LLC “Russian Standard Credit Bureau”: about the company, services, prices. Credit bureau Russian standard Bank credit bureau Russian standard

The bank decided to develop its bank account through purchases

The captive credit bureau (CCB) of Russian Standard Bank intends to reduce the gap with the top three by purchasing players leaving the market. As Kommersant learned, Russian Standard BKI has already acquired the business of the North-West Bureau of Credit Histories (SZBKI), increasing its base by more than 3 million credit histories. However, according to market leaders, such transactions will not significantly change the balance of power.

The Russian Standard BKI told Kommersant about the purchase of the SZBKI credit history database. “We acquired almost 3 million credit histories, becoming the winner of the auction for their sale as a single lot,” they said. “The bureau will integrate SZBKI credit histories into its database, they will become available to clients after they have passed identification in all channels: in the office, on the website , V mobile application».

As of November 3, SZBKI was listed in the register of the Central Bank, however, according to SPARK-Interfax, it is in the process of liquidation. The company's website was no longer working on Friday. According to SPARK-Interfax, the main shareholders of SZBKI until recently were the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange (SPVB) and the Association of Banks of the North-West. At St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Association they told Kommersant that there was no one to comment on this topic.

BKI "Russian Standard" is a captive bureau of the bank "Russian Standard", the beneficiary of which is businessman Rustam Tariko. The bureau ranks 4th in the Russian Federation in terms of business volume. SZBKI is the largest regional bureau, occupying 5th place.

The desire to sell the SZBKI business is due to the fact that the credit history industry is facing significant tightening in regulation, experts argued (see Kommersant on October 26). The Central Bank outlined its approaches to changing regulation in a recently published report on the development strategy of the bookkeeping market (see Kommersant on October 25). Regular reporting, requirements for owners and information security will be introduced for them. “The Russian Standard Bureau has created a precedent in the market for purchasing unique credit histories at auction,” explains Vice President of the Russian Standard Holding Eldar Bikmaev. “Such a step is logical within the framework of the development of our credit history bureau; it will entail further dynamic growth of its business activity and will help reduce the gap from competitors.”

So far, BKI “Russian Standard”, even taking into account this transaction, lags significantly behind the top three. It has more than 140 million information records for 63 million borrowers (subjects of credit histories). The leading credit history bureaus remain the United Credit History Bureau (UCB), the National Credit History Bureau (NBKI) and Equifax Credit Services. Each of the bureaus on its website calls itself the largest in the country. According to the bureaus themselves, OKB contains 286 million credit histories of 79 million borrowers, Equifax contains 244.1 million records for 70 million borrowers, and NBKI contains 250 million records for 85 million borrowers.

Russian Standard claims that the SZBKI database contains “unique credit histories of companies and residents Leningrad region, where BKI has traditionally been a leader in information services for assessment credit risks" According to Kommersant, its database at the time of sale contained data on approximately 3 million credit histories of individuals and about 100 thousand of legal entities.

However, other BKIs that received offers to participate in the auction for the sale of SZBKI data did not find them interesting, although the transaction price was low - according to Kommersant’s sources, about 5 million rubles. “We considered the deal, but considered it of no value to us,” Equifax CEO Oleg Lagutkin told Kommersant. “Large bureaus already have the data contained in the SZBKI,” says OKB General Director Daniel Zelensky. “If there is an exclusive, then it makes up tenths of a percent of the total market volume.” According to him, this deal is unlikely to have any impact on the market.

IN "Russian Standard Credit Bureau" over 140 million records about subjects are stored, including credit histories and information about requests. The Bureau carries out its activities in accordance with the requirements Federal Law No. 218 “On credit histories” and current national and international standards in the field of information security.


2017: Acquisition of 3 million credit histories

Credit bureau On November 7, 2017, Russian Standard announced victory in the auction for the sale in a single lot of credit histories of the North-Western Credit History Bureau (NW BKI). Thanks to this transaction, the bureau acquired 2,988,256 credit histories.

As noted, purchasing credit histories from the largest regional credit bureau will enable clients and partners of the Russian Standard credit bureau to rely on the maximum full information about the debt load of the subject/borrower when making a decision.

