Calculate the minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card. Minimum payment on a Sberbank credit card - how to calculate

Credit cards have long become the most popular banking product among customers. It is mainly used to pay for goods and services because it is not profitable to withdraw cash, and some people keep it as a backup wallet so as not to borrow money before payday. But in any case, the borrowed funds must be repaid, and then we will consider how to calculate the payment on a Sberbank credit card, the amount of debt and the amount of interest.

How to pay by card during the grace period

Banks provide their users with a unique chance to use borrowed money and not pay interest on the loan. For each credit card from Sberbank, the grace period is 50 days, that is, this is exactly the period when no interest is charged on the amount spent. Unfortunately, not all cardholders fully understand how to use this opportunity.

The grace period, as already mentioned, is 50 days, it begins to operate after receiving a credit card. During the first 30 days, you can pay by credit card for purchases, but not withdraw cash, because there is no grace period for this transaction. In the next 20 days you must repay the debt in full, then no interest will be charged.

Please note that before paying off the loan, be sure to check the exact amount of the debt, otherwise interest will be charged on the remaining debt.

What is the minimum or mandatory payment

Now let’s look at what a mandatory payment on a Sberbank credit card is - this is the minimum amount that must be paid on time. At Sberbank, the minimum payment on a credit card is 5% of the amount spent. For example, if 10,000 rubles were spent, then the minimum payment is 500 rubles plus interest.

Grace period for Sberbank card. How to calculate?

But please note that this is only the minimum amount to be returned, interest is also added to it, the borrower can pay more, this difference will be used to pay off the principal debt, which will save on interest in the future. The client does not need to worry, because he just needs to call the hotline, go to his personal account on the Sberbank website, or come to any bank branch to find out what the minimum payment is on a Sberbank credit card and when it needs to be paid.

How to calculate the minimum payment

  • card limit – 100,000 rubles;
  • interest rate – 36% per year;
  • amount spent – ​​20,000 rubles;

We calculate the minimum payment:

  • 20000×0.05(5%)=1000 rubles – this is the amount of the principal debt;
  • 20000 × (0.36 ÷ 12 (months)) = 600 rubles - this is the interest on the loan (the rate is indicated per year, accordingly it is divided by 12 to get the interest for one month).

Total, the minimum monthly payment amount is 1600 rubles.

Information about the date and amount of the minimum payment in your personal account on the Sberbank Online website

From this calculation it is clearly seen that paying off credit card debt with monthly payments is extremely unprofitable. Although next month, interest will be calculated on the balance of the debt, that is, on 19 thousand rubles.

So, using a credit card is beneficial when you manage to repay the money spent on time, although in practice there are only a few such borrowers. Basically, users pay only the amount indicated by the bank in the notification, and the repayment of the debt itself is delayed for a long time.

A Sberbank credit card is a very useful thing, especially for those who use it constantly and make loan payments on time. And many people who use the card are wondering how to make payments on a Sberbank credit card and the amount of the monthly payment. Here you need to know that Sberbank loan products have an interest-free period, during which interest is not accrued.

However, do not forget that interest depends on factors such as whether you paid for purchases and services with plastic or withdrew money in cash. The accrued interest directly depends on these factors. Let's take a closer look at how payments are made using a card with a credit limit from Sberbank.

How to calculate interest on Sberbank “plastic”

The grace period is valid only for non-cash payments and is 50 calendar days. If during this time the amount spent is returned, then no interest is charged.

If not, then interest is charged, a maximum of 24%. Interest on a credit card is calculated as follows: the annual interest rate is multiplied by the amount of debt for the reporting period, divided by the number of days in the year, and then it must be multiplied by the number of days the credit funds are used. For example, if you spent 10,000, then:

  • (10,000*24%)/365*30 = 197.26. This is the monthly fee for using a credit card.

