High interest rates in banks for individuals. High interest deposits - which banks have higher interest rates? Investments for passive income

Passive income is a nice bonus to your salary. There are many places where people often invest money in the hope of creating money: playing in the foreign exchange market, investing in cryptocurrencies, investing in company shares and more. But these methods do not guarantee results. When contributing money for any purpose, you should be aware of the risks and be prepared for defeat and loss of finances.

The least risky way to increase profits on an ongoing basis is a bank deposit. An individual provides the bank with his savings, for which the bank pays a certain percentage of the invested amount monthly or annually.

Best interest rates on bank deposits

You should trust finances only to reliable structures. This is one of the main criteria according to which depositors choose a bank. Nowadays, banking crises are not uncommon. It is good to have confidence that your bank will not collapse during the next period of financial difficulties.

The second important parameter is the interest rate. This is the money that you will receive as net profit from the deposit. It is desirable that there be not only a high interest rate, but also accompanying conditions that are comfortable for the investor. Passively accumulated funds can subsequently be increased by starting.

To combine the bank's reliability and profitability, we have compiled an up-to-date list of the most profitable deposits.

“My income” (Promsvyazbank)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount - 100,000 rubles;
  • terms and interest:
    • at 91 days - 6.6%;
    • on day 181 - 6.7%;
    • for 367 days - 6.7%.

Among the bank's programs, this deposit has the highest interest rate. If the client wishes to terminate the contract ahead of schedule, preferential terms will make the process quick and with minimal losses. You cannot withdraw part of the money or replenish the deposit amount during its validity.

Interest is paid at the end of the agreed period to the same account in which the original deposit was placed. If you close the deposit after the due date, only half of the accumulated interest will be paid, so be punctual. To open a deposit, contact either your local Promsvyazbank office or PSB-Retail, available online.

“Maximum income” (Moscow Credit Bank)


  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100; 100 euro;
  • terms and interest for deposits in rubles:
    • for 95 days - 5.75%;
    • for 185 days - 6.25%;
    • for 370 days - 6.75%.
    • for 95 days - 0.75%;
    • for 185 days - 1.10%;
    • for 370 days - 1.45%.
    • for 95 days - 0.01%;
    • for 185 days - 0.20%;
    • for 370 days - 0.55%.

According to the primary agreement, interest is paid at the end of the term. However, the bank has created the ability to connect additional options. Thus, the investor can partially withdraw the invested funds, replenish the account, and also demand interest monthly. To activate one or more of the services described, you must enter into an additional agreement.

If there are additional conditions, additional interest is provided for. If the client has an annual “Service Package” program, 0.25% will be added to deposits in rubles, and 0.15% to deposits in foreign currency. The same amount of premiums is possible if you open a deposit not in a bank office, but in MKB-Online or in the MKB terminal. If you do not close the deposit on time, its validity is extended automatically in ascending order. And after an open year, another 95 days will be added.

"Maximum income" (Sovcombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 30,000 rubles; US$5,000; 5000 euros;
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6/7.6% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0/8.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”);
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6/7.6% (“Halva”).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit in the office for up to 3 years:
    • upon termination within 90 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 180 days - 7.2/8.2% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 365 days - 6.8/7.8% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 730 days - 6.0/7.0% (Halva card);
    • upon termination before 1095 days - 6.0/7.0% (halva card).
  • terms and interest when opening a ruble deposit through Internet banking for a period of up to 1 year:
    • upon termination within 31–90 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 91–180 days - 7.0%;
    • upon termination within 181–270 days - 6.6%;
    • upon termination within 271–365 days - 6.6%.
  • terms and interest when opening foreign currency deposits:
    • in US dollars for 271–365 days - 1.55%;
    • in US dollars for 1095 days - 3.00%;
    • in euros for 271–365 days - 1.00%.

Partial withdrawals are not allowed, but deposits are allowed. The minimum replenishment amounts are 1000 rubles, 100 dollars or euros. Interest is paid after the end of the deposit period.

