Where is the best place to keep inventory records? The most convenient system for recording goods in a warehouse


Choose the warehouse accounting method that is most suitable for you: varietal or batch.

With the grading method, goods are stored in a warehouse by name. To facilitate accounting, it is advisable to assign a nomenclature number () to each type. Each newly arrived product is added to the product of the same name. Financially responsible persons must keep records of goods in physical terms (for example, in kilograms, in packages or in pieces). Accounting is carried out on receipts and expenditures in special documents (on paper or electronically).

With the batch method, each newly received batch is stored separately from previously received goods. A special record is created for it, indicating the quantity of goods in the batch and the date of receipt. This method is acceptable when accounting for bulk goods or if the warehouse processes only one type of product.

The goods are released according to, which indicates the recipient, date of shipment, name (article), quantity and cost. If defective products are detected, a write-off report is drawn up. Any movement of goods must be documented.

All warehouse documents are submitted to the accounting department, where they are checked and registered in quantitative and monetary terms, or deregistered (if the document is an expense document). To ensure accounting accuracy, it is advisable to maintain accounting and warehouse records in parallel and periodically reconcile the data.

If the range of goods is wide, then you need to organize an address storage system. In this case, the entire warehouse is divided into cells with unique numbers (alphanumeric designations can be used) and the address where it is stored is indicated on the product registration card. This method allows you to quickly find the right products and also facilitates inventory taking.

A complete inventory must be carried out at least once a year. But for more accurate accounting, it is advisable to carry it out at least once a month. Inventory is a procedure for reconciling the actual availability of goods (by physical counting) and accounting data. Based on the results of the reconciliation, accounting data is adjusted if there are discrepancies.

Helpful advice

Modern warehouse accounting is carried out using computer technology. For example, here you can find a large list of programs for keeping records in a warehouse: http://itshareware.by.ru/finance/warehouse/index.shtml
And here you can find samples of useful warehouse documents: http://www.buhsoft.ru/?title=bp9.php


  • how to properly maintain inventory records

Proper organization of warehouse accounting allows you to quickly supply the company's production with the necessary materials, timely complete finished products, ship them, and much more. To do this, in turn, you must always be aware of the availability and movement of goods.


You can account for goods in units of measurement, packages or pieces. Batch accounting (when goods are accounted for in batches) is also acceptable. Therefore, you need to choose the warehouse accounting method that is most convenient for you: grade or batch.

Assign (item number) to each type of product. This can greatly facilitate accounting in the warehouse using the sort method. In this case, the goods must be stored in a warehouse by name. Each newly received product will be joined to products of the same name. At the same time, financially responsible persons are required to keep records of goods in physical terms (for example, in kilograms, packages or pieces).

Keep records based on the following documents: invoices and invoices. Record the receipt and consumption of goods in a special journal (on paper or electronically).

Create special accounting cards every time a new batch of goods arrives. This is necessary for batch accounting in a warehouse. After all, each newly received group of goods will be stored separately from the products received previously. In turn, this accounting card must indicate the quantity of goods in a given batch and the date of its receipt. This method is acceptable for warehouse accounting of bulk products or if the warehouse is intended for only one type of goods.

Release goods only with invoices, which must indicate the following data: recipient, name (article), date of shipment, quantity and cost of goods. If you find defective units (batch) of products, be sure to draw up a write-off report. Remember that any movement of goods must be documented.

Submit all warehouse documents to the accounting department. It is there that they will be checked and registered in monetary and quantitative terms, or deregistered (if the document is an expense document).

Working as a warehouse operator can be interesting and challenging. It requires attentiveness and efficiency. If you feel the strength and desire to master this profession, acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, and then look for a suitable vacancy.

Personal qualities

If you've decided to become a warehouse operator, you need to know what character traits can help you get there. So, to work with documents you will need perseverance and attentiveness. If you are fussing and in a hurry, you may make some mistake. Remember that in some cases, warehouse workers who keep records of goods are financially responsible, and your typo, clerical error, or omission of an error in the invoice can cost you dearly.

At the same time, a warehouse operator needs to be an energetic person. After all, sometimes the volume of documents can be very large, and the deadlines can be strictly regulated. In order not to delay the work of other employees, goods must be entered into the system quickly and clearly. In addition, the warehouse operator must be a responsible individual. He works with a large amount of information, so some pedantry is important here.


