Dolgova Galina under the guise of debt fb2. Dolgova Galina “Under the Mask of Debt” (book description)

Name: Under the guise of duty

Subject: forced marriage

“Under the Mask of Debt” by Galina Dolgova- a story about how a marriage of convenience results in love to the grave, and magical experiments and conspiracies turn against those who started them.

Plot: Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori is an aristocrat, an airbender and the Duke's fiancée. However, none of the above helped her avoid an unenviable fate: to become living payment for her country’s loss in the war.

Among 10 girls selected from the best graduates of the High Academy of Magic, she goes to the capital of the Ice Empire to become the wife of one of the highest lords of Euliron.

The girl’s younger sister remains in her homeland in need of support and protection. And Elvedan herself could use a strong man’s shoulder to lean on in difficult times. Who knows, maybe it will be found in a foreign land?

Positive feedback: I think for those who decide to take up reading the novel Dolgova Galina “Under the guise of debt”, it will be interesting to start by learning more about what is hidden under the bright book cover. Well, I’ll be happy to tell you about the contents of the book in more detail.

Let me start, perhaps, with the fact that the main character, along with several other girls gifted with magical talents, are sent to a foreign country. They are hostages of the world. Future wives of high lords Eulirona. But will this bring happiness to the girls?

Elvedan - that’s the name of the main character - yes, but not all her friends either. Yes, and the girl will have to make remarkable efforts to “unfreeze” her cold husband, stingy with emotions, biased both towards this whole idea with marriages and towards the “lucky girl” chosen for this mission.

However, the hero “thaws out” quite quickly, and this allows the author to give his heroes love, happiness, trust and mutual understanding, and move on to the description of another bright, memorable love line, without making a separate novel a two-volume series

Stories of the rest of the girls are also woven into the fabric of the narrative, but are described casually and fragmentarily. I’m talking about the relationship between the younger sister Elvedan and Lord Euliron. The sudden feeling that flared up between them not only keeps the reader from getting bored, but also makes him worry about whether the book will have a happy ending.

I won’t reveal all my cards to you (there are already plenty of spoilers in my review), I’ll just say that if you like books of this genre and with a similar plot (in particular, about a forced marriage), then this work is worth reading without a doubt.

Note: Although Galina Dolgova’s novel is absolutely about a forced marriage, in addition to describing the relationships of the main characters, smoothly moving from initial alienation and coldness to subsequent rapprochement and trembling feelings, on the pages of the book there are also numerous interstate intrigues.

To “spy passions” and “magical experiments” you prefer a good old love story, with a minimum of frills in terms of plot, but maximum tension between a Woman and a Man, know: this is not exactly the case.

Recommendations: Also, stories about forced marriage often resemble manuals on the topic “how to tame your own husband.” Again, in this case the situation is somewhat different. The book is more multi-layered.

In addition to the love line, in “Under the Mask of Duty” there are also very, very loud-sounding detective notes. And the magic in the described world is actually enough for the book to be considered a fantasy genre with a clear conscience.

Women's fantasy, Yes. But it’s him that you and I love so much, and it’s him that we read with genuine pleasure and rapture?

Similar works: The girls from the novel also have to pay with their own freedom in order to seal the concluded peace agreement. Each of them leaves her own people forever to start a new life on a foreign land. But who said that happiness and love do not wait for them there?

Under one cover are collected eight love stories, completely different from each other, but each of which is charming and touching in its own way.

Other books by the author: not one independent book, but a whole fantasy series by Galina Dolgova - "Toys of the Dead". It includes the novels: “The Illusion of Choice. Step", "The Illusion of Choice. Deception", "Casting. Shah", "Casting. Mat". The plot revolves around our contemporary woman, who had the chance (or, more appropriately, the misfortune to say) to become yet another entrapment in the magical world and receive abilities that make her the chosen one.

If you are wondering how a pawn in the Game of Superiors can become a queen, open the first page...

Under the guise of duty Galina Dolgova

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Title: Under the Mask of Debt

About the book “Under the Mask of Debt” Galina Dolgova

Galina Dolgova is a modern Russian writer specializing primarily in fantasy literature. Her acclaimed book, Under the Mask of Duty, is a gripping love story set in a fantasy setting. The main character appears before us in the image of a brave freedom fighter who adheres to a code of honor and loyalty to her word. She faces many difficult trials, but she courageously overcomes them, striving to achieve her cherished goal. The novel's dynamic, intricate plot, full of intriguing intricacies and unexpected turns of events, the wonderful magical atmosphere of the narrative and the author's light, relaxed style do their job, forcing us to read and reread this wonderful work more than once.

In her book, Galina Dolgova tells that in the life of the main character - the noble bride of the Duke named Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori - everything was mixed up and confused. Affirmation of life and certain death, devotion and deceit, love and contempt - the girl has to face all this as events develop in the novel. How to save your life if it seems that the whole world is against you? How to get the desired freedom if for your fatherland you are nothing more than payment for defeat in the war, and your relatives see in you only the unfortunate consequence of a failed magical experience? How to ultimately find personal happiness in this hostile world, where the only native being is your little sister, who needs help and care? Our heroine will need to find answers to these and a number of other equally important and pressing questions.

Galina Dolgova in the novel “Under the Mask of Duty” presents to our attention a fascinating adventurous story telling about the unusual life vicissitudes of the mistress of the wind Elvedan. Many misfortunes and difficulties await the girl everywhere on her life’s path, but she does not give up, but confidently moves forward, demonstrating amazing courage, determination and fortitude. Even being in a hostile environment, surrounded by people who wish her harm, Elvedan does not despair, but rather feverishly begins to look for a way out of the current situation. We will read about what will come of all this in this book.