"Reliable" (Opening)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 50,000 rubles; 1000 US dollars; 1000 euros;
  • terms and interest:
    • for ruble deposits for 91 or 191 days - 6.42–7.30%;
    • in US dollars for 91 or 181 days - 0.20–0.80%;
    • in euros for 91 or 181 days - 0.10%.

The accumulated interest is paid every month. Capitalization is possible: this means that with each new interest accrual, the previous ones are added to the original deposit amount. The rate increases if you own a Pension card of this bank.

"Maximum interest" (Binbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • deposit term - from 3 months to 2 years;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$300; 300 euros;
  • terms and interest for ruble deposits:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 6.10-7.30%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 6.25-7.45%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 6.30-7.50%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in US dollars:
    • when opening in a bank branch - 0.55-1.65%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.55-1.65%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.55-1.65%.
  • terms and interest for deposits in euros:
    • when opening at a bank branch - 0.01%;
    • for individuals (pensioners) - 0.01%;
    • when opening via the Internet - 0.01%.

During the validity period of the deposit, you cannot replenish it, withdraw part of the money or receive monthly payments. The entire invested amount, together with interest, is returned to the investor after the end of the agreed period.

"Profitable" (Rosselkhozbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • terms for opening a deposit - from 31 to 1460 days;
  • minimum amount - 3000 rubles; US$50;
  • interest rate for ruble deposits - up to 6.70%;
  • the interest rate for deposits in US dollars is up to 2.45%.

Some of the most comfortable conditions. An individual can receive interest even from small deposits for a short period. You cannot replenish and spend funds, but there are several options for operations with interest: capitalization and monthly withdrawal to the account are available.

"Profitable" (VTB 24)


  • currency - rubles;
  • minimum amount:
    • when opening a deposit online - 30,000 rubles;
    • when opening a deposit at a bank branch - 100,000 rubles.
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit at a bank branch:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.20/6.23%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.20/6.28%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.70/6.02%;
  • terms and interest when opening a deposit online:
    • for a period of 3–5 months - 6.60/6.64%;
    • for a period of 6 months - 6.60/6.69%;
    • for a period of 6–13 months - 6.15/6.23%;
    • for a period of 13–18 months - 6.10/6.29%;
    • for a period of 18–24 months - 5.90/6.15%;
    • for a period of 24–36 months - 5.70/6.02%;
    • for a period of 36–61 months - 3.10/3.25%.

This deposit has an increased profitability, but if funds are withdrawn before the end of the contract, it is lost. Capitalization possible. If you do not close the deposit on time, its term is automatically extended for the shortest possible time (3 months), but no more than 2 times. If you close your deposit before the due date, you will receive 0.6% of the original rate. But for this, the deposit period must exceed 181 days.

"Pobeda+" (Alfa-Bank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 10,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • interest rates:
    • in rubles - 5.5–6.23%;
    • in US dollars - 0.35–2.38%;
    • in euros - 0.01–0.20%.

You cannot replenish your deposit or partially withdraw money. Accrued interest is capitalized, but the client loses it if the contract is terminated early.

"Savings" (Gazprombank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars, euros;
  • minimum amount - 15,000 rubles; US$500; 500 Euro;
  • terms - from 3 months to 1097 days;
  • interest rates for ruble deposits:
    • for an amount from 15,000 to 300,000 rubles - 5.6–5.8%;
    • for an amount from 300,000 to 1,000,000 rubles - 5.8–6.0%;
    • for an amount from 1,000,000 rubles - 6.0–6.4%;
  • interest rates for deposits in US dollars:
    • for amounts from $500 to $10,000 - 0.30–1.40%;
    • for an amount over $10,000 - 0.40–1.50%;
  • interest rates for deposits in euros:
    • for an amount from 500 to 10,000 euros - 0.01%;
    • for amounts over 10,000 euros - 0.01%.

A long term provides for the presence of separate conditions for interest payments. As a consequence, with a deposit period of more than 365 days, interest is paid not at the end of the entire term, but at the end of the calendar year. It is prohibited to replenish your account or withdraw funds. You can extend the deposit period, but not automatically. To do this you will have to visit the bank office.