To work as a warehouse operator, it is important to be familiar with the equipment. If you can type quickly or have even mastered touch typing, this will be useful in your future work. In addition, you should thoroughly study the program in which you will keep records. Most often this is 1C. Therefore, it is advisable to take courses on mastering the corresponding module of this program, preferably several versions at once.

As part of your job, you may have to work not only with a computer or laptop, but also with office equipment such as a printer and scanner. Of course, your inability to handle devices should not delay your workflow. But if you are not familiar with how this technique works, do not despair. Most likely, you will be able to quickly master its basic principles on the spot.

Although you will have to work mainly with documents, communication skills will also not hurt. After all, sometimes it is necessary to call the supplier or buyer and clarify some details. Therefore, you need to develop your ability to conduct business dialogues.

The warehouse operator works with incoming and outgoing primary accounting documents. Therefore, you should have a basic understanding of accounting. Most likely, you will gain this knowledge in 1C courses for operators.

Your benefits

When searching for a job, you will have greater success if you are familiar with the nomenclature with which you will be working. Agree, it is very difficult to understand the intricacies of the work without knowing the product. If you have worked with any product before, try to find a warehouse operator position in this area first. Be sure to include experience in this field on your resume.

Knowledge of office programs, a foreign language and the ability to effectively use your working time will also be an advantage when applying for a job. An organized person who tries to learn more than what his position requires at the current stage cannot but command respect from the employer.

Goods are part of inventories that are purchased for the purpose of resale. The movement of inventories at an enterprise occurs during operations for the receipt of goods, movement, sale or release into production.

Documentation of the above-mentioned operations is carried out in order to prevent various violations and increase the discipline of financially responsible employees, who can be a storekeeper, a warehouse manager, or a representative of a structural unit.

Accounting program for a warehouse. Full control of the movement of goods!
Try the warehouse accounting program Business.Ru for free. Issuing documents, accounting for goods and sales, inventory, movement of goods, movements and many other possibilities.

All business transactions are accompanied by supporting documentation, which serves as primary accounting documents. The unified package of documents, which can be used by any organization conducting business activities, includes the following forms:

  • M-2, M-2a - powers of attorney, allowing a specific person to act as a proxy for the enterprise at the time of receipt of material assets from the supplier
  • M-4 - receipt order, which is used to account for certain materials from the supplier
  • M-7 - act of acceptance of goods, the registration of which is carried out at the time of acceptance of the mat. valuables that have discrepancies in assortment, quantity or quality with the data received from the supplier
  • M-8 - a limit-fence card, which is used only if there are limits on the supply of inventories
  • M-11 - requirement-invoice required to account for inventories within the company
  • M-15 - invoice for the supply of materials to the party, which is issued to account for the supply of materials from one’s enterprise to other farms
  • M-17 - material accounting card, which is issued to record material and production assets in the warehouse: by grade, type, size, item number
  • M-35 - act of recording mat. valuables, necessary only if they are obtained as a result of dismantling and dismantling of buildings and structures.

In warehouses, instead of M-17 cards, a warehouse accounting book can be maintained.

To the warehouse: accounting for goods receipt

An example of registering goods receipt in the Class365 system

Unified forms of primary accounting documentation are the basis for reflecting transactions for the receipt of goods.
The transfer of goods from the supplier to the buyer is formalized by shipping documents: waybills, invoices, railway waybills, waybills, invoices.

If goods are purchased for subsequent resale, they may be delivered to the enterprise’s warehouse or accepted directly by a trading organization outside of its own warehouse.
If the goods are accepted outside the buyer’s warehouse, but, for example, at the supplier’s warehouse, at a railway station, pier, at the airport, then the receipt is carried out by the financially responsible person under a power of attorney from the organization giving this right.

According to the rules of document flow in a warehouse, the movement of goods and the reflection of commodity transactions in accounting, the procedure for receiving goods depends on the place, the nature of acceptance (quantity, quality and completeness) and the degree of compliance of the supply agreement with the accompanying documents.