Before us is a story that is amazing in its emotional intensity and semantic content, which makes us take a fresh look at our own reality and rethink some life values.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “Under the Mask of Debt” by Galina Dolgova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Chapter 1

In the absolutely white, almost unrealistically white, main hall of the Academy, where the only spots of color were the black robes of graduates, the entire teaching and student staff was now present. The rector slowly approached the white marble pulpit, as if with extreme reluctance, to announce the reason that prompted the gathering of all his senior students here and now. Raising his eyes, as if covered with a foggy veil, to the audience, the magician began speaking in a hoarse voice:

– According to the peace treaty concluded between the King of Nervadia, Tromir de Viort Parine II and the Lord of the Ice Empire of Euliron, Alioreniar Ti-Assiori el-Khaliz, ten Great Ladies of Euliron arrive in the capital of Nervadia, Arola, in order to become the consorts of the greatest warriors of Nervadia, and the ten best graduates of the High Academy The magicians will go to the capital of the Ice Empire of Euliron in order to marry the highest lords of Euliron,” the rector read the king’s order dryly and without expression. – According to the decision, ten students with a different range of powers will be sent to Eulyrondain, namely: fire elemental mage, earth elemental mage, water elemental mage, air elemental mage, healing mage, necromancer mage, magician -diviner, magician-medium, magician-alchemist and magician-artifactor. The selection will be made among free girls without obligations, who have reached the age of majority, or with parental consent. The selection will be led by the Lords of Euliron, who will arrive at the Academy tomorrow. Selection criteria: physical condition, strength level, empathic compatibility. Selected girls automatically receive a diploma of completion, without passing exams. Those who have not yet defended their diplomas must do so by the end of the week, otherwise they will not be allowed to take the final exams in two weeks. The chosen ones cannot refuse this great honor! The list of girls will be known in seven days. Everybody's Free! – The rector, still indifferent and without looking at anyone, left the department.

- Incredible!

- ...they say these lords are not alive...

-...they are selfish and heartless...

-...they don’t have feelings at all...


-...emotionally cold...

- …deception… kill and take away strength...

-...get rid of unwanted people...

-...turn into monsters...

Students could be heard whispering from all sides. This news excited absolutely everyone, but especially those who were directly affected by this news. The war with the Seylirs had lasted for almost four years. Initially, King Tromir envisioned a swift, victorious campaign to conquer the rich and vast lands of the Ice Empire. And even though it is almost always winter there and the whole country is on the mountains, there is such an abundance of mines of precious stones and metals. With the help of magicians, the king planned to quickly conquer the ice ones, but in reality everything turned out to be more complicated.

Sei-lyrs, powerful warriors, tens of times superior to the enemy, were faster, stronger, more resilient... There were from twenty to thirty people per fallen sei-lyr, and this despite the fact that arrows and slings simply did not harm them. And during their attacks, they released strange ice creatures that looked like snow leopards, with glowing silver eyes and diamond claws, with which they tore apart people who did not have time to hide. Only magicians could hold back their onslaught...

The war dragged on... And a month ago the parties announced the end of hostilities. Nervadia admitted her guilt in the attack, paid compensation and gave the northern province of Kaldor to the Sey-Lir. But Euliron demanded one more thing...

The Seylirs wanted to dilute their blood with magicians. Initially they demanded fifteen girls and the same number of men. These “lucky ones” were supposed to arrive in the Ice Empire as guests and stay there for life... However, the neighbors who were watching but not interfering in the hostilities were afraid of such an active strengthening of Euliron, and the parties had to compromise. For the sake of a portion of magical blood, the Sei-lyra even sacrificed ten High Ladies, however, with the proviso that as soon as their husbands die, the ladies return back, but not earlier than thirty years later. For the seilirs, whose age numbered in the hundreds, this was not a long period of time. And now...

- Elvedan, why are you silent? You do not care? – Tiara looked at me in surprise. – What if they choose you? – The girl narrowed her eyes.

“Well,” said a red-haired beauty passing by caustically, “they will definitely save our princess.” I'm sure she won't pass any selections. Isn't that right, darling?

- Get the hell out of here, Nadiya! – Tiara’s eyes flashed angrily, threatening to set fire to her classmate’s expensive dress. After waiting for her to shamefully retreat, she asked her question again: “Well, you didn’t answer!” Don't you care? Or are you really sure that they won’t choose?

Qualifying week. High Academy of Magic

“Lady, I present to you the Lords of Euliron.” Lord Vestiorion Iviaron el-Kari, Lord Erosartiol Shalion el-Zion, Lord Matriloar Terval el-Kari. And these are our graduates. There are one hundred and fourteen girls present here, all of them are not burdened with obligations and are magicians. “The rector spoke dryly, even, one might say, harshly, which could have been considered disrespectful if not for the haunted look and forced smile.

- Okay, Lord de Sutter. – One of the seilirs, who had not taken off their cloaks on a warm sunny day, nodded approvingly. – First, break them down according to your strengths. And one more thing: we would like each girl to have a number on her dress, and we have questionnaires with images. As well as data on all other senior girls, indicating when the alliance was concluded and with whom.

- Yes, lord, everything is ready. – The rector nodded obediently.

Calling one of his assistants, Lord de Sutter ordered to bring questionnaires and brooches with numbers.

“So,” the rector continued after half an hour, “let’s start with the soothsayers.” The faculty is small, and there are even fewer soothsayers with a prediction level of at least fifty percent, so there are only twelve girls, one of whom is already married, one is pregnant... - Here the professor was slightly embarrassed. “And two are engaged, leaving eight in total.” Next, artifact magicians, there are even fewer girls here - only seven, but all of them are yours, take your pick. – The Lords did not react at all to such a remark. - These are healers. – The rector nodded at the largest group. “There are thirty-two girls in total, twenty-nine are available.” Here we have mediums. Fourteen girls, no restrictions. Among the necromancers we currently have ten girls. Everyone is eligible for selection. There are sixteen alchemists, thirteen of them are free. The elementals remain. Earth is eleven, fire is eight, water and air are seven. Something like this...” de Sutter ran his hand along the rows until his gaze stopped on one of the students. - Elvedan, what are you doing here? – the professor hissed. The girl looked up at him with her unusual purple eyes and shrugged her shoulders in surprise.

-Where should I be? I was told, like everyone else, to come to the selection.

– I don’t... I don’t know, the student passed it on. – The girl was already looking at the rector in fear.

– Is something wrong, Lord de Sutter? – a muffled voice came from under the hood.

- No, everything is fine... it’s just that this lady is engaged.

– Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori. – The girl bowed her head respectfully.

There was a moment of silence, and then there was a rustling of sheets.

“Lord, according to the data, Lady Aori has no obligations,” came the insinuating voice of one of the inhumans.