“Replenish” (Sberbank)


  • currency - rubles, dollars;
  • minimum amount - 1000 rubles; US$100;
  • terms - from 3 months to 3 years;
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.70/3.71%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.80/3.83%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.60/3.66%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.63%;
    • for 3 years - 3.45/3.63%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.85/3.86%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.95/3.98%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.75/3.82%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.70/3.83%;
    • for 3 years - 3.60/3.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75/3.96%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 4.00/4.01%;
    • for 6–12 months - 4.10/4.14%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.90/3.97%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.85/4.00%;
    • for 3 years - 3.75%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opening in a bank branch (from 1000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.45/3.45%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.55/3.58%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.30/3.41%;
    • for 3 years - 3.20/3.35%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 100,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.60/3.61%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.70/3.73%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.50/3.56%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.45/3.57%;
    • for 3 years - 3.35/3.52%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 400,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 700,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for ruble deposits when opened in a bank branch (from 2,000,000 rubles):
    • for 3–6 months - 3.75/3.76%;
    • for 6–12 months - 3.85/3.88%;
    • for 1–2 years - 3.65/3.71%;
    • for 2–3 years - 3.60/3.73%;
    • for 3 years - 3.50/3.68%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.25%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.55%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.85%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.95%;
    • for 3 years - 1.05%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened through Sberbank Online (from $100,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.30%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.60%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.95%;
    • for 2–3 years - 1.05%;
    • for 3 years - 1.15%.
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.20%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.50%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.60%;
    • for 3 years - 0.70%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $3,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.25%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.60%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.70%;
    • for 3 years - 0.80%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $10,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.05%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.30%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.65%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.75%;
    • for 3 years - 0.85%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $20,000):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.
  • terms and interest rates for dollar deposits when opened at a bank branch (from $100):
    • for 3–6 months - 0.10%;
    • for 6–12 months - 0.40%;
    • for 1–2 years - 0.75%;
    • for 2–3 years - 0.85%;
    • for 3 years - 0.95%.

For deposits opened by pensioners, the maximum rate is set for the selected period, regardless of the deposit amount. The deposit can be freely replenished, but withdrawing money before the expiration date, in whole or in part, is not allowed.

Advice: find out which financial institutions today.

How to calculate the profitability of a deposit?

Calculating interest according to bank terms is not always easy. The standard formula provides for a fixed amount of accrued interest and a deposit amount that does not change throughout the entire period. The calculation is made as follows: deposit amount * duration of the deposit * agreed percentage. For example: deposit amount - 100,000 rubles, time - six months, interest rate - 10% per annum. As a result, we get: 100,000 * 0.5 * 10% = 5,000 rubles of income.

Formula for deposit profitability with capitalization includes several more conditions. After all, now it is necessary to take into account the fact that the size of the deposit and interest increases slightly for each period of their accrual. In this case, you should calculate as follows: N*(1+P*d/D/100)n-N, Where

  • N – initial deposit size;
  • P – interest rate;
  • d – calendar days after which new interest is accrued (usually 30 or 31 days);
  • D – 365 or 366 days a year, depending on the current year;
  • n – how many times interest will be accrued (if the capitalization period is 30-31 days, then this number will be 12).

Common mistakes when choosing a deposit

Typical majority opinions can sometimes lead to unpleasant situations. Banks try to play for maximum benefit from clients, so clients should be careful when choosing favorable conditions for themselves. After all, they are good for the bank and bring profit in any variations provided.

First mistake. The proposal looks noticeable and is better than others in all respects. The interest rate is significantly higher than the market average. This is a signal to take a closer look at the bank itself. A positive scenario: a big holiday is coming up and the bank is attracting new customers with similar promotions. Negative option: the bank is unreliable and could collapse at any moment. His plan of action is based on getting the maximum benefit from clients who want the same thing - big money in a short time. Then such organizations declare bankruptcy, and investors lose everything.

Advice: check each bank for presence in the Deposit Insurance Agency system. This organization returns citizens' deposits in the event of bank liquidation. Initially, dubious structures, as a rule, are not associated with it. You can also see on the AKB website which banks have already been liquidated or are in the process of being liquidated.