To formalize the acceptance of goods based on quality, completeness, weight and quantity, the TORG-1 form (act of acceptance of goods) is drawn up. It is compiled by members of the selection committee and the authorized head of the enterprise. Acceptance is carried out based on actual availability. If there are quantitative and qualitative discrepancies, and are compiled. If there is a discrepancy between the actual gross weight indicated in the accompanying documentation, the buyer must leave the packaging and containers without opening.
If deviations in quantity and quality are detected, the buyer suspends acceptance of the goods, calls a representative of the supplier, and ensures the safety of the goods.

Reception and accounting of inventory items at the warehouse is directly carried out using the TORG-11 form. It is stored along with these valuables; these forms are used when filling out the inventory list during the inventory.

Acceptance of fixed or production assets is also carried out on the basis of primary accounting documentation (OS-6, OS-6a, OS-6b), as well as on the basis of forms OS-1 and OS-16.

From warehouse to warehouse: accounting for internal movements

An example of registering a transfer from warehouse to warehouse in the Class365 system

Operations for the transfer of materials from one warehouse to another are documented with invoices for the internal movement of goods. For this purpose, the form used when moving material assets between structural units or financially responsible persons is used. The same invoices are used to register the delivery of unspent materials received upon request to the warehouse.
The department that received the materials draws up an expense report, which is the basis for writing off the goods from their accounts.

In case of movement of inventory items between warehouses, a document is issued. When moving fixed assets within the organization, the OS-2 form is drawn up. The invoice is drawn up in triplicate and signed by the financially responsible persons of the structural divisions of both the receiving and the transferring parties. Data on the movement of fixed assets is entered into the book of accounting of fixed assets (OS-6) or into the inventory card.

From warehouse: registration of inventory disposal

Example of implementation design in the Class365 system

Try warehouse software for free

The release of materials into production is carried out on the basis of established limits; accordingly, registration of the operation implies the use of two copies, which is also used to monitor compliance with the established limits for the release of goods. Once the limits have been used up, the storekeeper delivers this card to the accounting department. To reduce the use of primary documents, it is recommended to register the issue of materials according to (then it is necessary to issue only one M-8).

The main document for registering the sale of materials is (a delivery note), drawn up in two copies, on the basis of which inventory items are written off. If the transportation of goods is carried out by road, then this requires a document drawn up in 4 copies, which is the only document for debiting from shippers and being accepted for accounting from recipients.

The reason for the disposal of goods from the warehouse may also be its write-off for the following reasons:

  • obsolescence,
  • unsuitability of goods,
  • identifying shortages or damage to materials due to various circumstances.

To draw up a supporting document, a corresponding commission is assembled and a write-off act is drawn up, on the basis of which the materials are transferred from used to unused. The write-off of valuables that are transferred free of charge or under a gift agreement is carried out on the basis of primary accounting documents.

Accounting for goods in a warehouse is 2 times faster in the online program!

A new development - the online program Class365 allows you to automatically create accounting documents, keep full records of goods, while avoiding staff errors. Forget about routine work and free up time to find new and creative solutions for your business.

Possibilities of the online program for warehouse accounting

  • Inventory planning taking into account sales rates, delivery methods, supplier lead times, minimum balances
  • Possibility to establish different types of warehouses: retail, wholesale, transit, for your own needs, safekeeping, etc.
  • Search for products by supplier, batch, serial number, barcode
  • Control of balances for individual warehouses or a group of warehouses
  • Storage period control

It won't take much time to get started with the online program, just enter your email and receive a link to log into your account. The free plan is not limited in functionality. If you wish, you can upgrade to a professional plan and increase the number of users.

Don't waste your time! Get started with the program right now!

Necessity of availability warehouse accounting programs arises for every entrepreneur. The wide variety of products is the main reason for such a purchase. Moreover, automation of business activities helps to optimize the work process, and reporting becomes much easier and faster.

Warehouse accounting program provides a tool whose functions allow you to control and build all the necessary processes in the right direction. This includes purchasing, storing and selling goods. And with the help of excellent software, it is better to carry out such actions rather than time-consuming and uninteresting manual accounting of products.

There are such best programs of warehouse accounting, which make up the TOP 20:

Each of them has its own specific functionality, advantages and disadvantages of use.

Program warehouse accounting : features of choice

When selecting the most suitable software, it is necessary to take into account certain factors that influence its further use.