“Hmm... the thing is...” the rector paused, “it so happened that they had not yet managed to carry out the official betrothal... they were waiting for Lady Aori to graduate from the Academy, but she was promised to Duke Tamir de Viort Kalma.” I don't think…

– Lord, at the moment this girl has no obligations, therefore, she falls under all the required parameters. “She remains,” the lyr added more firmly.

- Okay, lord. – The rector bowed his head respectfully, frantically thinking of how he would get out of it in front of the duke. “But her power level is not high enough...

- As you wish.

The Seylirs got down to business thoroughly. Having settled in the Assembly Hall, they divided the girls' profiles into three approximately equal groups and began... First of all, they studied the entire biography of the girls: where they were from, who their parents were, whether they had brothers and sisters. Then they took up grades, passed exams, coursework, and attended the classes themselves. Then they were asked to complete tasks or answer questions. They spent three days on each group. But that was not all. The seilirs actively listened and looked closely at the girls, asked them questions about each other, which provided much more information than the meager information of the questionnaires.

– Which of the elementals do you think is the strongest?

– Whose predictions do you believe?

-Who will be taken to the royal palace?

– Has the Academy entered into an agreement with anyone to extend training?

And so on and so forth. Such questions, or rather the answers to them, were carefully recorded in a separate scroll, indicating the name and gift of the speaker. They also kept the girls in front of the closed office doors for an hour and carefully listened to what they were talking about among themselves. These gentlemen clearly knew their business.

On the fifth day, all the girls were taken for a medical examination. As a result, it turned out that four girls were pregnant, and one was diagnosed with a serious illness.

The sixth day passed in conversations. Now the questions were asked to the girls themselves. The seilirs talked with each one, sometimes they were simply silent, sometimes they offered to choose a certain thing from those lying on the far table. And they didn’t explain anything.

The entire Academy was on ears. The rumors spread, one more terrible than the other, and the unfortunate girls who were selected already looked like shadows of themselves. The presence of the Seylirs, wrapped in their cloaks, only created panic.

And on the evening of the last day, the Duke of Calme himself came to the Academy. A tall, thin man with a handsome, slightly predatory face and the manners of an aristocrat smiled affectionately at all the girls looking at him in admiration.

“Lords, rector,” he greeted friendly, “how are you doing?” Already made a decision?

– The decision will be announced tomorrow. “The duke’s tone did not impress the seilirs.

- But you can tell me, huh? – He smiled again. – By the way, I heard that my fiancée was selected. I don't want any misunderstandings, but she's mine. We, of course, did not officially cement our relationship, but only because of her youth. They didn’t want to rush... However, her parents had long ago given their consent to this marriage, so...

“Duke,” the voice from under the hood was dry and calm, “this girl participates in the selection on equal terms with everyone else.” We are well aware of how such events take place in your country, and an oral agreement between parents without betrothal in the temple has no force. Therefore, if we choose her, she will go to Euliron. We are very sorry, but a deal is a deal. The disappearance or sudden marriage of any contestant will also be considered a violation of the agreement.

- Why? Can't you feel sorry for one girl? You will break her heart! I'm keeping quiet about mine! – The man peered intensely into the shadow under the hood. It even seemed to him that for a moment blue eyes sparkled in the darkness.

“Duke, each of these girls may be in love, but we cannot let them all go.” We need ten. Ten girls who will suit us. You shouldn't take advantage of your position. In your country, marriages are concluded from the age of fifteen, if there is parental consent. This girl is already twenty-three, and she is not yet your wife. Or is it something else? Maybe you just don't want to let HER go?

- Naturally, I don’t want to! – Kalme snapped. – Would you like to let your bride go so that she can become the wife of another? Can I at least talk to her?

- No need, lord. If tomorrow she doesn’t pass the selection, you will talk again, if she passes... you shouldn’t upset the girl even more. Goodbye, lord. “For several seconds the Duke looked in confusion from one stranger to the other, and then, without saying a word, he abruptly jumped out the door. It seems he just made things worse and finally lost his fiancée.

High Academy of Magic. Assembly Hall

The day the verdict was announced. Exactly this way and not otherwise. No chosen ones, happy or lucky, just ten girls who, in the name of duty and the king, are given as payment for loss and self-confidence.

The same main hall of the Academy, the same teachers and students, only now there are no empty seats in the hall at all. Parents, friends, lovers and lovers, with bated breath and holding the hands of their dear and loved ones, look at the platform, where the three choosing lords today were joined by another twenty seilirs - security for each of the girls, so that they do not run away, so that they do not put on hands yourself...

“So, we have all gathered here today to fulfill the will of our king. Now the Lords of Euliron will announce ten names. These girls must step up to the dais where they will be presented with their diplomas and credentials. After this, the chosen ones must collect their things and in three hours be ready to be sent by teleport to Euliron,” the rector finished his speech and, turning, looked expectantly at the Seylirs. One of the lords came closer and unrolled the scroll.

– I will name the specialization, and then the name of the chosen girl. I ask those named to rise immediately. “He bowed his head slightly, and an unnatural silence hung in the hall.

“Mage-alchemist – teri Kaoria Vasor,” a quiet voice announced the first sentence, and at the same time a woman’s scream was heard. The middle-aged lady forcefully pressed the thin fair-haired girl to herself, as if trying to protect her in this way. One of the warriors immediately walked towards them and, freeing the girl, pulled her onto the platform. The entire hall watched this in silence, even the sighs of relief that were heard in the first minute from the other alchemist girls have now died down.

“The artefakor magician is Lady Elenia de Uvaro Sani,” the next batch of screams and cries rang out in the hall, and the officer escorted a pretty aristocratic girl to the stage.

– Magician-medium – teri Valissa Falli.

– Necromancer mage – teri Neora Neil.

– Magician-diviner – Teri Polian Klow.

– Water elemental mage – Lady Alida de Ross Nori.

– Air Elemental Mage – Lady Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori.

– Earth elemental mage – teri Olina Rau.

– Fire elemental mage – teri Nadeia Grow.

– Healing magician – Lady Shantia de Crave Levan.

- All. – Sey-lir rolled up the list and looked at the girls standing in a row. The hall heard crying, screams, curses, assurances of love... whispers of relief, sympathy for the “victors” and discussion of their unenviable fate. Of the ten girls, four literally fought in hysterics, two looked with huge frightened eyes on a pale face, one convulsively clenched her fists, and only three tried to restrain their emotions.