Second mistake. You choose the maximum deposit term because it pays the most interest. The pitfall is that today the ruble exchange rate is not tied to the price of oil. Its fall and rise are impossible to predict. In the event of a sudden weakening of the national currency, banks will raise new interest rates, leaving existing deposits at the same level of payments. As a result, early termination of the contract will return you significantly less money, and without it it is impossible to transfer to new deposit conditions.

Advice: If you want to take the maximum term, take the average one. Preferably with interest capitalization. The deposit period should not exceed one year.

Third mistake. The terms of the deposit provide a huge number of possibilities: withdrawal and replenishment of the account at any time, capitalization of interest and much more. Please note the bet: it is clearly not the maximum. The presence of some advantages eliminates others.

Advice: Before opening a deposit, set your priorities. Is interest capitalization so important to you? What about monthly withdrawals? Will it really be necessary to withdraw some of the invested funds ahead of schedule? Based on the answers received, choose a bank only with those additional offers that you really need.

Fourth mistake. Ignoring the achievements of civilization. Most large banks are transferring their services to the Internet format. There are even banks that operate entirely on the Internet. As a result, it may turn out that if you open a deposit via the Internet, the interest rate will be significantly higher, and the minimum deposit will be lower than if you open it in the office.

Advice: If you are concerned about the safety of your data, always check the address of the page you are on. At the top there should be either a similar icon with a padlock (see below) or the inscription https in green.

This means that communication channels are encrypted and confidential. Also, two-factor authentication is used in monetary transactions: without an SMS with an access code, you will not be able to deposit or withdraw funds.

Let's sum it up

Bank deposits – for individuals. When choosing terms, you should not always be tempted by a high interest rate. It is best to check the market for such offers and invest in a deposit on conditions that correspond to the highest level of offers. To avoid the risk of losing money, do not trust banks you have never heard of before.

Also, initially decide what you want to get from the deposit. Additional income is guaranteed by the capitalization of interest. Choose realistic dates in which you definitely won’t need this money. Early termination of the contract with the bank risks paying much less money than was specified in the contract.

Each bank sets the return on the deposit according to this parameter independently. Although, when assessing the market as a whole, the largest percentage is often set for a period of 9-12 months, if we consider products with the possibility of choosing a term. This approach can be explained by two components.

    A shorter period does not allow you to use your funds in the long term. Accordingly, the bank will not receive the necessary income and reduces the interest rate on deposits.

    For longer periods of time, more significant inflation risks are required. Therefore, to apply the highest percentage, it is worth choosing deposits for a medium term.

If you want to place funds for a longer period of time, but with the same high profitability, you can choose an offer with automatic extension. That is, after the deposit expires and there is no fact that you have applied to receive funds, it will be extended. It is important to pay attention that the extension is carried out under the same conditions.

Is it profitable to choose a deposit with automatic renewal upon expiration?

Yes. Deposits with extension are profitable. This is due to the fact that when its validity period expires, it is extended without the participation of the client. Often on the same terms as originally applied. This achieves two main benefits.

    There is no loss of interest for the period from the expiration date of the deposit until the moment of its re-placement.

    Recently, there has been a downward trend in the return on deposits. Accordingly, in a year it is impossible to place money in a bank with the current interest rate. Only auto renewal on the original terms allows you to do this.

Separately, it is worth noting the possibility of early termination of any deposit agreement. If you did not have time to contact the bank to withdraw the funds, or the automatic extension was carried out on unfavorable terms, then you can get the money back. Moreover, without loss of income received after the initial period of the deposit.

How would it be more profitable to open a deposit - go straight to the branch or via the Internet?

It is worth immediately noting that not all banks provide the opportunity to open a deposit remotely. Therefore, contacting a branch may be the only possible way to deposit funds. If a credit institution accepts requests from citizens via the Internet, then this option is in most cases more profitable.

The surcharge on the interest rate can generally be 0.25-0.5% per annum. The possibility of providing it arises due to the lower costs of a commercial structure. Both for attracting a client (via the Internet it is less expensive than the classical method) and for directly concluding a transaction. These essential expenses are converted into additional income for the investor.