  1. A simple and user-friendly interface, without flashy design or unnecessary functions.
  2. Compatibility with other similar programs in case of possible data movement or comparison.
  3. The likelihood of software being adapted to a specific type of business.
  4. Ease of use, the ability to easily solve the problem of accounting for goods in a warehouse.

Warehouse and trade programs - main types

There are many different software for maintaining records in an entrepreneur’s warehouses. They differ primarily in the possibility of installation on a computer or using a network (use of the cloud).

  1. accounting of own and commission goods;
  2. printing documents;
  3. sales statistics and calculation of profitability for each product;
  4. integration with a fiscal registrar or other equipment.

Others include the ability to comprehensively work with the client base and exchange data.

Advantages and disadvantages

Warehouse management program for production"MoySklad" has a number of significant advantages. For those who have started their own business, they distinguish between the possibility of using any operating system and the presence of a special application for iOS and Android. In addition, the quick connection of new warehouses or other premises to the system and the reliability of the service with the ability to save data without the risk of losing it are the main tasks that the software performs.

There are also disadvantages to this system. These include a difficult-to-understand interface, the inability to delete your account yourself, and difficulties in installing the service for a specific business. But, despite this, the MySklad program is constantly updated and improved, turning disadvantages into its advantages.

"Big Bird"

Online materials inventory program is one of the most common services for small businesses. This system, which works only on the Internet, monitors reporting and maintains sales.

Service functions

The main tasks that the software performs are:

  1. accounting for all kinds of goods;
  2. integration with other programs, such as service;
  3. registration of any operations with products: write-off, movement or inventory;
  4. maintaining records for several enterprises.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Among the main advantages of http://bigbird.ru is the ability to automatically save the latest changes and an excellent interface that allows the user to quickly navigate. Disadvantages include partial malfunctions and problems associated with the online store module.

"Super Warehouse"

This simplewarehouse programcouple, which is installed for free as a demo version. With such a service, automation of accounting in a warehouse or company will be easy due to the absence of complex accounting terms in the interface.

Software Features

“SuperWarehouse” performs a number of diverse and very important functions. These include:

  1. keeping records of the availability and movement of finances and goods;
  2. registration, printing of various documents;
  3. analytical reports on the structure and dynamics of sales;
  4. the ability to maintain a large number of warehouses in one database, moving goods between them;
  5. setting access restrictions to some documentation of other system users.

Advantages and disadvantages

“SuperWarehouse” can be used in two forms. It could be free warehouse and trade accounting software in the form of a demo version or purchasing the full version. The advantages of using http://sklad-prog.ru include a very simple interface. If you have any difficulties, you can watch a video tutorial. It will help you understand how to use the software. The system provides the ability to use a cloud service with data saved online.

The disadvantages of the program include the impossibility of maintaining warehouse records at large trading enterprises where the number of warehouses exceeds 100 units.


This software for maintaining warehouse records makes it possible to carry out comprehensive control over the activities of any wholesale or retail enterprise. This could be a small or medium business.

Properties of the system

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The main functionality of the software http://tdt.info/tdt includes carrying out all kinds of warehouse and trade operations, financial reporting and control of mutual settlements with partners and clients, as well as maintaining documentation and analyzing the company's activities.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of the program look like this:

  • possibility of use in assembly-type production;
  • working with software remotely;
  • combining information about the activities of several warehouses or retail outlets in a single database.

In addition, there is free programamma for warehouse accounting in the form of a demo version, which is available for 3 months.

Among the shortcomings of the software is a significant number of shortcomings on the part of the manufacturing company. The result of this is various inconsistencies and the possibility of committing illegal actions with the preparation of reports. In addition, “Product-Money-Product” updates are provided only for the first 6 months. Later, users must pay a subscription fee for subsequent improvements.

"Info-Enterprise: Trading Warehouse"

This service is one of the most used in the field of warehouse accounting. It, together with IP: Accounting, makes it possible to get twice as good results in business automation.


Program for studentsand materials in stock performs a number of the following main tasks:

  1. carrying out write-offs and returns of goods from warehouses;
  2. moving products from one warehouse to another;
  3. accounting for any type of product or service;
  4. calculating the cost of goods using different methods.

Cons and pros

The successful operation of an enterprise consists of the total impact of various factors and the competent execution of key functions. It is worth noting that correct accounting of goods can be considered one of the main conditions for the stable operation of the company.