Sberbank branch

As stated above, no interest is charged for non-cash payments with a financial instrument, but cash withdrawal is a paid service and amounts to 3% of the withdrawn amount. For example, if you spent 10,000 rubles, then you will have to pay back 10,300 rubles. It may be that you repaid the loan during the grace period, but withdrew cash several times during this time. In this case, the calculation will be made in this way - 0% for full repayment of the loan and 24% for cash withdrawal. For late monthly card payments, the interest rate will be 36-38%.

Calculation of the minimum payment on the card

The minimum payment on a Sberbank card is calculated as follows: 5% of the amount of debt (but not less than 150 rubles) +% for using credit card (calculated above).

(10,000*5%)+197.26 =697.26 rubles.

Credit card debt

Some credit card holders think that this is just additional money and there is no need to give it away. However, the bank is not your friend or acquaintance and it will not forgive you the debt and payment will have to be made sooner or later.

For each day of delay, interest will be charged to the account at a higher rate and the amount that will need to be paid may increase significantly.

Therefore, every holder of such “plastic” should know how to pay off the resulting debt on a Sberbank credit card.

Sberbank Gold Debit Card

The best way to avoid being in debt is to make monthly payments and control the expenditure of funds on the card. To do this you need to use the following rules:

  • Top up your card account on time.
  • It is wise to spend the remaining money on plastic.
  • Check your card balance regularly.
  • Try to pay for services and goods directly using the card and repay borrowed funds during the interest-free period.
  • Withdraw cash as little as possible.

If it does happen that there is a debt on the card, then under no circumstances try to throw it away or break it. This will not solve your problems with the bank, and may even worsen them. It is possible to return borrowed funds to Sberbank’s “plastic” account. To do this you need:

  • Stop using a credit card.
  • Make at least the minimum payment on the card, and if possible, pay the maximum.
  • If you have a salary card, then the loan funds can be written off from it. This will help you prevent debt from occurring in the first place.

In order to eliminate credit card debt, you first need to know the amount you owe. This can be done using a self-service terminal, by contacting one of the Sberbank branches, using Sberbank Online or through a mobile bank. Once the amount of the debt is clear, you need to calculate the minimum loan payment and start depositing funds into the account.

What is the effective interest rate

The effective interest rate is the percentage of overpayment for the use of the loan or, in other words, the full cost of the loan.

This includes the loan announced by the bank and related payments, such as:

  • Credit card issue fee.
  • Insurance.
  • Cost of card maintenance.
  • Fees for cash withdrawals and deposits, etc.

Classic Sberbank debit card

The bank does not know in advance how much the card owner will withdraw and how much time he needs to repay the debt. Therefore, the PSC is calculated in this way: we assume that the borrower used the entire amount at once, and the payment schedule consists of equal parts. In this case, the effective interest rate is higher than the actual interest rate. In reality, everything happens differently: a settlement tool is mainly used when there is a little lack of money, for example. In this case, the resulting debt will be repaid in the near future.

This is especially true if there is a grace period. And if, for example, the limit on the card is 30,000 rubles, and the card issue is 650 rubles, then we get only 3.2%. This is subject to the absence of mobile banking and insurance, as well as cash withdrawals.

When to pay

Most often, a bank calculator is used to calculate the minimum payment on a card, but you can do this yourself (how to do this is described above). The following factors affect your monthly credit card payment:

  • Availability of a grace period.
  • What transactions were performed on the card.
  • Connected services.
  • Amount of debt.
  • Presence of delays.

First of all, you need to know the duration of the interest-free grace period.

Sberbank youth debit card

You can find out from the agreement concluded with the bank or at the nearest Sberbank branch.

How and where can you pay off interest on a Sberbank credit card?

You can pay interest on your account in the following ways:

  • This can be done through the cash desk at any Sberbank branch.
  • You can use a self-service terminal.
  • Or you can make a transfer from your salary card to a credit card.
  • Remittance.
  • Using online wallets.