- Well... - Having examined the girls and holding his gaze on one of them, the rector sighed. – You really chose the best. “And, raising his voice, he addressed everyone present: “Parents and other close relatives can go up to the platform and say goodbye, and at the same time pass on the necessary things, but no more than four people to each girl.” I ask the rest to leave the room.

The royal guard surrounded the platform, strictly monitoring the number of those rising, while most of those present left the hall. Distraught parents rushed onto the stage, shedding tears on their daughters. The Seylirs, breaking into pairs, each stood next to their ward in order to exclude all unforeseen cases.

* * *

- Elvedan! “My mother pressed my head to her chest, and for the first time I noticed the manifestation of her feelings towards me. All I had to do was say goodbye forever... My father stood nearby, frowning with dissatisfaction and alternately casting glances at me, at my sister huddled next to me, or at the Duke standing nearby, playing with his nodules. - How did this happen? Why didn't we get engaged to the Duke earlier?

“Mom, don’t cry, everything will be fine,” I began awkwardly.

- Maybe there is some way to leave you? “The mother looked hopefully at her father, and then turned her gaze to the Duke.

“No,” his father hissed, “this is her duty to the crown, damn it!” Where was de Sutter looking?

My mother squeezed me even tighter.

“Veda,” Elgalion called quietly.

- Yes, sister? “I tore myself away from my mother and squeezed the person dearest to me in my arms.

- Here, I collected everything you asked for. “She held out a heavy bag filled with books and rags. I quickly grabbed it and hugged my sister. – Don’t worry, your bag is there too, wrapped in the dress your mother gave you.

- Good girl! “I smiled tenderly at her, noticing the tears in the corners of my eyes. - Don't worry, I won't leave you. Do you believe me?

“Yes,” she smiled timidly, “just don’t leave me!” You know I can’t live without you!

Two men, or whoever they were, approached behind me, clearly hinting that it was time to move out.

“Tell me,” I turned to them, “can my sister come up with me?” Would she help me?

- Well... Don't cry, little sister, I'll see you later. “And I gently stroked her cheek. My mother wanted to hug me again, but I deftly turned away. I really have to go.

For the next two hours I collected the things scattered around the room. When asked what I was allowed to take with me, my guards answered: anything, as long as it can be carried through the portal and does not harm Euliron. Therefore, everything flew into the general heap: books, notes, amulets, potions, herbs, crystals, little things dear and dear to the heart, linen, clothes... Having looked at this madness, the Seylirs tactfully reported that all the Great Lords were quite wealthy and could only afford clothes provide for their spouses. In addition, not everything that is appropriate in Nervadia will be suitable for Euliron. Looking carefully at the pile towering in the middle, I decisively swept aside all my mother’s gifts suitable for a lady, leaving only what I wore to the Academy. And it still turned out quite a lot. And you’re not going on vacation for a week, but for the rest of your life, who knows what might come in handy? And there is no certainty about the lords either. Yes, he is wealthy, but will he consider it necessary to spend money on... well, let’s leave the term “wife”, although “female” and “broodmare” were constantly spinning in my head.

- Lady, why are you so calm? – one of the guards finally couldn’t stand it when, having collected all my things, I calmly lay down on the bed.

– Would you prefer to throw a tantrum? – without opening my eyes, I clarified sarcastically.

- Well, at least it would be clear.

– No, this would not be understandable, but expected from an unbalanced human girl. Answer me one question: if I were sitting now and roaring into three streams, would it save me from having to go to Euliron?

- Then what's the point? “They fell silent, digesting what they heard. It was as if I could hear the balls spinning in their heads. But their conclusions will be incorrect in any case. “You have to answer for your actions and desires,” I finally said, “as we say: “Honor is more valuable than gold.” Nervadia must repay its debt, even if it is living people. And I am not going to disgrace myself by throwing up a useless scandal, and I am not going to disgrace the honor of my family by evading duty.

“You know, lady,” one of the guards answered after a couple of minutes, “even though you are not Euliron’s daughter, you will become a true High Lady.” Come on, it's time for us to go.

* * *

The Academy housed one of the five permanent city portals. In a separate building with powerful protection there were only three rooms: the entrance, the guest room and the hall itself. Now all the people involved have gathered in the guest room. The rector with his assistants, the duke with his guards, the seiliers with their charges, relatives and even the king himself.

Tromir de Viort Parine II was a completely ordinary man in his early forties - tall, fat, with a sweaty red face and shifty eyes. He carefully did not look at the girls themselves or at their relatives.

- Congratulations! Today you will begin a new and, I am sure, happy life! You are the chosen ones of the crown - the most gifted and talented magicians! You will fulfill your duty and bring the light of friendship to Euliron! I'm so happy for you!

A little more - and the king would have shed a tear, but then there were selective swear words and curses addressed to the king with the general thought that he himself should go to bring the light and everything else. Following this, sobs broke out, and King Tromir hastened to finish his fiery speech, hiding behind the Duke, who pursed his lips in displeasure, and had “IDIOT!” written in large letters on his forehead.

Duke Tamir de Viort Calme is the handsome, rich, influential, courteous brother of the king, his right hand and my would-be fiancé. Well, the dream of almost all young and not so young girls and women is to be free again. Feeling my gaze, the Duke slowly walked towards me.