A bank deposit is an opportunity to earn interest by investing your money in a bank for a certain period. None of the programs can be called universal - the recipe for a profitable investment of money is different for everyone and depends on the depositor’s attitude to the bank’s reliability, auto-renewal, capitalization and other conditions. The best interest rates on deposits usually involve risks and some inconvenience for the depositor.

This page contains a collection of banks offering maximum interest rates on deposits. To get acquainted with the best offers and programs in more detail, click the “Apply” button - you will be redirected to the bank’s website.

"Creditznatok" is a service that allows you to select deposits with the maximum interest rate or the most favorable conditions, taking into account the variety of offers. Regardless of what matters to you - flexibility of conditions, availability of capitalization or maximum income - here you will find the highest interest rate on deposits in Moscow and can now profitably manage your money.

Analysis of profitable offers

Offers that include the possibility of capitalization allow you to make the most profitable investment. Income is compounded every month, and in the next period interest is calculated on the new increased amount. Among the best profitable offers we can also highlight:

  • not allowing replenishment and partial withdrawal of funds;
  • not allowing withdrawal of income before the end of the contract;
  • promotional offers from banks dedicated to memorable dates.

Time deposits at the highest interest rates can also be found among foreign currency products: the interest rate here is lower than that of ruble deposits, but the options are very wide and flexible. You can open an account not only in dollars and euros, but also in other currencies.

It is easier to find profitable deposits at high interest rates in less popular small banks. Having an impeccable reputation, large banks do not need the highest rates to attract depositors - many of them choose reliability and stability over fast money. Additional advantages are convenient Internet banking, bonus programs, and the availability of ATMs not only in Moscow, but even in small towns.

We have collected on this page the banks that offer the highest income and allow you to invest your funds profitably. You can choose a suitable bank according to several criteria: high income, term, deposit size, currency. It should be remembered that a large rate exceeding the refinancing rate by 5 points will entail the need to pay a tax of 35% on the difference between the interest.

To find out more, click on the “Apply” button: get all the necessary information and fill out an application on the bank’s website. Look for great deals with "Creditznatok"!

Which banks offer New Year's deposits with high interest rates? How to compare and choose the most profitable bank deposits? Which bank is the most reliable for deposits for the year?

Good afternoon, dear readers of the HeatherBeaver online magazine! Today we will talk about bank investments.

Together with you, I, Viktor Golikov, will reveal the secrets of choosing a bank for investment and other nuances.

It's no secret that banks have no friends. There are only business partners! But the fact is that it is not the banks who decide who is who. For the existence of a financial institution, depositors and creditors are necessary. Attracting both is the bread for the bank! So who will sow and who will harvest?

In which bank is it best to open a deposit - an institution with foreign capital participation or a state Russian bank with investment funds? Who guarantees the return of the insured deposit and where it is safer to place your investments in order to sleep peacefully, we will find out right now.

1. What is a bank deposit?

You have decided to allocate a certain amount of money in order to receive from it a small but stable profit - passive income.

The first option is to lend it to friends or relatives for business promotion with the hope that everything will work out for them and you will receive some percentage of the business.

Or maybe it’s better to make a deposit in a bank without risking anything? By periodically extending the contract or drawing up a new one, become an investor and live on interest, like the townspeople at the beginning of the 20th century?

For bankers, every depositor is Plyushkin. For a depositor, any bank is Chichikov.

The placement of funds in banking structures for the purpose of making a profit in the form of interest is considered by the state as private entrepreneurship! - a legally regulated type of income on which investors pay tax.

When making a contribution, be guided by your own goals. What are you pursuing when investing in a bank?

Main investment motives:

  • accumulation of funds;
  • capital preservation;
  • credit investments (loan secured by deposit);
  • investments (income from exchange bets).

Banks need depositors, so more and more new deposit systems are constantly being invented. Programs are often repeated, and choosing from a dozen existing options in practice means choosing from two or three.

Remember that the bank will never make an offer to its detriment, and invest money based on this principle.