Inventory control

This concept is used to define constant quantitative and grading accounting carried out in a warehouse. Without accounting, it is difficult to ensure their safety. For this process, a materials warehouse card is used, which is a form approved by law for recording the movement of materials of a particular type, size and grade in the warehouse. They are filled in for each item number of the material. They are managed by a financially responsible person, for example a warehouse manager or a storekeeper.

Before entrusting the warehouseman with the material reserves of the enterprise, as a rule, an agreement is concluded with him. It describes the types of work the employee performs and the extent of responsibility in the event of loss or damage to products stored in the warehouse.

Organization of warehouse accounting

A well-organized process of accounting for materials located in the warehouse is a very important and necessary segment of the organization’s activities. For efficient warehouse operation, two common accounting systems are used: batch and sort. But regardless of the fact which choice is made, financially responsible employees will keep records of the company's products in kind. This procedure is carried out through the use of incoming and outgoing commodity orders.

If we take into account the information contained in the manuals for accounting of a company's inventories, we can conclude that analytical accounting of inventory items is carried out through the use of the balance method or revolving invoices. With these approaches, accounting is carried out in the context of each storage location, as well as within them, recording item numbers, various product groups, synthetic and subaccounts.

Using cards

Warehouse accounting of materials, the basis for which are turnover sheets, in most cases involves the use of the two above-mentioned methods. This allows you to optimize warehouse operations and achieve higher levels of productivity.

In the first option, a warehouse accounting card is used, which opens for each type of storage in the warehouse. It displays quantitative and summary data, which, in essence, is the movement of materials. The basis for filling out such cards are primary accounting documents.

Keeping inventory records using cards also involves displaying balances on the first day and calculating turnover for the month. With the help of such documentation, turnover sheets are compiled for each warehouse separately. In addition, the data of those cards that are in the accounting department are verified with the documentation located in the warehouse.

It is also possible that the accounting cards are not kept in the accounting department. In this case, expenditure and receipt documentation is grouped by item numbers. Afterwards, with the help of these documents, the totals for the month are calculated, and data on expenses and income are recorded separately. This information is then displayed on the turnover sheet. Those balances that were displayed in these statements are compared with the balances recorded in the warehouse accounting cards.

Balance accounting

This form of warehouse accounting differs from the previous one. The key difference comes down to the fact that qualitative and total accounting in the context of inventory items is not maintained in the accounting department. Turnover statements, accordingly, are also not compiled.

With this type of organization, warehouse work is carried out in the context of subaccounts, product groups and balance sheet accounts, which are used to record inventory items exclusively in monetary terms. Accounting is carried out by financially responsible persons. For this process, a warehouse ledger or appropriate journal is used.

As for accounting, it is responsible for receiving primary accounting documentation from financially responsible persons and subsequently checking the received data. When the reconciliation process is completed, those balances of materials that were recorded on the first day are transferred to the balance sheet.

Batch accounting

Trade and warehouse in this case are organized in such a way that a specific batch of goods is stored separately. Moreover, for each of them the storekeeper writes out a batch card in two copies. A special book is used to register such cards. In this case, it is the number of the accepted batch that is the registration number in this book. After entering the necessary information, one copy is transferred to the accounting department, and the other remains in the warehouse and serves as a warehouse accounting register.

It is worth noting the fact that the inventory of one item is determined as a batch. This product must be supplied by one supplier. As for the number of deliveries, there may be several.

When filling out a batch card, the warehouse employee must indicate the date of preparation, its number, the time of filling out the goods acceptance certificate, the type of transport, the supplier’s details, the number and date of the invoice, the name of the product, the place of departure, as well as the weight and grade.

Warehouse accounting of materials, which uses the batch method, implies the reflection during the release of goods of the date of this action, the number of the consumable commodity document, the type of transport, the name of the recipient, the quantity and grade of products released. At the same time, the number of the batch card is indicated in the expenditure document.

When all the stocks of a particular batch are used up, the warehouse manager and merchandiser put their signatures on the card and transfer it to the accounting department, where it will subsequently be checked.

It is possible that during the inspection a shortage will be identified. In this case, warehouse accounting implies the following actions: the accountant, before the next inventory, writes off the shortage as distribution costs, but only on the condition that it was within the limits of natural loss. If the norms were exceeded, then the shortage must be recovered from those persons who are financially responsible for the products stored in the warehouse.