Galina Dolgova

Under the guise of duty

In the absolutely white, almost unrealistically white, main hall of the Academy, where the only spots of color were the black robes of graduates, the entire teaching and student staff was now present. The rector slowly approached the white marble pulpit, as if with extreme reluctance, to announce the reason that prompted the gathering of all his senior students here and now. Raising his eyes, as if covered with a foggy veil, to the audience, the magician began speaking in a hoarse voice:

– According to the peace treaty concluded between the King of Nervadia, Tromir de Viort Parine II and the Lord of the Ice Empire of Euliron, Alioreniar Ti-Assiori el-Khaliz, ten Great Ladies of Euliron arrive in the capital of Nervadia, Arola, in order to become the consorts of the greatest warriors of Nervadia, and the ten best graduates of the High Academy The magicians will go to the capital of the Ice Empire of Euliron in order to marry the highest lords of Euliron,” the rector read the king’s order dryly and without expression. – According to the decision, ten students with a different range of powers will be sent to Eulyrondain, namely: fire elemental mage, earth elemental mage, water elemental mage, air elemental mage, healing mage, necromancer mage, magician -diviner, magician-medium, magician-alchemist and magician-artifactor. The selection will be made among free girls without obligations, who have reached the age of majority, or with parental consent. The selection will be led by the Lords of Euliron, who will arrive at the Academy tomorrow. Selection criteria: physical condition, strength level, empathic compatibility. Selected girls automatically receive a diploma of completion, without passing exams. Those who have not yet defended their diplomas must do so by the end of the week, otherwise they will not be allowed to take the final exams in two weeks. The chosen ones cannot refuse this great honor! The list of girls will be known in seven days. Everybody's Free! – The rector, still indifferent and without looking at anyone, left the department.

- Incredible!

- ...they say these lords are not alive...

-...they are selfish and heartless...

-...they don’t have feelings at all...


-...emotionally cold...

- …deception… kill and take away strength...

-...get rid of unwanted people...

-...turn into monsters...

Students could be heard whispering from all sides. This news excited absolutely everyone, but especially those who were directly affected by this news. The war with the Seylirs had lasted for almost four years. Initially, King Tromir envisioned a swift, victorious campaign to conquer the rich and vast lands of the Ice Empire. And even though it is almost always winter there and the whole country is on the mountains, there is such an abundance of mines of precious stones and metals. With the help of magicians, the king planned to quickly conquer the ice ones, but in reality everything turned out to be more complicated.

Sei-lyrs, powerful warriors, tens of times superior to the enemy, were faster, stronger, more resilient... There were from twenty to thirty people per fallen sei-lyr, and this despite the fact that arrows and slings simply did not harm them. And during their attacks, they released strange ice creatures that looked like snow leopards, with glowing silver eyes and diamond claws, with which they tore apart people who did not have time to hide. Only magicians could hold back their onslaught...

The war dragged on... And a month ago the parties announced the end of hostilities. Nervadia admitted her guilt in the attack, paid compensation and gave the northern province of Kaldor to the Sey-Lir. But Euliron demanded one more thing...

The Seylirs wanted to dilute their blood with magicians. Initially they demanded fifteen girls and the same number of men. These “lucky ones” were supposed to arrive in the Ice Empire as guests and stay there for life... However, the neighbors who were watching but not interfering in the hostilities were afraid of such an active strengthening of Euliron, and the parties had to compromise. For the sake of a portion of magical blood, the Sei-lyra even sacrificed ten High Ladies, however, with the proviso that as soon as their husbands die, the ladies return back, but not earlier than thirty years later. For the seilirs, whose age numbered in the hundreds, this was not a long period of time. And now...

- Elvedan, why are you silent? You do not care? – Tiara looked at me in surprise. – What if they choose you? – The girl narrowed her eyes.

“Well,” said a red-haired beauty passing by caustically, “they will definitely save our princess.” I'm sure she won't pass any selections. Isn't that right, darling?

- Get the hell out of here, Nadiya! – Tiara’s eyes flashed angrily, threatening to set fire to her classmate’s expensive dress. After waiting for her to shamefully retreat, she asked her question again: “Well, you didn’t answer!” Don't you care? Or are you really sure that they won’t choose?

I just chuckled. But Nadiya is right, they really won’t choose me. I'm needed here. Really needed... I grabbed my friend and quickly dragged her to class.

Qualifying week. High Academy of Magic

“Lady, I present to you the Lords of Euliron.” Lord Vestiorion Iviaron el-Kari, Lord Erosartiol Shalion el-Zion, Lord Matriloar Terval el-Kari. And these are our graduates. There are one hundred and fourteen girls present here, all of them are not burdened with obligations and are magicians. “The rector spoke dryly, even, one might say, harshly, which could have been considered disrespectful if not for the haunted look and forced smile.

- Okay, Lord de Sutter. – One of the seilirs, who had not taken off their cloaks on a warm sunny day, nodded approvingly. – First, break them down according to your strengths. And one more thing: we would like each girl to have a number on her dress, and we have questionnaires with images. As well as data on all other senior girls, indicating when the alliance was concluded and with whom.

- Yes, lord, everything is ready. – The rector nodded obediently.

Calling one of his assistants, Lord de Sutter ordered to bring questionnaires and brooches with numbers.

“So,” the rector continued after half an hour, “let’s start with the soothsayers.” The faculty is small, and there are even fewer soothsayers with a prediction level of at least fifty percent, so there are only twelve girls, one of whom is already married, one is pregnant... - Here the professor was slightly embarrassed. “And two are engaged, leaving eight in total.” Next, artifact magicians, there are even fewer girls here - only seven, but all of them are yours, take your pick. – The Lords did not react at all to such a remark. - These are healers. – The rector nodded at the largest group. “There are thirty-two girls in total, twenty-nine are available.” Here we have mediums. Fourteen girls, no restrictions. Among the necromancers we currently have ten girls. Everyone is eligible for selection. There are sixteen alchemists, thirteen of them are free. The elementals remain. Earth is eleven, fire is eight, water and air are seven. Something like this...” de Sutter ran his hand along the rows until his gaze stopped on one of the students. - Elvedan, what are you doing here? – the professor hissed. The girl looked up at him with her unusual purple eyes and shrugged her shoulders in surprise.