2. What to look for when choosing a deposit program - 5 main points

Although bank deposits are protected by law, the agreements are signed by the depositors themselves. Appealing to the bank with a question about why you received such income is reasonable, but almost pointless.

Carefully study the terms of the deposit. The program often includes additional conditions or variable interest accrual values.

These conditions are:

  • floating interest rate;
  • accrual interval (daily, weekly, monthly, once);
  • preferential terms for ongoing promotions.

From time to time, banks offer their depositors a variety of promotions. The most common are New Year's ones, which require an increased interest rate. On such deposits, pay attention to changes when prolonging the contract, if provided.

Point 1. Placement amount

Place no more than 1.4 million rubles in one bank. If necessary, the Deposit Insurance Agency will reimburse funds not exceeding this threshold. Moreover, if you have several deposits in one bank, you will be able to receive only an amount not exceeding the specified limit for all deposits (including interest).

Therefore, if you are impressed by a certain deposit and you have an amount greater than 1.4 million rubles, it makes sense to look for a similar deposit in another bank and distribute the investment amount. It is also advisable to distribute deposits in the case when deposits are made for different periods.

Point 2. Deposit term

Opening a deposit always involves thinking about the investment period. This point must be taken into account as the main provision of the contract. Financial institutions focus mainly on the term of the deposit. The remuneration rate is not static and has its own amplitude.

Fixed rate deposits are made for a limited time and the extension of such investments depends on fluctuations in the economic situation. Long-term deposits are usually tied to the state bank rate and are directly dependent on exchange rates.

There lived an uncle with the most honest rules

and I couldn’t think of anything better,

How to leave a time deposit in a bank.

His heir apparent he called.

Yes, there are also savings, inheritance, children's, and pension deposits. Consider them based on the goals of the deposit, take into account all the details of the contract and the promised interest rates.

These are the most vulnerable deposits, because no one can foresee the economic situation. And guessing from the tea leaves in an unstable environment is a completely thankless task.

Point 3. Possibility of partial withdrawal of funds

Closed programs with an effective fixed rate, a minimum investment amount and a certain period attract the attention of investors with their increased interest rates. You cannot replenish such deposits, but you are allowed to withdraw accumulated interest.

In fact, it's almost dead money. If necessary, before the expiration of the contract, you will close the deposit with a fine or without interest. If you have withdrawn interest previously, it will be deducted from the deposit amount.

Programs with an irreducible threshold are also widespread. That is, some part of the deposit is frozen in the account, which cannot be used until the end of the contract. Typically this amount is 10% of the minimum deposit.

Point 4. Capitalization of the deposit

Please note the frequency of capitalization. The more often it is done, the higher the interest rates under the deposit program will be.

The general meaning of capitalization is the accrual of interest on already accrued interest.

Let's assume you made a deposit of 10,000 rubles. After a month, you are accrued interest on your income and the amount in your account is already 10,100 rubles. So, when capitalizing for the second month, interest will be accrued on 10,100 rubles. Next month the amount will be added to the already added interest and so on until the deposit term expires.

Point 5. Possibility of replenishing the deposit

Having the opportunity to replenish the deposit amount is another positive point. You get a mobile bank at your disposal.

Very often such deposits are used as current accounts.

Usage options:

  • payment for housing and communal services;
  • Internet payments;
  • social services;
  • payment for hired work.

By choosing deposits from which it is easy to withdraw and replenish your account balance, you will receive a lower interest rate, but you will manage the money on the deposit at your own discretion.

3. How to choose a reliable bank for deposit - 6 simple tips

You have to choose from large banks offering stable guaranteed deposits with reduced interest rates.

Or are you willing to take the risk? Medium and small banks, in order to attract customers, and, accordingly, obtain maximum profits, open programs that are much more profitable!

Deposits with high interest rates in small banks are subject to risks. Despite the fact that all deposits are insured, returning money from a bankrupt is an unpleasant procedure. It will cost both time and nerves.

Risk small amounts! Short-term deposits with high interest rates in a reliable bank can bring good income. We will consider further what criteria are used to determine the reliability of a bank.