And, if you suddenly have questions about the expenditure of funds or the amount of accrued interest, then you can always turn to managers at one of the Sberbank branches for clarification and obtaining transaction history. You can also use online services, through mobile banking or by calling the hotline.

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The Sberbank credit card issued to citizens of the Russian Federation for 50 days has a grace period, the terms of which consist of 30 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period, respectively. Let's consider their basic principles and rules of use.

First of all, a credit card is very convenient; if necessary, money is always at hand, there is no need to borrow or postpone the purchase of necessary goods. And if you use it wisely, then it is beneficial: the grace period allows you to manage borrowed funds on a Sberbank credit card completely free of charge for a certain period of time.

The bank prepares loan offers for participants in the salary project in advance and issues pre-issued credit cards as part of on-site events.

You can also fill out an application for issuing a personalized credit card at any branch and receive it within 8 days. If funds are needed urgently, instant credit cards with a limited range of services are issued on the day of application.

The available credit limit is individual in each case; the financial institution sets it based on the client’s monthly income. For users who pay debts on time, the limit may be increased.

The grace period for a Sberbank credit card is 50 days; within this period, funds can be used without interest.

IMPORTANT! Interest-free use of bank money is possible only with non-cash payments. When withdrawing cash, a fee is charged and interest is charged on the loan.

The rules for using credit cards state that if you do not meet the grace period of 50 days or the grace period, as it is also called, interest is charged on the borrowed funds. Further, the principle of operation is similar to a regular loan; a payment schedule is drawn up to repay the debt in equal amounts.


The advantages of Sberbank credit cards are as follows:

  • automatically renewable credit limit up to 600 thousand rubles;
  • free connection to the Mobile Bank service;
  • SMS notification about all transactions performed using the card;
  • special technology for protecting purchases, including in online stores;
  • grace period for 50 days;
  • receiving one passport in 2 hours (available only for salary clients);
  • the opportunity to participate in the “THANK YOU” bonus program;
  • free annual maintenance;
  • availability of special offers for citizens over 18 years of age;
  • interest rates from 21.9% to 33.9%.

IMPORTANT! Interest rates depend on the type of card; in most credit cards they are fixed.


Like any financial product, a credit card from Sberbank with a grace period of 50 days has its pitfalls:

  1. If you do not receive wages on a Sberbank card, to apply for a credit card you will need a copy of your work record book and documents confirming your income.
  2. It is not profitable to withdraw cash; the commission is 3% of the requested amount and cannot be less than 390 rubles.
  3. Many users do not understand how the grace period is calculated and fees for using borrowed funds are calculated.

How to calculate the interest-free period

The grace period is 50 days and conditionally consists of two stages:

  • reporting period, which is 30 days;
  • payment period, which is 20 days.

IMPORTANT! The reporting period starts from the date of receipt of the credit card from the bank and its activation. The payment period is the next 20 days after the end of the reporting period.

If a credit card payment is made on the first day of the reporting period, you can use the funds interest-free for 50 days; if on the last day, then for 20 days. Expenses incurred on the first day of the billing period will be reflected in the next month's report.

An example of calculating the grace period. A Sberbank credit card and an envelope with a PIN code were received on March 9. The reporting period lasts until April 8. From April 8 to April 27 – payment period. Thus, the grace period is from March 9 to April 27.

A payment made on March 9 can be repaid within 50 days without additional costs, on March 29 – within 30 days, and, for example,
April 5 – for 23 days.

IMPORTANT! There is a calculator on the website of the Savings Bank of Russia where you can calculate debt repayment dates online.

After generating the report, the bank sends SMS messages notifying you of the total amount of debt, the minimum repayment amount and the payment date.

By repaying the entire specified amount, you will avoid paying interest. If it is not possible to pay, it is enough to make the minimum payment before the specified deadline, in which case fines and penalties will not be imposed. But interest will be charged on the remaining funds.