Chapter 1

In the absolutely white, almost unrealistically white, main hall of the Academy, where the only spots of color were the black robes of graduates, the entire teaching and student staff was now present. The rector slowly approached the white marble pulpit, as if with extreme reluctance, to announce the reason that prompted the gathering of all his senior students here and now. Raising his eyes, as if covered with a foggy veil, to the audience, the magician began speaking in a hoarse voice:

– According to the peace treaty concluded between the King of Nervadia, Tromir de Viort Parine II and the Lord of the Ice Empire of Euliron, Alioreniar Ti-Assiori el-Khaliz, ten Great Ladies of Euliron arrive in the capital of Nervadia, Arola, in order to become the consorts of the greatest warriors of Nervadia, and the ten best graduates of the High Academy The magicians will go to the capital of the Ice Empire of Euliron in order to marry the highest lords of Euliron,” the rector read the king’s order dryly and without expression. – According to the decision, ten students with a different range of powers will be sent to Eulyrondain, namely: fire elemental mage, earth elemental mage, water elemental mage, air elemental mage, healing mage, necromancer mage, magician -diviner, magician-medium, magician-alchemist and magician-artifactor. The selection will be made among free girls without obligations, who have reached the age of majority, or with parental consent. The selection will be led by the Lords of Euliron, who will arrive at the Academy tomorrow. Selection criteria: physical condition, strength level, empathic compatibility. Selected girls automatically receive a diploma of completion, without passing exams. Those who have not yet defended their diplomas must do so by the end of the week, otherwise they will not be allowed to take the final exams in two weeks. The chosen ones cannot refuse this great honor! The list of girls will be known in seven days. Everybody's Free! – The rector, still indifferent and without looking at anyone, left the department.

- Incredible!

- ...they say these lords are not alive...

-...they are selfish and heartless...

-...they don’t have feelings at all...


-...emotionally cold...

- …deception… kill and take away strength...

-...get rid of unwanted people...

-...turn into monsters...

Students could be heard whispering from all sides. This news excited absolutely everyone, but especially those who were directly affected by this news. The war with the Seylirs had lasted for almost four years. Initially, King Tromir envisioned a swift, victorious campaign to conquer the rich and vast lands of the Ice Empire. And even though it is almost always winter there and the whole country is on the mountains, there is such an abundance of mines of precious stones and metals. With the help of magicians, the king planned to quickly conquer the ice ones, but in reality everything turned out to be more complicated.

Sei-lyrs, powerful warriors, tens of times superior to the enemy, were faster, stronger, more resilient... There were from twenty to thirty people per fallen sei-lyr, and this despite the fact that arrows and slings simply did not harm them. And during their attacks, they released strange ice creatures that looked like snow leopards, with glowing silver eyes and diamond claws, with which they tore apart people who did not have time to hide. Only magicians could hold back their onslaught...

The war dragged on... And a month ago the parties announced the end of hostilities. Nervadia admitted her guilt in the attack, paid compensation and gave the northern province of Kaldor to the Sey-Lir. But Euliron demanded one more thing...

The Seylirs wanted to dilute their blood with magicians. Initially they demanded fifteen girls and the same number of men. These “lucky ones” were supposed to arrive in the Ice Empire as guests and stay there for life... However, the neighbors who were watching but not interfering in the hostilities were afraid of such an active strengthening of Euliron, and the parties had to compromise. For the sake of a portion of magical blood, the Sei-lyra even sacrificed ten High Ladies, however, with the proviso that as soon as their husbands die, the ladies return back, but not earlier than thirty years later. For the seilirs, whose age numbered in the hundreds, this was not a long period of time. And now...

- Elvedan, why are you silent? You do not care? – Tiara looked at me in surprise. – What if they choose you? – The girl narrowed her eyes.

“Well,” said a red-haired beauty passing by caustically, “they will definitely save our princess.” I'm sure she won't pass any selections. Isn't that right, darling?

- Get the hell out of here, Nadiya! – Tiara’s eyes flashed angrily, threatening to set fire to her classmate’s expensive dress. After waiting for her to shamefully retreat, she asked her question again: “Well, you didn’t answer!” Don't you care? Or are you really sure that they won’t choose?

I just chuckled. But Nadiya is right, they really won’t choose me. I'm needed here. Really needed... I grabbed my friend and quickly dragged her to class.

Qualifying week. High Academy of Magic

“Lady, I present to you the Lords of Euliron.” Lord Vestiorion Iviaron el-Kari, Lord Erosartiol Shalion el-Zion, Lord Matriloar Terval el-Kari. And these are our graduates. There are one hundred and fourteen girls present here, all of them are not burdened with obligations and are magicians. “The rector spoke dryly, even, one might say, harshly, which could have been considered disrespectful if not for the haunted look and forced smile.

- Okay, Lord de Sutter. – One of the seilirs, who had not taken off their cloaks on a warm sunny day, nodded approvingly. – First, break them down according to your strengths. And one more thing: we would like each girl to have a number on her dress, and we have questionnaires with images. As well as data on all other senior girls, indicating when the alliance was concluded and with whom.

- Yes, lord, everything is ready. – The rector nodded obediently.

Calling one of his assistants, Lord de Sutter ordered to bring questionnaires and brooches with numbers.

“So,” the rector continued after half an hour, “let’s start with the soothsayers.” The faculty is small, and there are even fewer soothsayers with a prediction level of at least fifty percent, so there are only twelve girls, one of whom is already married, one is pregnant... - Here the professor was slightly embarrassed. “And two are engaged, leaving eight in total.” Next, artifact magicians, there are even fewer girls here - only seven, but all of them are yours, take your pick. – The Lords did not react at all to such a remark. - These are healers. – The rector nodded at the largest group. “There are thirty-two girls in total, twenty-nine are available.” Here we have mediums. Fourteen girls, no restrictions. Among the necromancers we currently have ten girls. Everyone is eligible for selection. There are sixteen alchemists, thirteen of them are free. The elementals remain. Earth is eleven, fire is eight, water and air are seven. Something like this...” de Sutter ran his hand along the rows until his gaze stopped on one of the students. - Elvedan, what are you doing here? – the professor hissed. The girl looked up at him with her unusual purple eyes and shrugged her shoulders in surprise.

-Where should I be? I was told, like everyone else, to come to the selection.

– I don’t... I don’t know, the student passed it on. – The girl was already looking at the rector in fear.

– Is something wrong, Lord de Sutter? – a muffled voice came from under the hood.

- No, everything is fine... it’s just that this lady is engaged.

– Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori. – The girl bowed her head respectfully.

There was a moment of silence, and then there was a rustling of sheets.

“Lord, according to the data, Lady Aori has no obligations,” came the insinuating voice of one of the inhumans.

“Hmm... the thing is...” the rector paused, “it so happened that they had not yet managed to carry out the official betrothal... they were waiting for Lady Aori to graduate from the Academy, but she was promised to Duke Tamir de Viort Kalma.” I don't think…

– Lord, at the moment this girl has no obligations, therefore, she falls under all the required parameters. “She remains,” the lyr added more firmly.

