2 million rubles.
  • “Business Turnover” and “Business Invest” These two transfers are very similar, the rate is from 11.8%, the maximum loan amount is not limited, it is determined only by the solvency of the borrower and the value of the collateral. These offers are targeted loans, this is the main difference.

Loan term Business Turnover - up to 3 years, Business Invest - up to 10 years

A decision on the application is made within 3 working days, online registration is possible.

1st PLACE: loans for business development of PJSC Bank VTB 24

A distinctive feature of VTB 24 programs is their clear specialization. The bank has both investment proposals and targeted loans for the development of small businesses from scratch, the purchase of special equipment and other needs. The most popular loans are:

  • "Target" Issued in amounts starting from 850 thousand rubles. for the purchase of equipment and special vehicles from the bank’s partners. Repayment period - up to 5 years. It is possible to defer payments on the principal debt for 6 months. Base rate - 10.9%;
  • "Investment" Can be used to implement various business processes. Amount - from 850 thousand rubles, term - up to 10 years. The rate, as in the previous case, is 10.9%. It is necessary to provide material support;
  • "Kommersant". Express loan for business development at 13% in the amount from 500 thousand to 5 million rubles. You can spread your monthly payments over a period of up to 5 years. The loan is not targeted and is provided against a minimum package of documents (business plan, individual entrepreneur certificate, etc.).

You can apply for a loan from VTB 24 either at the bank’s office or through a form on the official website.

Full list of small business lending products


Small business loan from scratch issued by both government funds and commercial companies. Material support can also be obtained from non-governmental organizations created on the initiative of entrepreneurs themselves. The main thing is to prepare a convincing business plan and find guarantors who will be willing to take on your financial obligations in the event of a crisis.

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Not all “newly-minted” entrepreneurs start their own business without attracting credit funds. Banks, in turn, are constantly introducing such loan products and issuing loans to individual entrepreneurs for business development in Moscow, in particular for the purchase of equipment, the purchase of goods, etc. Let's consider the terms of the loan.

On what terms are loans issued to individual entrepreneurs for business in Moscow?

First of all, the company applying for a loan must be a resident of the Russian Federation and operate in the region of registration of the bank. Another requirement that almost all Moscow banks put forward is to provide collateral for the loan. To open or maintain an existing business, you can get a loan secured by:

  • apartments;
  • houses or cottages;
  • land plot;
  • transport (including special equipment);
  • office, retail and warehouse premises;
  • commercial real estate.

If you need it in Moscow from scratch, then banks are also ready to consider this option and issue a loan for the purchase of commercial real estate, including those under construction. This loan is designed for 5-10 years. You can apply for such a loan without certificates confirming solvency, as well as without collateral or guarantors at a rate of 12% at Sberbank of Russia. The purchased property will act as collateral for the loan.

A loan for individual entrepreneurs to start a business is issued only in Russian rubles by crediting to the account. A cash loan can be obtained if the bank makes such a decision after considering the application.

In the article:

The economy in our country is developing rapidly. And business among the population is one of the popular ways to generate income in order to ensure decent living conditions. But, unfortunately, potential entrepreneurs do not always have the initial capital to open or expand their activities. Therefore, many people think about which banks are ready to provide a loan for business without collateral or guarantors.

Loan from Sberbank

Sberbank is a fairly popular and reliable credit institution in our country, offering a loan for starting a small business without collateral or guarantors. Financing can be provided for both long and short periods of time. This bank offers clients to use a program such as “Business Trust”, which does not oblige borrowers to state the purpose of the loan.

Conditions of registration

  • The loan is issued for a period from 3 to 48 months.
  • The interest rate depends on the period for which the loan is issued. The longer the term, the higher the interest.
  • Financing is provided only in Russian rubles.
  • If necessary, a deferment on payments can be granted, but not more than 3 months.
  • The loan amount is up to 3,000,000 million rubles.
  • No commissions.
  • Late payment of amounts under the agreement entails the accrual of a double interest rate on the late payment, which is separately stated in the agreement upon its conclusion.

Under this program, Sberbank offers an urgent loan for a business without collateral or guarantors, but only if a private entrepreneur who wants to expand his activities has an income of at least 400,000,000 rubles per year.

The lending program for small businesses at VTB 24 Kommersant offers quite interesting conditions. For more information about the program and to conclude an agreement, please contact the bank branch.

Loan from VTB 24

VTB 24 offers clients to apply for a loan without collateral or guarantors online by choosing one of 3 programs:

  • Business Express. In this case, a loan is issued in an amount of no more than 4,000,000 rubles at an annual interest rate of at least 14.5%. In this case, the loan term is up to 7 years.
  • Merchant lending under this program involves providing a loan for a period not exceeding 5 years. The amount that the bank is ready to provide varies from 500,000 to 5,000,000 rubles at an annual interest rate of 22.5%.
  • Business express target - this loan option for a business without collateral and online guarantors does not allow you to apply for a loan in the amount of more than 3.5 million rubles. The maximum loan term is 5 years. And the initial rate for this financing scheme is 14.5%.

To apply for a business loan without collateral or guarantors online, you must go to the official VTB24 website and fill in the requested data in a special form, which must be reliable, since the bank will carefully check all information. After this, you need to send an application and wait for a call to discuss this issue in more detail.

VTB24 finances entrepreneurs only if an account is opened with this bank.

Loan from Alfa Bank

Alfa Bank offers several programs to obtain a business loan without collateral or guarantors. One of the main advantages of this financial institution is that, if necessary and if the borrower wishes, a payment schedule can be drawn up for each individual. After expressing a desire and submitting an application from a private individual for a business loan without collateral or guarantors, the bank makes a positive or negative decision within 30 minutes.

Main conditions

  • Having a positive credit history.
  • A legal business that has been in operation for at least 9 months at the time the loan is issued.
  • The client must have citizenship of the Russian Federation.
  • Loan term - up to 5 years.
  • At the time of applying for a loan, the borrower must not participate in any legal proceedings.

The bank sets document requirements for each client individually. This is influenced by many factors, including the desired loan amount, the term of its repayment, the type of activity and the characteristics of the business.

For what purposes is the loan provided?

A business loan without collateral or guarantors in Tyumen and other cities is issued by Alfa Bank to increase working capital when planning business expansion, to purchase more advanced equipment or to repair and modernize existing equipment, as well as to purchase or repair commercial real estate and vehicles.

Financing can be provided for other purposes, but the main thing is that they are directly related to the development of business activities.

Online loan calculator

To take out a business loan without collateral or guarantors, it is not at all necessary to immediately go to the territorial bank branch; you can first submit an application online and also use a special calculator. To do this, you need to enter the requested data in the form provided: the desired loan amount, the annual interest rate and the loan period. After this, the system will make an approximate calculation of the payments that will need to be made monthly and the total overpayment on the loan.

According to numerous reviews, a business loan without collateral or guarantors is an excellent opportunity to open or develop a business. Which bank to contact is an individual decision for each potential borrower. The main thing is to competently study all the proposed conditions, assess the risks and financial possibilities.