IMPORTANT! The balance of the debt can be viewed using the Sberbank Online service, or by sending an SMS message to number 900 with the word “DEBT”.

Even if the debt amount is not fully repaid, you can continue to pay by card, while the grace period will operate as calculated, and payments will be included in the next report.

Interest begins to accrue from the date following the end date of the preferential use. In case of partial repayment, a fee for the use of bank funds is charged on the actual remaining amount.

You can repay your credit card in the following ways:

  • deposit money through self-service devices similar to debit plastic;
  • transfer by bank transfer from your accounts using the Sberbank Online service or the Mobile Bank service.

Types of credit cards

Credit cards with a grace period offered by Sberbank come in several types, which clients choose to use:

  • gold cards;
  • “Gift of Life” and “Aeroflot” cards;
  • classic cards;
  • premium cards;
  • youth and instant cards.

MasterCard and Visa Gold cards

For most debit salary card users, Savings Bank issues Visa Gold cards with free annual maintenance. The maximum issuance amount is 600,000 rubles, the fee for use is fixed - 25.9% per annum. Age restrictions: 21-65 years.

Visa Gold plastic is issued for three years, and the conditions in force at the time of the agreement do not change. One of the disadvantages of this type is that you cannot add several cards to a single account.

The advantages consist of the convenience of replenishing in cash and non-cash, carrying out transactions through remote services, unhindered use throughout the world within the payment system.

IMPORTANT! MasterCard and Visa Gold cards are offered by the bank individually to each user.

Gift of Life cards Visa Gold and Aeroflot Visa Gold

“Give Life” Visa Gold was created jointly with the charity foundation of the same name to help children with serious illnesses. Assistance is transferred to charity in the form of 50% of the bank's income from operating plastic cards and 0.3% of the total funds of card transactions.

Aeroflot Visa Gold allows you to accumulate miles and exchange them for tickets and airline bonuses.

Youth cards and instant issuance

Visa and MasterCard Momentum are not registered and are issued instantly, within half an hour after registration of the application. The maximum issuance amount is 120,000 rubles, the use fee is 25.9%. One of the disadvantages is problems with use abroad.

IMPORTANT! Free annual service is possible if the bank has issued an individual offer and approved the limit in advance.

Youth credit cards are issued with a limit of 200,000 rubles, a monthly service fee of 62.5 rubles and a user fee of 33.9%.

Own funds on a credit card

If the amount of funds on a credit card exceeds the limit, the difference is the client’s own funds. When spent, they are written off first. No interest is charged when used.

IMPORTANT! When withdrawing cash, commissions and interest are charged even on your own funds.

It will be useful for Sberbank credit card holders, especially those who plan their expenses, to learn how to calculate the monthly payment. The ability to independently calculate the amount to be paid using a calculator will help not only to correctly distribute your budget, but also to avoid late payments on a credit card, which often lead to additional expenses in the form of penalties and fines imposed by the bank.

Calculation of principal and interest

Organization website.

The monthly payment is based on principal and interest. The bank sets a certain percentage of the funds actually spent, and of the credit limit.

Best credit card offers:

Best loan offers:

The amount of the principal debt on Sberbank cards ranges from 5 to 10% of the funds spent, depending on the type of credit card. This is the most profitable way for the client to calculate debt, since monthly payments are ultimately minimal.

  • the amount of funds spent;
  • interest rate for using a loan;
  • duration of the reporting period.

The reporting period is usually 30 days.


For example, 58,000 rubles were spent in 30 days, the credit card rate is 25% per annum. Taking a calculator, the borrower needs to carry out the following mathematical operations:

  1. First, you should calculate the amount of interest that is accrued per day: 58,000 x 25%/365 = 39.72.
  2. Then the resulting figure must be multiplied by the number of days in the reporting period: 39.72 x 30 = 1191.78.

So, for using borrowed money from the bank you need to pay 1191.78 rubles.

Total 2900 + 1192 = 4092 rubles. The borrower must pay this amount if he spent 58,000 rubles in a month.