- Okay, lord. – The rector bowed his head respectfully, frantically thinking of how he would get out of it in front of the duke. “But her power level is not high enough...

- As you wish.

The Seylirs got down to business thoroughly. Having settled in the Assembly Hall, they divided the girls' profiles into three approximately equal groups and began... First of all, they studied the entire biography of the girls: where they were from, who their parents were, whether they had brothers and sisters. Then they took up grades, passed exams, coursework, and attended the classes themselves. Then they were asked to complete tasks or answer questions. They spent three days on each group. But that was not all. The seilirs actively listened and looked closely at the girls, asked them questions about each other, which provided much more information than the meager information of the questionnaires.

– Which of the elementals do you think is the strongest?

– Whose predictions do you believe?

-Who will be taken to the royal palace?

– Has the Academy entered into an agreement with anyone to extend training?

And so on and so forth. Such questions, or rather the answers to them, were carefully recorded in a separate scroll, indicating the name and gift of the speaker. They also kept the girls in front of the closed office doors for an hour and carefully listened to what they were talking about among themselves. These gentlemen clearly knew their business.

On the fifth day, all the girls were taken for a medical examination. As a result, it turned out that four girls were pregnant, and one was diagnosed with a serious illness.

The sixth day passed in conversations. Now the questions were asked to the girls themselves. The seilirs talked with each one, sometimes they were simply silent, sometimes they offered to choose a certain thing from those lying on the far table. And they didn’t explain anything.

The entire Academy was on ears. The rumors spread, one more terrible than the other, and the unfortunate girls who were selected already looked like shadows of themselves. The presence of the Seylirs, wrapped in their cloaks, only created panic.

And on the evening of the last day, the Duke of Calme himself came to the Academy. A tall, thin man with a handsome, slightly predatory face and the manners of an aristocrat smiled affectionately at all the girls looking at him in admiration.

“Lords, rector,” he greeted friendly, “how are you doing?” Already made a decision?

– The decision will be announced tomorrow. “The duke’s tone did not impress the seilirs.

- But you can tell me, huh? – He smiled again. – By the way, I heard that my fiancée was selected. I don't want any misunderstandings, but she's mine. We, of course, did not officially cement our relationship, but only because of her youth. They didn’t want to rush... However, her parents had long ago given their consent to this marriage, so...

“Duke,” the voice from under the hood was dry and calm, “this girl participates in the selection on equal terms with everyone else.” We are well aware of how such events take place in your country, and an oral agreement between parents without betrothal in the temple has no force. Therefore, if we choose her, she will go to Euliron. We are very sorry, but a deal is a deal. The disappearance or sudden marriage of any contestant will also be considered a violation of the agreement.

- Why? Can't you feel sorry for one girl? You will break her heart! I'm keeping quiet about mine! – The man peered intensely into the shadow under the hood. It even seemed to him that for a moment blue eyes sparkled in the darkness.

“Duke, each of these girls may be in love, but we cannot let them all go.” We need ten. Ten girls who will suit us. You shouldn't take advantage of your position. In your country, marriages are concluded from the age of fifteen, if there is parental consent. This girl is already twenty-three, and she is not yet your wife. Or is it something else? Maybe you just don't want to let HER go?

- Naturally, I don’t want to! – Kalme snapped. – Would you like to let your bride go so that she can become the wife of another? Can I at least talk to her?

- No need, lord. If tomorrow she doesn’t pass the selection, you will talk again, if she passes... you shouldn’t upset the girl even more. Goodbye, lord. “For several seconds the Duke looked in confusion from one stranger to the other, and then, without saying a word, he abruptly jumped out the door. It seems he just made things worse and finally lost his fiancée.

High Academy of Magic. Assembly Hall

The day the verdict was announced. Exactly this way and not otherwise. No chosen ones, happy or lucky, just ten girls who, in the name of duty and the king, are given as payment for loss and self-confidence.

The same main hall of the Academy, the same teachers and students, only now there are no empty seats in the hall at all. Parents, friends, lovers and lovers, with bated breath and holding the hands of their dear and loved ones, look at the platform, where the three choosing lords today were joined by another twenty seilirs - security for each of the girls, so that they do not run away, so that they do not put on hands yourself...

“So, we have all gathered here today to fulfill the will of our king. Now the Lords of Euliron will announce ten names. These girls must step up to the dais where they will be presented with their diplomas and credentials. After this, the chosen ones must collect their things and in three hours be ready to be sent by teleport to Euliron,” the rector finished his speech and, turning, looked expectantly at the Seylirs. One of the lords came closer and unrolled the scroll.

– I will name the specialization, and then the name of the chosen girl. I ask those named to rise immediately. “He bowed his head slightly, and an unnatural silence hung in the hall.

“Mage-alchemist – teri Kaoria Vasor,” a quiet voice announced the first sentence, and at the same time a woman’s scream was heard. The middle-aged lady forcefully pressed the thin fair-haired girl to herself, as if trying to protect her in this way. One of the warriors immediately walked towards them and, freeing the girl, pulled her onto the platform. The entire hall watched this in silence, even the sighs of relief that were heard in the first minute from the other alchemist girls have now died down.

“The artefakor magician is Lady Elenia de Uvaro Sani,” the next batch of screams and cries rang out in the hall, and the officer escorted a pretty aristocratic girl to the stage.

– Magician-medium – teri Valissa Falli.

– Necromancer mage – teri Neora Neil.

– Magician-diviner – Teri Polian Klow.

– Water elemental mage – Lady Alida de Ross Nori.

– Air Elemental Mage – Lady Elvedan de Miro-Ney Aori.

– Earth elemental mage – teri Olina Rau.

– Fire elemental mage – teri Nadeia Grow.

– Healing magician – Lady Shantia de Crave Levan.

- All. – Sey-lir rolled up the list and looked at the girls standing in a row. The hall heard crying, screams, curses, assurances of love... whispers of relief, sympathy for the “victors” and discussion of their unenviable fate. Of the ten girls, four literally fought in hysterics, two looked with huge frightened eyes on a pale face, one convulsively clenched her fists, and only three tried to restrain their emotions.