Tip 1. Pay attention to the bank’s participation in the deposit insurance system

An indispensable condition for accepting deposits for Russian banks is accreditation with the Deposit Insurance Agency. The right to receive financial transactions is issued by the Central Bank, but upon receipt of the appropriate status in the insurance company.

Information on issued licenses is provided on the official website of the Central Bank of Russia. Check the bank's participation in the state insurance program, and also see whether the license was revoked and when the current one was issued.

Tip 2. Ask about the size of the authorized capital of the financial institution

How to determine how big a bank is? Depending on the assets! Own capital plus bank assets (depositors' funds, government and commercial lending) form capital adequacy, which currently amounts to 10-11%. It is calculated using the formula for the ratio of equity capital to attracted assets.

It is obvious that large banks attract customers with large sums, which small and medium-sized financial institutions cannot offer. Banks open to deposits have assets that are 8-10 times greater than their own capital.

Tip 3. Analyze the efficiency of employees and their attitude towards bank clients

Have you ever worked for interest? That is, as much as you could earn, that’s what you received?

Bought at a higher price, sold at a lower price - the formula works even for such complex structures as a bank.

Bank specialists work identically. The closer the client, the higher the salary. Some kind of official scammers. But! Everything is not as beautiful as their white collar looks. They plow just like you.

By speaking human language, you will resolve your issues faster than demanding justice and shaking your rights.

Tip 4. Pay attention to the format for calculating interest on the deposit

The mysterious word “capitalization”. When do you receive interest on the invested amount?

Does it really matter? Interest on interest, with the possibility of withdrawing accumulated interest, without the possibility of replenishment - the bank will always be a winner. Yes, the funds under the mattress will be of less use, but even here you will only receive a minimum compensation for inflation.

Perhaps everyone who is thinking about investing money is looking for a deposit at a high interest rate. It is the interest rate on the deposit that is the first criterion by which deposits are compared with each other. However, such a comparison would be incomplete. It is also important to take into account such a factor as risk.

Attention: the most up-to-date information on current rates and conditions - (updated weekly).

As you know, the state Deposit Insurance System guarantees each depositor of a bank participating in this system the safety of savings in the amount of up to 1,400,000 rubles. However, here's what a potential investor needs to remember.

  1. The most reliable bank is not only a large bank, but also the least risky. Lending institutions with state participation are least prone to risk - and our people are accustomed to trusting the state somewhat more than private business. It is no wonder that it is banks with state participation that lead the ratings in all respects, including the volume of funds raised on deposits. In addition, the leading banks have a wide (Gazprombank, VTB24) or very wide (Sberbank) network of branches throughout Russia - it is not surprising that they also “win” in terms of accessibility for depositors. Therefore, people for whom such parameters are the main thing choose Sberbank, Gazprombank, Rosselkhozbank, VTB.
  2. Private banks from the Top 50 are the choice of people who, trusting private capital to a greater extent, prefer high income on deposits. The fact is that these banks vigorously issue loans at not the smallest interest rates, due to which they can attract deposits at a high interest rate (higher than competitors with state participation). Among the most popular banks in this group we can mention Home Credit Bank, Russian Standard, and MTS Bank (places from 18th to 38th in the ranking of Russian banks). Now let’s look at what the banks mentioned above offer their depositors in February 2019 .


Perhaps this is the first bank that almost every Russian thinks about out of habit. Now Sberbank:

1 seasonal deposit “Catch the Profit” - from 7.1% to 7.65% per annum;

8 time deposits in rubles and dollars (up to 5.75% on the “Save” deposit in rubles);
- 6 deposits for owners of the “Sberbank First” and “Sberbank Premier” service packages - “Leader Save”, “Leader Replenish”, “Leader Manage” and “Special Save”, “Special Replenish”, “Special Manage”. Rates in rubles - from 4.70% to 6.85%, in US dollars - from 0.90% to 3.40%, in euros - 0.15% -1.0%.

3 online deposits in rubles and dollars (rates are higher than on time deposits, on average by 0.25%);
- 3 pension deposits.