As of November 7, 2017, the Russian Standard credit bureau is integrating SZ BKI credit histories into its database; they will become available to the bureau’s clients in all channels: in the office, on the website and in the mobile application (after identification).

According to representatives of the Russian Standard Credit Bureau, the North-West Credit History Bureau is the largest regional credit history bureau and is among the top 5 credit history bureaus in Russia in terms of the volume of accumulated credit histories and the number of sources for their formation. The SZ BKI database contains credit histories of companies and residents

“The Russian Standard Credit Bureau has 45 million credit histories. Several years ago, in the wake of the popularity of POS lending, the bank of the same name issued loans to a significant number of borrowers. This information is quite exclusive and may not be included in the reports of other bureaus.

Two words about the history of the bureau

Initially, the Russian Standard Credit Bureau was created as structural subdivision bank of the same name and “worked” exclusively with this credit institution. This was the case until 2008. “The Russian Standard Credit Bureau actively developed cooperation with other credit organizations in the field of data accumulation, but was quite closed.

In December 2008, the bureau decided to step out and become more involved in the development of Russian market credit histories. A partner company helped the Russian Standard Credit Bureau gain a competitive advantage. Since 2011, the bureau has been working with CRIF, the largest international company in the development of system solutions for the credit bureau market. This company helped Russian Standard Credit Bureau install an advanced technology platform for managing and storing credit information.

Currently, the bureau is actively offering its services to both credit institutions and individual borrowers.

"Credit Bureau "Russian Standard" today

The bureau cooperates with 50 banks, and is constantly expanding the list of partners, which means that the credit histories of the Russian Standard Credit Bureau will become more complete and up-to-date.

Put together a credit history puzzle

Russia is not Belarus, where everything is centralized and belongs to the state. The advantages are obvious, but there is also a disadvantage. If you have been using borrowed funds for a long time and have changed your financial partners Among banks, it is unlikely that absolutely all information about absolutely all loans will be found in one credit history. Most likely, you need to put together a “puzzle” of your credit history from the data of several credit history offices. Is it worth making a request to the Russian Standard Credit Bureau? Our service will answer this question. Our

– an informative tool that allows you to obtain up-to-date and structured information about the degree of client reliability. To organize the process of collecting, storing and processing credit dossiers, specialized associations have been formed - credit history bureaus. Currently, 26 credit bureaus are registered in the state register of our country. The article examines the activities of one of them - the Russian Standard Credit Bureau.

What is Russian Standard Credit Bureau LLC?»

Russian Standard Credit Bureau LLC was founded in August 2005. Initially, the company functioned as a structural division CJSC Russian Standard Bank, and credit histories, accordingly, were only from borrowers of this bank.

By the end of 2008, the company's management decided to change course. From this moment on, the active development of partnerships with other credit institutions began. An additional advantage of the credit bureau was the creation, in partnership with the CRIF company, of an advanced system that allows storing and processing large volumes of information.

At the moment, BKI Russian Standard closes the top four in this category. financial area. The bureau's database contains about 35 million credit histories: individuals - borrowers and organizations.

What types of services can be obtained from the Russian Standard credit bureau?

Credit bureau Russian Standard provides its services to both individuals and organizations. To use the capabilities of the service, you must register on the site and create a profile (Personal Account).

For individuals registration is simple and straightforward - just follow step by step instructions site. After entering all the necessary data, you need to activate your account. You can do this in the following ways:
  • request via telegraph. To the credit bureau 105318, Moscow, Semenovskaya Square, 7, building 1, you must send a telegram containing personal identification data (login, e-mail, contact phone number, etc. Full list can be found on the bureau’s website);
  • visit the BKI office in person;
  • pass the verification online (available only to Russian Standard Bank clients).

The following services are available for individuals at the Russian Standard credit bureau:

The Russian Standard Bureau offers the following services to legal associations:

  1. Storage of credit files, processing, generation and issuance of credit reports.
  2. Borrower rating. It is created on the basis of credit history and data obtained from other sources. May contain statistics on late payments, volumes of regular payments, etc.
  3. Request for borrower data from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Allows you to assess the reliability of the information provided.
  4. Inquiries to the Central Control Committee. They make it possible to see a list of bank accounts that store the client’s credit file, as well as to carry out operations with the code of the subject of the credit history.
  5. Statistics of payment operators. This service allows you to track the movement of client funds through the services of various payment operators (mobile, bank payments and translations, etc.). Ultimately, this allows you to create a more complete financial portrait of the borrower.