Additional credit card costs

However, it's not just the debt and interest rate that make up the monthly installment. For those who plan their expenses in detail, it is important to take into account additional payments, which include the following costs:

  • cash withdrawal fee;
  • providing information about the limit at third-party ATMs;
  • receiving statements for the last 10 transactions;
  • payment instrument service.

Cards under special offers from Sberbank are serviced free of charge; in other cases, the client must pay 750 rubles for service. This amount is paid once a year, so if the year of using the credit card has expired, it should be included in the next payment.

The cost of providing information about the limit at third-party ATMs will be 15 rubles, and a statement of the last 10 transactions costs the same. Therefore, if such transactions were carried out during the reporting period, they should be included in the loan costs.

Important! An expense that clients often forget to take into account when calculating their next payment is cash withdrawal. At Sberbank ATMs this commission will be 3% of the transaction amount, but not less than 390 rubles, and at third-party ATMs it will be 4%.


You can use the calculator to calculate the commission. For example, during the reporting period, the borrower cashed out 27,000 rubles from a Sberbank ATM. The commission for cash withdrawal will be 27,000 x 3% = 810 rubles, which will be automatically debited from the card.

In the event that loan payments are made through ATMs, payment terminals and bank branches that are not partner banks, an additional commission will also be charged for crediting funds. To avoid unnecessary expenses, it is recommended to pay debts through your personal account or payment receivers owned by Sberbank.

If the client independently made the calculation, taking into account all expenses, but the amount of the next installment differs from the amount billed for payment by the bank, then it is recommended to contact the branch. Employees will help you understand the reasons for the discrepancy and, in case of an error, will recalculate.

Sberbank credit card for 50 days is a unique offer, under the terms of which the client can freely manage borrowed funds for a specified time, without accruing additional interest. Such cards are in great demand among those who urgently need money, which can be returned in a short time, while receiving the conditions.

Conditions for obtaining a credit card

Before we begin to analyze the conditions for obtaining a card, you need to understand that 50 days is a grace period during which the holder can use borrowed money from the card without paying additional interest for late payment. To date, all loan products issued by Sbarbank have this period. But in order to get a credit card for 50 days, you must meet the following bank requirements:
  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • have at least six months of work experience;
  • be at least 21 years of age and not more than 65 years of age;
  • have a positive credit history;
  • work in one place of work for at least six months.

Required documents to obtain a credit card

In order to receive a credit card for 50 days from Sberbank, you need to provide the following documents:
  • passport indicating the place of registration (at the place of residence);
  • TIN (if you don’t have it, you should contact the tax office);
  • if the loan amount is more than 100,000 rubles, you will need a certificate of income;
  • if you don’t have a salary account with Sberbank, you need to take a 2-NDFL certificate.

Common questions and answers

Before applying for a 50-day card, a number of questions often arise. Here are the most common ones.

What is the credit limit amount?

As a rule, the loan amount for individuals varies from 300,000 to 600,000 rubles, depending on the personal offer. If this is not the first time you have applied to Sberbank for a loan, and there are no comments on previously taken out debt obligations, the bank may increase the limit value.

There are several ways to check your credit card limit:

  1. Via SMS message with the word BALANCE XXXX (XXXX- last numbers on the card);
  2. Via and mobile application;
  3. Via a self-service device by submitting a credit card balance request.

How are interest rates calculated?

Interest on the loan is accrued only on funds that were withdrawn from the card. The size of the rate will depend on the conditions under which the agreement was signed with the bank. If the loan is issued in rubles, the rate can vary from 23.9 to 36% per annum, depending on the type of card, repayment time and pre-approved offer.
The interest rate on Sberbank credit cards is almost the same as that offered by other banks, for example, on (but the advantage of Tinkoff Bank cards is the absence of requirements for proof of income and the presence of a bad credit history).

How is the grace period calculated at Sberbank?