Thus, it cannot be said that Sberbank attracts deposits at a high interest rate, because Sberbank’s deposit rates are low. But the risks are low, the choice is wide, and the conditions are flexible. A choice of replenishable and non-replenishable deposits is possible, with different interest payment schemes (at the end of the term, monthly, etc.), and the minimum amount (from 10 to 1000 rubles) is “achievable” for any person.


This bank offers several deposits on different conditions (we can say that VTB’s are about the same as Sberbank’s):

Seasonal deposit “Time of Growth”, opened until April 30, 2019 for 180 and 380 days, with a maximum rate of 7.60% (if opened online - 7.70%). For purchases over 75,000 rubles on the VTB Multicard, the deposit rate may increase to 9.2% per annum.

3 deposits opened in bank branches - Comfortable, Savings and Profitable at rates from 2.50% to 7.16% per annum in rubles, from 0.01% to 3.56% in US dollars, in euros - 0.01 % -0.96%.

3 deposits opened remotely in Internet banking - Comfortable-online, Saving-online and Profitable-online at the same rates, but with a lower initial investment amount.

Savings deposit with flexible terms in rubles. VTB Multicard owners have the opportunity to open a Savings Account at rates from 4% to 8.5% per annum, and the interest rate depends on the monthly amount of purchases on the Multicard.


This bank has a variety of deposit offers: there is an investment deposit, including investments in mutual funds (up to 8.2%), savings deposits for various purposes in rubles (up to 8.0%), dollars (up to 3.25%) or euros (up to 0.40%). A deposit for pensioners is also offered at 6.8%-7.5% in rubles, 1%-2.05% in dollars and 0.01%-0.35% in euros. Thus, the rates of this bank are approximately at the same level as the rates of Sberbank and VTB.


Rosselkhozbank offers a wide range of deposits. Almost all deposits can be opened remotely (maximum rates - up to 8.55% in rubles, 4.50% in dollars), 2 pension savings programs (up to 6.85%). Some deposits are standard savings accounts, the maximum rate for which reaches 6.45% in rubles, 3.40% in dollars, 0.65% in euros. The interest rates here are higher compared to some other banks, and the placement conditions are wider - interest at the end of the term or monthly, with/without replenishment, with partial withdrawal/without withdrawal, that is, for every taste.

Russian standard

This bank offers 6 deposits with a variety of interest payment schemes: the depositor has plenty to choose from. Rates on deposits in rubles - from 6.0% ("Universal") to 7.5% per annum ("Maximum Income +", "Pension!"), and in foreign currency - up to 1.0% on the "Maximum Income" deposit . Capitalization is not offered in most deposits, and the conditions are not the most flexible - this is the logical “payment” of the investor for high income.

Home Credit

Home Credit offers: two foreign currency deposits: up to 2.50% in US dollars and up to 0.5% in euros, several ruble deposits with different conditions: from 5.5% to 8.0% per annum, 2 deposits for pensioners can be opened in Russian rubles (from 6.2% to 7.7% per annum), another deposit in rubles can be opened at 7.7% per annum, with an amount of 1 million rubles. There are options for capitalization, partial withdrawal and replenishment by a certain amount. Thus, Home Credit is a good choice for those who want a good income and place funds for a period of 2 to 24 months.


MTS Bank offers 9 deposits in rubles/dollars/euro, including investment and pension. Rates in rubles for this bank range from 5.0-7.8%, and in foreign currency - from 0.01% to 3.30% per annum. You can choose a deposit with the most flexible conditions at a good interest rate. An additional 0.25% to the base rate can be received by clients opening a deposit in the Internet bank, as well as salary clients - with a deposit amount of 50,000 rubles or more.

Thus, it is most profitable to deposit money in one of the private banks. Especially if the deposit amount does not exceed 1,400,000 rubles, since such a deposit will be fully insured.

Deposits at high interest rates in Moscow are issued, as a rule, by banks specializing in consumer lending (Russian Standard, Tinkoff, Home Credit). But at the same time, you should very carefully study the conditions regarding replenishment, early withdrawal, etc., in order to make your deposit not only profitable, but also convenient in terms of using money.

Updated February 2019.