It is also worth considering the information that the batch warehouse accounting system includes inventory and materials for a fully consumed batch.

How are warehouse journals used in sort accounting?

If this method of accounting is used, the storekeeper opens one or several pages in the product journal for each variety and name of product. A separate card can also be created. The number of pages depends on the volume of operations carried out for receiving and disbursing.

In the title of the card or magazine page, you must indicate the article, name, grade and other characteristics that distinguish a particular product. The remaining space on the page is used to reflect receipts, expenses and product balances.

Name, price, quantity, units of measurement of inventory items;

Number and date of documents that were used during the issuance and reception of products;


In order for the goods to be accepted for storage and subsequently issued, it is necessary to certify the relevant documentation with the signatures of the storekeeper and the warehouse manager.

Various types of commodity journals will help to competently organize warehouse accounting of a quantitative type, in which the movement and remains of products are recorded, with the help of which inventory is kept in storage places, as well as their consumption is recorded. Such information can also be displayed in the form of statements.

How is inventory markdown carried out?

Trade and storage are inevitably associated with such phenomena as obsolescence of goods, as well as a decrease in demand for them or loss of quality. These problems cannot be ignored and the markdown process is used to effectively solve them. To complete it, you will need an act of depreciation of material assets.

It must be drawn up and signed in two copies. This is done by responsible persons representing a special commission. One copy remains with the warehouse manager (it must be stored), the second is sent to the accounting department. In some situations, one copy may be attached to the delivery note. This is done for the subsequent transfer of this document to an organization engaged in the sale of discounted goods, or for the purpose of returning it to the manufacturer.

Warehouse management systems

One of the key tasks of any business is automation and optimization of all internal processes of the enterprise. This will save time and improve the quality of service.

The warehouse is no exception. In order to speed up various processes related to the receipt and consumption of goods, a warehouse accounting program is used. It may have a different appearance and structure, but the functions of such software remain unchanged.

We are talking about the following possibilities:

Distribution of products in the warehouse among storage cells, batches and responsible persons;

Possibility of dynamic recalculation of warehouse balances;

Tracking cargo along routes;

Using various methods of determining the price of a product;

Inventory and subsequent generation of current reporting according to its results;

Formation of receipt and warehouse orders;

Revaluation of goods due to the influence of various factors that shape its value;

Warehouse management.

A well-designed warehouse accounting program allows you to establish the efficient operation of a transit warehouse, as well as general purpose warehouses. It is also practiced to use an electronic analogue of a warehouse accounting card, which has all the latest filters. We are talking about tracking information in the following areas:

The currency used to pay for the goods (according to the matching sheet, statement of surplus and shortage, statement of actual availability, etc.);

Product batch, shelf life, certificate expiration date;

Various types of operations with inventory items;

Special purpose;


Financially responsible persons;

Operations of staffing and dismantling of material assets in a warehouse.

As a rule, such automated warehouse accounting is modified by the developer taking into account the individual characteristics of a particular client’s business.

Current programs

To effectively organize warehouse operations, various software can be used. But one of the most popular options is “1C Warehouse Accounting”. This software has certain advantages, which attract many companies that integrate this program into the operation of their warehouses.

The key functions are as follows:

Fast and timely accounting of material assets, their arrival and movement;

Accurate maintenance of all warehouse documentation;

Timely and convenient maintenance of a warehouse journal (cards);

Availability of all necessary tools for correct inventory taking;

Presentation and processing of the warehouse system.

Using this software, you can qualitatively cover several areas of an enterprise’s economic activity. We are talking about managing sales rules, inventory, finance, purchasing and delivery of goods. The main advantages of 1C include the ease of use of the program, the ability to adjust it to suit the needs of a specific organization and full compliance with Russian legislation.

If you wish, you can use other programs: “Super Warehouse”, “Product-Money-Product” and others.


It is obvious that the operation of a warehouse plays an important role in building the effective operation of a company. Therefore, the quality of service, speed of delivery and the state of the sales process as a whole depend on the level of organization of warehouse functions. Thus, any company interested in successfully building a cycle of sales and delivery of products must efficiently organize product accounting.