- Well... - Having examined the girls and holding his gaze on one of them, the rector sighed. – You really chose the best. “And, raising his voice, he addressed everyone present: “Parents and other close relatives can go up to the platform and say goodbye, and at the same time pass on the necessary things, but no more than four people to each girl.” I ask the rest to leave the room.

The royal guard surrounded the platform, strictly monitoring the number of those rising, while most of those present left the hall. Distraught parents rushed onto the stage, shedding tears on their daughters. The Seylirs, breaking into pairs, each stood next to their ward in order to exclude all unforeseen cases.

* * *

- Elvedan! “My mother pressed my head to her chest, and for the first time I noticed the manifestation of her feelings towards me. All I had to do was say goodbye forever... My father stood nearby, frowning with dissatisfaction and alternately casting glances at me, at my sister huddled next to me, or at the Duke standing nearby, playing with his nodules. - How did this happen? Why didn't we get engaged to the Duke earlier?

“Mom, don’t cry, everything will be fine,” I began awkwardly.

- Yes, what, to the demons, is it good? – the father soared. – Your place is here, not to reproduce with these nonhumans! – I involuntarily winced. My father never held back in his statements.

- Maybe there is some way to leave you? “The mother looked hopefully at her father, and then turned her gaze to the Duke.

“No,” his father hissed, “this is her duty to the crown, damn it!” Where was de Sutter looking?

My mother squeezed me even tighter.

“Veda,” Elgalion called quietly.

- Yes, sister? “I tore myself away from my mother and squeezed the person dearest to me in my arms.

- Here, I collected everything you asked for. “She held out a heavy bag filled with books and rags. I quickly grabbed it and hugged my sister. – Don’t worry, your bag is there too, wrapped in the dress your mother gave you.

- Good girl! “I smiled tenderly at her, noticing the tears in the corners of my eyes. - Don't worry, I won't leave you. Do you believe me?

“Yes,” she smiled timidly, “just don’t leave me!” You know I can’t live without you!

- I won’t give up! I'll definitely come up with something! Listen to the wind, baby. – I kissed my sister tenderly. She is the only one for whom I am truly afraid and whom I do not want and cannot leave here.

Two men, or whoever they were, approached behind me, clearly hinting that it was time to move out.

“Tell me,” I turned to them, “can my sister come up with me?” Would she help me?

- Well... Don't cry, little sister, I'll see you later. “And I gently stroked her cheek. My mother wanted to hug me again, but I deftly turned away. I really have to go.

For the next two hours I collected the things scattered around the room. When asked what I was allowed to take with me, my guards answered: anything, as long as it can be carried through the portal and does not harm Euliron. Therefore, everything flew into the general heap: books, notes, amulets, potions, herbs, crystals, little things dear and dear to the heart, linen, clothes... Having looked at this madness, the Seylirs tactfully reported that all the Great Lords were quite wealthy and could only afford clothes provide for their spouses. In addition, not everything that is appropriate in Nervadia will be suitable for Euliron. Looking carefully at the pile towering in the middle, I decisively swept aside all my mother’s gifts suitable for a lady, leaving only what I wore to the Academy. And it still turned out quite a lot. And you’re not going on vacation for a week, but for the rest of your life, who knows what might come in handy? And there is no certainty about the lords either. Yes, he is wealthy, but will he consider it necessary to spend money on... well, let’s leave the term “wife”, although “female” and “broodmare” were constantly spinning in my head.

- Lady, why are you so calm? – one of the guards finally couldn’t stand it when, having collected all my things, I calmly lay down on the bed.

– Would you prefer to throw a tantrum? – without opening my eyes, I clarified sarcastically.

- Well, at least it would be clear.

– No, this would not be understandable, but expected from an unbalanced human girl. Answer me one question: if I were sitting now and roaring into three streams, would it save me from having to go to Euliron?

- Then what's the point? “They fell silent, digesting what they heard. It was as if I could hear the balls spinning in their heads. But their conclusions will be incorrect in any case. “You have to answer for your actions and desires,” I finally said, “as we say: “Honor is more valuable than gold.” Nervadia must repay its debt, even if it is living people. And I am not going to disgrace myself by throwing up a useless scandal, and I am not going to disgrace the honor of my family by evading duty.

“You know, lady,” one of the guards answered after a couple of minutes, “even though you are not Euliron’s daughter, you will become a true High Lady.” Come on, it's time for us to go.

* * *

The Academy housed one of the five permanent city portals. In a separate building with powerful protection there were only three rooms: the entrance, the guest room and the hall itself. Now all the people involved have gathered in the guest room. The rector with his assistants, the duke with his guards, the seiliers with their charges, relatives and even the king himself.

Tromir de Viort Parine II was a completely ordinary man in his early forties - tall, fat, with a sweaty red face and shifty eyes. He carefully did not look at the girls themselves or at their relatives.

- Congratulations! Today you will begin a new and, I am sure, happy life! You are the chosen ones of the crown - the most gifted and talented magicians! You will fulfill your duty and bring the light of friendship to Euliron! I'm so happy for you!

A little more - and the king would have shed a tear, but then there were selective swear words and curses addressed to the king with the general thought that he himself should go to bring the light and everything else. Following this, sobs broke out, and King Tromir hastened to finish his fiery speech, hiding behind the Duke, who pursed his lips in displeasure, and had “IDIOT!” written in large letters on his forehead.

Duke Tamir de Viort Calme is the handsome, rich, influential, courteous brother of the king, his right hand and my would-be fiancé. Well, the dream of almost all young and not so young girls and women is to be free again. Feeling my gaze, the Duke slowly walked towards me.

– Elvedan, my beautiful lady, how could this happen? – he whispered in a quiet, soulful voice.

- Apparently, not fate, my lord.

– But for the sake of happiness, you can argue with fate?

- What about debt?

– You will arrive in Euliron, and your duty will be completed.

- What do you have in mind? “I felt something that made me look closely at his face.

– In the agreement, not only the Great Ladies of the Seylirs return after the death of their spouses...

- Time! – the loud shout of one of the lords echoed through the hall.

The sobs and screams resumed, the guards had to forcibly restrain their charges, the masters fussed over the portal, and the seilir lords marked the girls off the lists.

One last look at the Academy, my parents, the Duke, my sister... who knows if I'll see them again.