How does the Russian Standard credit history bureau work?

Currently the bureau cooperates with about 50 credit associations. Most partners are companies operating in the same segment financial market, as Russian Standard Bank. Among their financial services:

  • issuing loans without collateral, including consumer loans;
  • plastic cards with a credit limit;
  • POS loans.

The bureau's partners include:

According to Russian legislation, the storage period for any credit history, and in the Russian Standard too, is 15 years from the date of the last change. Delete credit history in most cases it is impossible. However, there are a number of obviously fraudulent organizations that offer such a service for a fee.

A damaged credit history can be corrected quite legally, here are just a few of the ways:

Deleting or adjusting a credit history is possible if it was created incorrectly. For example, when the borrower is a person with the same last name with different passport details. In this case it is necessary to as soon as possible contact the credit bureau to correct the information.

The creditor bank is responsible for updating the credit history data in the BKI. Often, the receipt of current data to the bureau, as well as the correction of erroneously entered entries at the request of the borrower, occurs within 1 financial month.

BKI Russian Standard also offers clients the determination of the borrower's rating (only for individuals) without requesting the credit history itself.

This type of certificate contains the minimum required information for making a decision, namely:

  • the total number of current debt obligations of the client;
  • the amount of regular payments on unclosed loans;
  • amounts of missed payments and dates of overdue payments, including those already closed, etc.

When generating such a report, information is used own bank data, requests to government bodies, and other sources of information from BKI partners.

Credit history information is provided in the form of a credit report. It looks like a kind of dossier containing the most complete and up-to-date information on all interactions of the client with credit and financial associations.

You can obtain a credit report from BKI Russian Standard in the following ways:

  1. In the Internet banking service of CJSC Russian Standard Bank. This method is only available to clients of this credit organization. To do this, you need to register and have a Personal Account on the resource. After specifying your identification details and logging in Personal Area follow the link: Get a credit history/Credit history.
  2. On the BKI Russian Standard website. To receive the report you must:
  • register on the resource and activate your account;
  • After confirming your account, go to your Personal Account and click the “Get Report” button;
  • pay for the service using plastic card or through one of the available payment systems.

3. By letter. To do this, you should send an application for issuing a credit report to the address: 105318, Moscow, Semenovskaya Square, 7, building 1. You must:

  • draw up an application in any form addressed to the director of the company. The document must contain the borrower's full name, passport details and address for receiving the report;
  • have the document certified by a notary;
  • send it to BKI Russian Standard by registered mail.

The credit report is prepared within 10 days from the date of receipt of the letter.

4. By telegram. To receive a credit history report, you must send a telegraphic message to the BKI address containing:

  • passport details;
  • address for receiving the document.

In this case, confirmation of the signature by a postal service employee is sufficient.

The report is delivered within 10 days from the date of receipt of the telegram.

5. Visit to a credit bureau office. You must come to the company office during office hours. It is enough to have a passport with you. After filling out the standard application form, a credit report is issued to you.

  1. If you discover erroneous data or inaccuracies in your own credit history, you need to make changes as soon as possible. This can be done by contacting the bank that issued the loan/accepted the payment or the credit bureau itself. It is worth noting that BKIs consider applications for adjusting credit history 1 time. If the result does not satisfy the client, you will have to prove your case in court.
  2. It happens that credit histories stored in different bank accounts may differ. There may also be differences in the systems for assigning a borrower's scoring rating. To form the most complete and up-to-date financial picture, it makes sense to obtain credit reports from all the bureaus that store them, i.e., how to put together a “puzzle” of credit history. A list of BKIs storing your data can be requested from the Central Control Committee.
  3. Do not forget that all credit bureaus, without exception, are required to provide a credit report at the client’s request once a year free of charge. This norm is enshrined in law in our country.