The grace period is divided into 30 days of the reporting period (the time during which the borrower pays for purchases with a credit card) and 20 days of the payment period. For example, if the reporting period started on May 8, and purchases were made on the same day, payment must be made before June 27 to repay the debt without interest. But, if the purchase is paid on May 22, then until June 27 there are 35 days left to repay the full amount of debt at 0% (15 days of the reporting period and 20 days of the payment period).

The duration of the grace period is calculated using.

What is mandatory payment

Mandatory payment is the amount that must be returned for using money withdrawn from a credit card. This is a minimum payment equal to 5% of the spent portion of the loan, which must be repaid within 50 days. As a rule, this payment must be made every 20-25 days. The amount of interest charged depends on the type of credit card the holder has.

If at the end of the grace period the debt amount is not fully paid, then interest will be charged on the remaining debt. And if the obligatory payment is late, then a fine will be added to this amount, and an additional penalty for each day of delay from Sberbank.

Attention! The minimum monthly payment on a credit card must be 150 rubles.

In order not to overpay additional interest, the borrower must pay the loan responsibly, and also monitor the amount of the accrued amount and the monthly payment schedule. It is better to make payments for the use of borrowed funds several days before the due date, as the money may arrive with a delay.

As mentioned earlier, the borrower must repay at least 5% of the amount used. This is only part of the amount of the loan debt; you need to add to it: the interest rate for using borrowed money; fines and penalties for late payments; commission for cash withdrawals from ATMs; commission for money transfers.

When repaying part of the used loan, Sberbank distributes them in the following order:

  1. Penalty, fine,
  2. Commissions (internet transfers, cash withdrawals).
  3. Interest for using a loan.
  4. Additional charges.
  5. Principal amount of debt.
This repayment procedure is considered the main problem for credit card holders, since some borrowers make monthly payments, and the amount of debt does not decrease, since the debt itself is not paid all these months. To avoid getting into such situations, you need to take an account statement.

Loan repayment methods

There are several options for repaying credit card debt for 50 days from Sberbank:
  1. Using cash at a bank or self-service devices;
  2. By bank transfer;
  3. Using a debit card (via your Personal Account) or.

You can repay a loan from Sberbank either in full or in parts.

Advantages and disadvantages of Sberbank credit cards

Credit cards, like other Sberbank card products, have their own advantages depending on the offer. So, for example, a Sberbank debit card holder can count on free credit card service, free credit card service, and the opportunity to enjoy preferential interest rates.

Advantages of a credit card:

  • You can withdraw money throughout Russia, as well as anywhere else in the world.
  • It is possible to apply for a card online, having previously left an application for its receipt.
  • participation in the bonus program and.
Disadvantages of a credit card:
  • if the borrower is at an ATM, he pays about 3-4% commission on the amount of money withdrawn;
  • if the loan amount exceeds 100,000 rubles, the bank will necessarily require a certificate of income;
  • a prerequisite is a good credit history;
  • Written confirmation of the borrower's employment is required.

Sberbank credit cards and terms of use

  • Visa Classic and MasterCard Standard are a universal card that provides many opportunities to its owner. The maximum amount is 600,000 rubles. Interest rate 23.9 - 25.9%. Commission level – 3% (not less than 390 rubles). You can cash out no more than 50,000 rubles per day through an ATM, and no more than 150,000 rubles through a bank cash desk. There is no service charge.
  • Visa and MasterCard Gold are premium cards that provide access to special offers. Credit limit – 600,000 rubles. The minimum rate is 23.9 - 25.9%. Service price from 0 to 3000 rubles per year. You can cash out a maximum of 100,000 rubles through an ATM, and 300,000 rubles through a cash register.
  • – credit cards with increased savings. The maximum loan is up to 3,000,000 rubles. Interest rate from 21.9%. The cost of banking services per year is 12,000 and 4,900 rubles per year, respectively.

Credit card grace period (video)